atarka's fury

Standard* Nixin72


bretters says... #1

May I actually suggest no shock / wild slash but instead 2 Titan's Strength great to target the flames peaker with and maybe any other creature.

January 6, 2015 2:16 p.m.

Nixin72 says... #2

How did I forget Titan's Strength... Wow, yup, that's going in for sure. Running 4 of them right now until I switch up to devotion when frf comes out.

January 6, 2015 2:20 p.m.

bretters says... #3

January 6, 2015 2:33 p.m.

OzkanTheFlip says... #4

I actually ran a very strong mono-red devotion deck during last standard (ravnica block + theros) and it won me a few FNMs, it will run more midrange then you think. 1st Place FNM Red Devotion

Here are my suggestions

-2 Titan's Strength, -2 Hammer of Purphoros (Keep the hammers in the side board b/c you will only need them versus control) and +4 Dragon Mantle

Dragon Mantle is insanely threatening on your Double Strike and Flying Creatures, it's one mana for one devotion that sticks around, and it even cycles whenever you play it.

-1 Ashcloud Phoenix, -1 Fanatic of Mogis, +2 Chandra, Pyromaster

Chandra, Pyromaster is really good to clear a blocker from your path and her +0 ability will often be playable with Nykthos ramp

-1 Prophetic Flamespeaker, +1 Purphoros, God of the Forge

Purphoros, God of the Forge is completely worth it to have at least 2, maybe 3 in your deck. He will be active most of the time, shocks your opponent with every creature you play, and provides pump which you can use multiple times with your mana ramp

I decided to not run mono-red devotion this standard because we have lost cards the double and triple devotion cards of Burning-Tree Emissary, Ash Zealot, and Boros Reckoner, but I still believe that if you make the changes I suggested your deck could be very powerful

January 6, 2015 2:52 p.m.

Nixin72 says... #5

I actually only have purphoros in here for now since I don't have more stormbreath. I was playing dragon mantle in my sligh deck, but I want to keep my mana free to cast spells off the Prophetic Flamespeaker. I am going to test it though, cause with nykthos it can get insane. I don't like ashcloud without haste, and haste makes Fanatic of Mogis even better than he already is. I have Prophetic Flamespeaker for the card advantage Chandra gives, and for that one ability, he does it better. I apologize my thoughts here are so scattered, but how about this:

-2 Titan's Strength, +2 Dragon Mantle

-1 Ashcloud Phoenix +1 Dragon Mantle

-2 Hammer of Purphoros, +1 Stormbreath Dragon, +1 Purphoros, God of the Forge.

Your thoughts?

January 6, 2015 3:21 p.m.

Robson0 says... #6

Don't cut ashcloud for dragon mantle. Ashcloud is a great card.

January 9, 2015 3:30 a.m.

Nixin72 says... #7

I just don't like ashcloud cause he dies to everything then costs way too much to bring back. If he had haste, I'd play him.

January 9, 2015 7:58 a.m.

Nixin72 says... #8

Okay, tried playing a bit more wth ashcloud. Definitely worth it.

January 11, 2015 12:57 p.m.

Robson0 says... #9


January 11, 2015 1:22 p.m.

VampireArmy says... #10

Some extra stuff to bring into consideration :

why did you remove purphorous? was stormbreath overall better?

Break Through the Line : you have 11 targets and it might be relevent

Outpost Siege : extra cards or punishment for your opponents field wiping. Could def see sideboard play here

Collateral Damage : It's a standard lightning bolt.

January 12, 2015 10:50 a.m.

Nixin72 says... #11

I found Stormbreath much better. It's always a creature, has evasion, can attack the same turn as purphoros, and I never used purphoros' second ability and he's usually only dealing 2 damage per turn and getting chumped. Stormbreath I can also monstrous for a lot.

January 12, 2015 12:06 p.m.


I'm not even close to being a mono-red expert by any means, but Crater's Claws could be sweet with Nyx ramp. Deal a crap-ton of damage, especially with an active Purphoros or a Stormbreath. Maybe in place of the Twinflame? Just a thought. Your deck is giving me a lot of good ideas for mine, I'll put an update on my deck with your name on it. Thanks =)

January 12, 2015 4:20 p.m.

Nixin72 says... #13

I'd for sure consider using Crater's Claws, but not in place of Twinflame. Twinflame is unexpected and unless you can counter the spell itself, is often the last turn they're alive. Killing the creature in response to casting twinflame also doesn't cause the spell to fizzle because the wording on twinflame is choose and not target. Twinflame several creature i.e a stormbreath and ashcloud and carry away the game. Or a fanatic of xenagos for devotion damage. Plus, the token is a copy of the creature, so the token counts to double devotion if I choose something with double devotion. Twinflame is a beast. I would consider droping a stoke however. Since most of my creatures are beasts anyways, stoke is only good for removal, which claws can do just as well. I will definitely consider and try crater's claws as a singleton.

January 12, 2015 7:22 p.m.

Robson0 says... #14

Nope, twinflame definitely has the word target on it. If they can kill all the targets it definitely fizzles... and it can't copy creatures that get killed in response anyway.

Also craters claws has a little additional utility because it can kill creatures and it still does stuff when you don't control creatures or when cloning your guys wouldn't be good.

January 12, 2015 10:15 p.m.

Nixin72 says... #15

Yes twinflame has the word target. If it said "put a token onto that battlefield that's a copy of target creature you control" then yes, killing the creature in response to the spell is valid.

When it says "chose any number of target creatures" then because chose comes before the target, the burn in response isn't valid. According to my local FNM judge at least.

January 13, 2015 12:04 a.m.

Robson0 says... #16

Sounds like your local FNM judge doesn't know how targets work. Read rulings:

January 13, 2015 1:17 a.m.

VampireArmy says... #17

For Clarity :

4/26/2014: If all of the spells targets are illegal when the spell tries to resolve, it will be countered and none of its effects will happen. If one or more of its targets are legal when it tries to resolve, the spell will resolve and affect only those legal targets. It will have no effect on any illegal targets.

if you're going to correct someone please do so effectively :)

January 13, 2015 1:20 a.m.

Nixin72 says... #18

Okay, that's what I'd thought it was, but the player I was against asked to confirm, the wording grabbed his attention for some reason and called the judge. That's what he said, but I'll play with the ruling here.

January 13, 2015 4:42 p.m.

shadow63 says... #19

wow looks like a ton of fun +1 have you considered Crater's Claws the x mana cost would work well with nyxthos

January 15, 2015 5:56 p.m.

Nixin72 says... #20

I've considered Crater's Claws for sure, I'm just not sure i necessary with the bigger creatures. I would however like to find a place for it in sideboard against other midrange/monster decks to allow me to deal direct damage while saving my creatures for the defensive.

January 15, 2015 6:05 p.m.

itsdarsh says... #21

Having 4x Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx isn't a bad idea per se, but in mono-red, where dead draws are pretty bad, I'd only run 2 of them and sub in two mountains.

January 17, 2015 2:45 p.m.

selith69 says... #22

Wouldn't scry lands ultimately be better than the life lands?

February 2, 2015 5:15 p.m.

Nixin72 says... #23

Yes, 100%. At my local store though, no one likes trading lands, so unless you pull them or offer a really good trade, you're stuck with the budget stuff. I have terrible luck with packs, so I tend to stick with budget lands. I would like to have some Temple of Epiphany, but I don't find its worth going through the hassle of getting.

February 2, 2015 5:24 p.m.

Ezra-Andersen says... #24

Replace Valley Dashers with either +2 more Stormbreath or Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker. What about Mana Confluence? If you get either the Temples of Epiphany or the Mana Confluences, I'd take out the Mystic Monastery.

And where are the Prophetic Flamespeakers and Thunderous Mights?

I also recommend Circle of Flame (main board) to prevent agro from wreaking your face, unless those types of decks aren't in your meta.

February 5, 2015 8:06 p.m.

Nixin72 says... #25

I know flamespeaker and thunderous might aren't in right now... After them making the idea of the deck, I took them out. Prophetic flamespeaker was only good with thunderous might and thunderous might was only sub par on everything else. The deck benefits more from having less conditional cards. Guess I should update my description :P

I haven't gone to FNM for a while, so I need to go again before deciding on circle of flame, but I know when I used to play boss sleigh it kicked my ass so bad at game day.

As for stormbreath/sarkhan, right now I'm testing it out being slightly more aggro, but I'd definetely put in more if I come across someone trading them.

Lands, I know that temple are better, but I find it isn't worth the hassle of finding someone who a) is willing to trade them and b) wants something of mine. As for mana confluence, because the deck is mudrange, I don't think its worth loosing that life against aggro decks to be a turn slower. Especially since the deck sides into a burn deck that normally just tears through aggro builds.

February 5, 2015 8:23 p.m.

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