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"At My Signal, Unleash Hell" (Turn 3-4-5 Wins)

Modern Aggro BR (Rakdos) Budget



Creature (3)

Instant (8)

Sorcery (4)


Creature (4)

Instant (4)

Hi everyone! Welcome to the Hell!

This deck is clearly a homage to the cruelty of the Rakdos Guild. no combos, simply attack. The main purpose is to put the opponent under a constant and lethal pressure since the very first moments of the game, attack EVERY turn, since your powerful creatures won't be able to block in the most cases.

Let's give a look to the cards!


Gurmag Swiftwing : That's what I'm talking about when I talk about Aggro! Enchant him with a Madcap Skills and it will become a little flying terror!

Temur Battle Rage: Nice finisher for a pumped creature, and nice protection if it's blocked (thanks to the first strike)

Simian Spirit Guide:Recently added, this creature is great. It's a solid mana boost and from the first turns can give me a great mana advantage. For example, I can cast a Hellhole Flailer on turn 2, or an attacking Underworld Cerberus /Master of Cruelties with Madcap Skills on turn 4. That's so sweet.

Hellhole Flailer : If you play this, it must be unleashed. Attack, blocked, will destroy a creature if blocked, then sacrifice for 4 damage in da face.

Desecration Demon: One of the best flyer of the deck. It can attack on turn 3 with Generator Servant, and that's simply crazy.

Master of Cruelties: Try to deal with him on third turn, with the help of Generator Servant. Or with a Madcap Skills. That's ridiculously overpowered.

Underworld Cerberus : Ok, it's a 6/6 for 5 mana. Good. It's extremely evasive. Great. It shuts down graveyard-based decks. What the.. Gives me back every creature died in the party when he dies. Seriously?

Titan's Strength : Instant buff and free scry, great card.

Soul's Fire: In this deck it can easily deal 5-6 damage at low cost and instant speed.

Virulent Swipe : Great 4 damage boost, removal for fat creatures on a blocked/blocking Gurmag Swiftwing (who cares if I block your 50/50 flying trampler with a little bat?), and great finisher.

Madcap Skills: makes my creatures evasive and with a great attack boost.

Generator Servant: Makes my game A LOT faster.


Doom Blade: Simple and effective removal against most of the creatures. If the budget will permit, in the future I'll replace it with Terminate.

Mizzium Mortars: Say goodbye to tokens decks

Rakdos Charm: You know, this is THE side card. With two mana you try to can take care of Reanimator, Affinity, and it's simply a one-shot kill against Populate/Token decks. It's also a perfect combo with Underworld Cerberus !

Archfiend of Depravity: Great against weenie and tokens decks! and also, a 5/4 flyer for 5 is good.


Hellhole Flailer , Madcap Skills, Generator Servant, Mountain, Swamp, Mountain, Swamp

Turn 1: Swamp

Turn 2: Mountain, Generator Servant

Turn 3: land, sacrifice Generator Servant, Hellhole Flailer , Madcap Skills on Hellhole Flailer , swing with Hellhole Flailer for 7 (opponent: 13)

Turn 4: land, attack with Hellhole Flailer , if the damage dealt isn't enough sacrifice Hellhole Flailer for 7 direct damage. (7 combat damage + 7 direct damage = 14 damage; opponent: 0)


Gurmag Swiftwing , 2 Titan's Strength , Madcap Skills, Assault Strobe , Mountain, Swamp, then you need to draw a Mountain before the 3rd turn

Turn 1: Mountain

Turn 2: Swamp, Gurmag Swiftwing , swi(ftwi)ng for 1 (opponent: 19)

Turn 3: Mountain, Madcap Skills and Titan's Strength on Gurmag Swiftwing , swing for 7 (opponent: 12)

Turn 4: Titan's Strength on Gurmag Swiftwing , Assault Strobe , swing for 14 (opponent: 0) (you also have 1 free mana for another buff or something)

  PERFECT HAND #3 (Turn 4 or 5 Win) (THE CRUEL WIN)

2 Generator Servant, Master of Cruelties, Soul's Fire, Rogue's Passage, Mountain, Swamp

Turn 1: Mountain

Turn 2: Swamp, Generator Servant

Turn 3: Rogue's Passage, sacrifice Generator Servant, Master of Cruelties, swing. If the opponent can't block, (opponent: 1); if he can, blocking creature will be destroyed, possibly leaving his field empty.

Turn 4: land, now you have multiple choices. If the opponent has 1 life, Soul's Fire and win. You can also attack if he can't block; if he can, attack (destroying the blocker) and play Generator Servant.

Turn 5: land, sacrifice Generator Servant, activate Rogue's Passage targeting the Master of Cruelties, (opponent: 1), Soul's Fire, win.


Gurmag Swiftwing , Tainted Strike, Titan's Strength , Assault Strobe , Mountain, Swamp, Mountain (and a bit of SWAG)

Turn 1: Mountain

Turn 2: Swamp, Gurmag Swiftwing , attack if you feel it

Turn 3: Mountain, Tainted Strike, Titan's Strength , Assault Strobe on Gurmag Swiftwing , swing for 10 poison counters and win.

So, this is it! Thank you for the time you have put reading this! Any +1, comment or feedback is greatly appreciated, as usual!


Updates Add

So guys, today I checked the last spoilers from FRF. Do you think there are cards that could fit in this deck? For example, I like Temur Battle Rage and I was thinking about play it instead of [[assault strobe. let me know what you think! :D


Top Ranked
  • Achieved #25 position overall 10 years ago
Date added 10 years
Last updated 9 years

This deck is not Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

5 - 0 Mythic Rares

9 - 7 Rares

10 - 4 Uncommons

23 - 4 Commons

Cards 62
Avg. CMC 2.56
Folders modern worthy decks, Need to try!, Budget Decks, green ko, Mew, Maybe Decks, Shizzle in the nizzle nigga, awesome decks, Modern, awesome idea
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