Atarka's Shamans

Standard* The_Wolf_Pack


Chandra, Pyromaster. One thing I've learned is that Chandra makes stuff not able to block. That's amazing in this deck. Like making a Rhino not able to block... makes me cry. Plus, card advantage! This deck seems hungry for cards (which Sarkhan can provide, giving that you ultimate him) and Chandra gives you plenty of cards. Because nobody can ultimate Planeswalkers anymore, her final ability is scrub here, and you'll never use it anyways, so yeah. And her art is the dopest Chandra art ever

January 3, 2015 6:01 p.m.

lakit says... #2

Like this deck only replace Heir of the Wilds with Stoke the Flames. +1

January 3, 2015 6:54 p.m.

I feel like 3 Stormbreath Dragons are a lot. Especially since their monstrous isn't super reliable.Also, you've got 2 Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker in there, so maybe you can drop one Dragon for a Stoke the Flames like lakit said or even a Chord of Calling, seeing as pulling out Ashcloud Phoenix, Polukranos, World Eater, or a Stormbreath Dragon would only be 7 mana. And it's fast.

But this deck looks monstrously nasty as it is. So +1

January 3, 2015 8:51 p.m.

The_Wolf_Pack says... #4

I decided no stokes because I just traded my only 2 for Dig Through Times, but Chord is worth considering. Thank you tough tangerinebeanmachine and lakit

January 4, 2015 6:06 p.m.

danthek84 says... #5

No Flamewake Phoenix????????????

January 18, 2015 8:07 p.m.

The_Wolf_Pack says... #6

I have no room for it sadly. Thank you tough. I also found they would just exile it and it's gone. Maybe it could replace Ashcloud Phoenix.

January 18, 2015 8:12 p.m.

alulien says... #7

Seems like a lot of Temur lists are settling on 4 mana accelerators in either Rattleclaw Mystic or Sylvan Caryatid and curving out with Stormbreath Dragon and Whisperwood Elemental. That said, there's a lot of variance in the 2/3/4 drop slots!

I had Temur Charm in my list for a while but took it out because I felt like it clogged up my 3-drop slot. Is there ever a time you would want to hold mana open for this rather than play Goblin Rabblemaster, Courser of Kruphix or Savage Knuckleblade? Aside from the very narrow situation where the board is stalled and opponent has weenies or tokens for the third mode, will you ever want to topdeck this card late-game? When I asked myself these questions I decided to go with Stubborn Denial which lends itself better to supporting weaknesses vs. midrange and control.

Why Ashcloud Phoenix in the sideboard? And what's the strategy behind Winds of Qal Sisma? Wild Slash brought in vs. aggro? What's the plan vs. Jeskai tokens?

January 18, 2015 10:43 p.m.

The_Wolf_Pack says... #8

Winds of Qal Sisma is to stop the the Jeskai Tokens deck by saying these are the blocks, then winding so they went-off for nothing.

Wild Slash is for the games when the games is against an agro deck, or a new emerging arch-type, Green/Blue Control summons's, which summon big dudes and counter your spells to win, and use Yisan Chord.

Ashcloud Phoenix is there to fight the Abzan decks, because it trades nicely or soaks up a lot of their removal spells.

I do like dropping Temur Charm, but I really like the versatility. What would you suggest for it instead?

January 19, 2015 1:54 p.m.

alulien says... #9

You asked me Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker or Arbor Colossus. And that depends. Are you seeing a lot of the legendary dragons in your meta? How about a bunch of opposing Stormbreath Dragon or even Prognostic Sphinx? Even if he's not being used for reach, he's a 6/6 on turn 5 and a 9/9 on turn 6. Tough to deal with. He blocks Sarkhan all day, too. On the flip Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker is a little more difficult to deal with (if +'d) and his ult is just nasty and straight wins you the game when you can just dump creatures on the board. It's a meta/playstyle call, really. Also card availability, big factor.

February 6, 2015 12:20 a.m.

The_Wolf_Pack says... #10

I have enough of both (sarkhan and arbor), and my meta has some flyers, but the double R is messing with me a lot in online games.. Also, is Whisperwood Elemental good enough in your opinion?

February 6, 2015 12:27 a.m.

alulien says... #11

Is easier to hit than ?

Whisperwood Elemental is awesome. I'm brewing a deck with him... colors are yet to be finalized. I don't think he brings enough to this list, personally. He's an extra draw, in a sense, but he can also sort of backfire and manifest a spell you wanted. If he's built around, I could see him working, but you're probably better off with a different 5-drop mainboarded here.

February 6, 2015 12:34 a.m.

The_Wolf_Pack says... #12

I decided he Whisperwood Elemental makes me go wide, and makes 2 creatures for them to remove. Sarkhan has also found a home in the main now.

February 8, 2015 11:25 p.m.

bigmike31 says... #13

This Deck seems okay but here are some tips for improvement! What is your strategy here ? I read it but its very complicated... Whats the Win conditions ? My suggestion is Build just a Dragon Deck. Remove Savage Knuckleblade, Den protector, shaman of the great hunt and death by dragon(6 mana for 1 5/5? only good in double headed giant) Thunderbreak and Stormbreath keep them on the sideboard.

Now go get some elvish mystic, Dragonlord Servant, You want to Ramp the mana to cast the dragons, keep them save with the ranger guile ! Have two Atarka World Render, 2 Dragonlord Atarka. 2 Frontier Siege, 2 Descent of dragon( once you have enough mana ramp, destroy all your mana dork and replace them with 4/4 Dragons.) Drop the two legendary and then you just won the game.

March 9, 2015 12:43 a.m.

The_Wolf_Pack says... #14

Death by dragon's is a replacement card for Descent of Dragons, because when I made the deck the card was not on tappedout.

Den Protector I am making a sideboard card for the return of a card affect, Dragonlord's Servant will be taking it's place. Dragonlord Atarka might replace Atarka, World Render when I am able to get 2 and if playtesting goes well. Savage Knuckleblade is so when they play Crux of Fate name dragons, I don't just lose the game, but I have a viable 6/6 swinging back at them. Frontier Siege might be added for 2 Shaman of the Great Hunt, but the shaman as a 2 of as far down as I'm willing to go because of card draw.

Thank you for your help bigmike31

March 9, 2015 8:33 p.m.

bigmike31 says... #15

yea but if they do crux of fate you and they might do it the mana dork will become 4/4 dragon with haste and triggers on the enchantement you win the game ! its always good to have descent of dragons as a backup!. I saw some removal from green for two mana that got spoiled today. Very good against the blue/black douchebag control deck. The card let you destroy at instant speed a black or blue noncreature permanent or permanent you control cant be the target of blue or black spells :) which haha its going to be funny destroying their control :) DRAGONS FOR THE WING !!!!

March 9, 2015 11:09 p.m.

alulien says... #16

Dragonlord Atarka does 5 damage divided as you choose between creatures and 'walkers, not players unfortunately.

Our lists look very similar and I think it really just comes down to playstyle: I'm main FRF Atarka, you're main DTK Atarka, etc. I think the only question I have with your list is the Dragonlord's Servant because you're only running 11 dragons (+2 if you draw Sarkhan and - him). It seems like a lot of the time you'll just be playing a 1/3 who sits around for a while and only impacts the mid-late game, but maybe that works as a 2 of. Any reason you're not running Elvish Mystic for stupid things like 5 mana on turn 3?

March 11, 2015 11:23 a.m.

The_Wolf_Pack says... #17

I think Elvish Mystic will take Dragonlord's Servant's spot for now, because I do want to get 3 mystic's mainboard. I also chose to play the DTK atarka because with Dragon Tempest I can play Atarka, deal 8 at them, kill their flier with 5 toughness or less (like a tapped DTK ojutai or DTK silumgar!), then hit them for another 8 assuming I killed their only other flier, leaving them at a low life total.

Then that's when Thunderbreak Regent's Lightning Bolt to the face come in handy, either killing them or leaving them at a low life total.

March 11, 2015 6:19 p.m.

alulien says... #18

How is Dragonlord Atarka dealing 8 at them, dealing 5 to a flier, and then swinging for 8? The 5 to a flier, sure. Swinging 8, sure. But "dealing 8"? Dragon Tempest will only deal 8 damage if there are 7 other dragons on the field when Atarka enters. I'm not disputing that DTK Atarka is awesome, I'm just not seeing where the initial 8 comes from.

March 11, 2015 7:51 p.m.

The_Wolf_Pack says... #19

I misread Dragon Tempest wrong, but it still deals a good 2 or 3. Thank you for making me read the card twice!

March 12, 2015 9:13 p.m.

baddabiiing says... #20

Why are Haven of the Spirit Dragon and Mana Confluence not in here? seems silly not to.

March 14, 2015 7:25 p.m.

The_Wolf_Pack says... #21

1-2 Haven I might put in, but Confluence is to expensive. The problem I have with Haven is that I can only use the mana on DRAGON CREATURE's which is a big problem if you have no dargons because they all died to removal.

Thank you for commenting however baddabiiing

March 14, 2015 8:08 p.m.

Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker is still a viable option for this deck and even that Dragon shaman dude that reduces the cost of your dragons could help. I'd like to see 4 Stormbreath Dragon in here. He's still likely the best Dragon in standard. Him and Thunderbreak Regent will be nightmares.

March 14, 2015 9:30 p.m.

The_Wolf_Pack says... #23

Sarkhan might make the sideboard, because I do own 2. He might just be the 4th and 5th Stormbreath.

Thanks for posting UpperDeckerTaco

March 14, 2015 9:38 p.m.

Would you take a look at my deck: More Of This Stuff

March 14, 2015 9:42 p.m.

xtinguish says... #25

I would run Surrak, the Hunt Caller instead of Shaman of the Great Hunt

Sylvan Caryatid is better than Rattleclaw Mystic 4/5 times

I'm also not sure what Whisperwood Elemental does for the deck and I'd run a See the Unwritten instead.

March 23, 2015 10 p.m.

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