For quite some time now I wanted to build a deck around Burn at the Stake and here it is.
The basic idea of the deck is to get a lot of tokens out and killing my opponent with Burn at the Stake while keeping alive with a little control and burn and looots of card draw.
The Cards:
Browbeat: this cad is just great all around. worst case scenario: 5 damage straight to my opponents face. best case scenaryo: I draw 3 cards and have a Chasm Skulker on the field and it gets 3 counters.
Burn at the Stake: the card this deck has been built around. tap ten tokens; fry everyone :D
Molten Birth
: lots of quite cheap tokens
Faithless Looting: this card helps sorting through my hand and buffs up Chasm Skulker at the same time for only one mana.
Give / Take: actually just in there for the take side but still really good. when taking of all the counters of a Chasm Skulker it puts them right back on and lets me draw a lot of cards simultaneously.
Hellion Eruption
: this is my second win con if I don't draw Burn at the Stake in time. Turning all my 1/1 tokens into 4/4s and swinging with them has won me more than one game.
Electrolyze: also quite straight forward, burning some small creatures and at the same time drawing a card and therefore boosting my Chasm Skulker
Fling: it's just so much fun flinging a big Chasm Skulker into my opponents face and then following up with either Burn at the Stake or
Hellion Eruption
Izzet Charm: one of my favourite cards ever and definitly one of the best cards in this deck. It can serve as a cheap counter, a burn or a card draw mechanic. All of this work well with Young Pyromancer and the card draw is also boosting Chasm Skulker.
Remand: small counterspell. Pretty cheap and boosting my Chasm Skulker
Young Pyromancer: I don't think I have to explain this to much in a deck thats over 50% Instants and sorceries do I?
Chasm Skulker: Lots of card draw; lots of counters; lots of squids; Lots of fun :D
Burn at the Stake
Chasm Skulker
is a kill with only a 6/6 chams skulker coming in at 21 damage total.
Just a quick word here in case you are wondering about my land choices; this is simply what I have and since am more of a casual player I'm not spending my money on expensive Lands.
Feedback is very much appreciated :D