Athreos' Devout Warriors

Casual AgnosticPriest

SCORE: 87 | 117 COMMENTS | 22818 VIEWS | IN 48 FOLDERS

subzero727 says... #1

I like Sorin in the 75 somewhere. Seems Relevant. It also Seems bad not to have any removal. Murderous cut, Bile blight and Heros downfall are all nice. Not to mention the white removal. Maybe have your SB be all removal spells and swap All discard spells including the creature with removal to throw them off?

January 10, 2015 12:31 a.m.

subzero727 says... #2

...also loose the Chiefs of the Scale since your going aggro?

January 10, 2015 12:33 a.m.

AgnosticPriest says... #3

Yeah, I would deff mainboard a few Sorin if I had him on hand, I run the Ajani that I currently have instead. I completely agree on the removal, I sided in Bile Blight constantly at FNM tonight; my worries about Murderous Cut is not having much of a graveyard because most likely creatures go back to my hand so they wont take 3 from Athreos... so Downfall is probably superior here since it hits Walkers too. - That's something that hadn't crossed my mind about Chief/Scale, the deck started off tribal warrior, so hes been around since the beginning... but youre probably right, having the +0+1 isn't that much help, most things are still within a Lightning Strike or a B Blight even with it. What would you swap it out for? I feel like Oreskos Swiftclaw would be a contender for that spot...

January 10, 2015 1:01 a.m.

AgnosticPriest says... #4

Spirit Bonds seemed to be way less effective than I had hoped for too... kind of disappointing, but theres two more slots to fill with more useful ammo I guess

January 10, 2015 1:02 a.m.

wisegreenbean says... #5

You have very little to activate prowess in here. I think Seeker of the Way is wasted here. Perhaps Mardu Woe-Reaper or Mardu Strike Leader.

Valorous Stance is also a nice addition. That versatility makes it great to have in hand.

January 13, 2015 7:10 p.m.

AgnosticPriest says... #6

Yeah, I haven't bothered to add in any of FRF yet, I was going to wait until I can scope the whole set before getting all antsy over the spoilers, lol (Valorous Stance is one Im deff looking forward to tho!!) - I deff agree about the lack of prowess trigger, but the whips cover life-gain, so the prowess is just kinda gravy, not totally necessary. As soon as Fate hits Seeker will surely be dropped for a more applicable Warrior. Appreciate the feedback tho, I might seek you out for another critique after the new set hits, haha! : )

January 13, 2015 7:28 p.m.

With fate reforged things are getting interesting. My deck:

B/W; Warriors; Fate Reforged Playtest

Standard* [email protected]


January 14, 2015 5:31 a.m.

i_am_the_slime says... #8

I like Return to the Ranks in these warrior decks. You should have no problem bringing back 5-6 warriors late game. Bringing back Brain Maggot could be interesting too but maybe only earlier in the game.

January 15, 2015 6:34 p.m.

AgnosticPriest says... #9

Haha, that's kinda funny you mention it, I was running Return/Ranks in the first draft of this deck (before adding Athreos) ...but with Athreos bringing things back to hand, it seemed less applicable. (the whip would interfere as well, but its there more for lifegain than whipping creatures back) - but youre dead on about that- reviving Brain Maggots usually gets under peoples skin pretty quick; opponents tend to happily take the three damage instead of sending it back to my hand lol. Appreciate the input, Slime! Cheers! :)

January 15, 2015 6:43 p.m.

I would replace the Oreskos Swiftclaw with Mardu Woe-Reaper, it gives you another 2/1 Warrior for 1 mana and has a bonus graveyard hate effect which also give you life ;o

Have you tried Spear of Heliod for another Anthem to boost your Warriors plus devotion to Athreos, and comes built with a bit of removal?

January 20, 2015 2:11 a.m.

I was actually running the Spears in the old Warrior list, which was before adding in Athreos... so it never even hit me about the cheap devotion there; that's a super good point!!

And youre probably right about the Woe-Reaper being applicable here. and the Swiftclaws are deff next up on the chopping block, I just hadn't decided on a good replacement for it yet.

Thanks a ton for the critique man, cheers!!

January 20, 2015 2:32 a.m.

Magic45 says... #12

how did this do at FNM?

January 27, 2015 11:37 p.m.

llHESHLORDll says... #13

+1 from me, I love Orzhov Warrior decks! Check out my (Similar, but human) build! After looking at your list I might need another Athreos, God of Passage!

Warriors of the Shadowfell Playtest

Standard* llHESHLORDll


January 28, 2015 10:35 p.m.

Thanks! Athreos is deff a boss in these faster weenie decks; I love being able to swing in with the whole team, and then recast anyone that dies during my second phase - leaving me with some chump blockers who will then die, most likely go to my hand... just to be cast during my next turn, haha! He helps maintain really strong board presence, but keeping the creatures cheap is pretty key. Easy re-cast, and no wasted colorless Devotion make one drop Warriors Athreos' best friend without a doubt! (I should probably run 4X Woe-Reapers.. but the Strike leaders spit TWO-ONE tokens out, and the Hordechief is just an unbelievable four drop ... so I guess three Reapers it is! haha

January 28, 2015 11:40 p.m.

BotaNickill says... #15

Looks good man! I knew I wan't the only one thinking of the warrior deck! +1 Thanks for checking out my Build!

February 1, 2015 3:31 p.m.

I built this deck and play tested it with my wife using a heroic white/blue (3-1, 4-0 FNM Record) and then a Jeskai Aggro (3-1, 2-2, 3-1 FNM Record) and it performed quite well. It handily won 7 of 10 games against the Jeskai Aggro deck, and it was very close with the Heroic deck, going 6 of 10. It had problems keeping up with the pump of the Heroic deck, but if it goes past turn 5 I had the win.

Overall this is a really great deck, I am taking it to FNM tomorrow and will post results here on how it does.

February 5, 2015 11:45 a.m.

HyourinmaruX1 says... #17

I would definately recommend Spear of Heliod and Thoughtseize. In my opinion Mardu Shadowspear is really bad, and i think in this deck, Banishing Light is sub-optimal removal. You have Obelisk of Urd in your maybeboard, try using that, i think it will work out well.

February 8, 2015 10:25 a.m.

Obelisk seems like itd fit well here, but if I draw it too early its dead weight. Running it 1x seems futile, and I probably wouldn't want to draw more than one - Spear of Heliod was in there for a while too, but the +1+1 isn't that great, and it seemed I rarely had open mana to use its removal option- not worth 1WW. - I really think Ban Light trumps in the removal department... its a three drop just like Downfall, its less color demanding, and can hit anything on the field not just walkers or creatures, and less importantly sticks around for 1 devo to Athreos. - In most builds, Id agree with you about Shadowspear, but when things are consistently getting bounced to my hand (Athreos) its pretty nice having a fairly cheap 'Dash' option. - Thoughtseize is an amazing asset to have (depending on how far in the game things are) but itd just take up valuable creature / removal space. I want to be dropping as many warriors as fast as possible, dealing with threats as they come along, instead of self infliction as an attempt to prevent them. --- I appreciate the suggestions tho, cheers!

February 8, 2015 10:51 a.m.

You, my former friend, are the embodiment of a truly evil mtg player.

Athreos, God of Passage is in my opinion the best god, despite the fact that I have never used him or had to face him. I am probably over speculating his power, but a black / white aggro deck is one of the scariest things I can imagine. I honestly am not sure how an aggro deck can lose once he hits the field, unless he is taken care of, which is not an easy feat for any color but white or maybe blue.

I am probably just inexperienced in facing him, but he is one of the only cards I live in fear of.

Good luck making friends at the card shop while you run him.

+1 from me out of fear.

February 25, 2015 9:33 p.m.

Deicide isn't just a great metal band, but also one of the ways to deal with Athreos once he hits the court, haha! Either that or Banishing Light, Utter End - AND - I did just have someone wait until Athreos was online as a creature, then hit me with Crackling Doom. That one hurt! Thanks for the feedback tho, cheers!

February 25, 2015 9:59 p.m.

quesobueno123 says... #21

Decently budget deck under 300 is nice and budget for standard. Great deck! +1

February 28, 2015 7:24 a.m.

Yeah, I can see how its gotten a little less budget than the original list (which didn't include Athreos or Sorin) I guess editing the hubs since just hadn't crossed my mind. But Bueno is right, a few hundred bucks can be arguably budget (at my LGS the average is profoundly more than two hundred)

February 28, 2015 12:38 p.m.

ZeGinger says... #23

I had the plans to build a standard deck just like this. Good job, I may just use this as reference :)

March 4, 2015 11:37 p.m.

Thanks!! : )

March 5, 2015 4:26 p.m.

LumpyMilk says... #25

Maybe Utter End for some more removal if you would need it. Also maybe SB Ultimate Price Good deck +1

March 11, 2015 7:45 p.m.

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