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Atla Palani, Dragon Tender | Primer

Commander / EDH* Dragons Flying RGW (Naya) Tokens


If it comes for you, die boldly or die swiftly—for die you will.

Intro goes here

There are several dragons that we can run in so which ones do we choose from? This decks main focus is generating mana and tokens to overwhelm opponents. This criteria narrows down the selection a bit. I have split the dragons into three categories: Mana, Tokens, and Utility. Cards with next to their name are pieces to an infinite combo listed down in Wincon/Combos.

      Mana Dragons: These dragons will help cover the cost of dragons in our hand since Atla makes our dragons essentially cost 2. These are the core dragons of the deck and these will be hard to replace until Wizards of the Coast just prints better dragons.
      Token Dragons: These dragons are what swarm the board and make us a huge threat. These can also set up into some combos or even outright kill the board given the right utility.
      Utility Dragons: These are the dragons that make all of the others shine. They are combo outlets/protection/value pieces that work best when the other dragons are doing there job at pumping out mana or creating more dragons.

    Enchantments are the main supports for the deck and what will overwhelm our opponents. These enchantments will synergize with our dragons abilities, give our creatures haste, give us more dragons, or offer us mana and card advantage. Cards with next to their name are pieces to an infinite combo listed down in Wincon/Combos.

      Haste enablers are what let us put threats onto the battlefield and will have our opponents scrambling to have an answer on our turn. These give us the opportunity to create a massive board state out of no where.
        • Barbarian Class Offers support to our D&D dragons and has a slow haste effect
        • Dragon Tempest is the best haste enabler in the deck and allows us to do compounding damage with every dragon
        • Fires of Yavimaya provides haste and a temp buff if we need it
        • Rhythm of the Wild prevents our creatures from being countered and lets us choose haste or a buff.
      The next set of enchantments doubles or dragons or allows us to cheat dragons into play. These are extremely fun to play with and are cards to look for when mulling.
        • Descendants' Fury lets us roulette for another dragon if we need to find an answer or turn our token dragons into real ones.
        • Flameshadow Conjuring doubles all of or dragons when they etb for
        • Molten Echoes is a strictly better Flameshadow Conjuring as there is no cost
        • Life Finds a Way populates our eggs or our dragon tokens
        • Rain of Riches is a flavor way to cheat cards into play whenever you cast cards with treasures
        • Sneak Attack lets us cheat creatures into play on the downside that they are sacrificed at the end of the turn
    Enchantments go here
    Card exclusions go here
    This deck seeks to win through infinite combat steps with Aggravated Assault and Hellkite Charger. Listed below are ways to create mana to go infinite with either of the extra combat makers. Combos with * need a good roll to go infinite. Barbarian Class helps to get the desired rolls.
    Atla's ability lets her loop creatures or put all the dragons in the deck onto the battlefield under the right circumstances. Listed below are fun combos specifically with Atla Palani, Nest Tender in play.
        Maskwood Nexus gives all of your creatures the egg creature type. This paired with any sacrifice outlet lets you continuously sac a creature and flip into a new dragon. Ideally, you have 2 other creatures out and find Lathliss, Dragon Queen + any other dragon to create a token. Sac the tokens to put your entire board onto the battlefield.
      Using the Maskwood Nexus set up, you can always flip Arashin Sovereign infinitely to create: Alta has a staff that makes her super powerful. Thornbite Staff has a great discount with shamans and lets Atla untap whenever she hatches an egg and doubles as a makeshift sac outlet for. This paired with Ashnod's Altar is conveniently enough mana to continuously hatch eggs until we have run out of creatures in the deck.
        Life Finds a Way populates every time a creatures with power 4 or greater enters the battlefield. As long as every creature has power 4 or greater in our library, we can continuously populate if we have 2 eggs in play. Hatch an egg through one of the outlets listed above and populate the other egg resulting in every dragon finding their way onto the board. Im currently on Ganax, Astral Hunter which will end this combo.
      Ancient Gold Dragon has a chance to insta kill the table! Swing in and attack with Scourge of Valkas or Dragon Tempest on the table and hope you win the coin flip. The dragons enter the battlefield at the same time so they see each other and the Ancient Gold Dragon which results in tons of damage.
        Here is the breakdown because I think its funny. (Based on players life totals being 40 and Dragon Tempest on the field. Scourge of Valkas increases the odds)
    • A roll of 6 will kill 1 person - 6x7 = 42dmg
    • A roll of 9 will kill 2 people - 9x10 = 90dmg
    • A roll of 11 will kill 3 people - 11x12 = 132dmg
    • The odds of killing 1 person is 75%, killing 2 people is 60%, killing the table is 50%.
      Please leave suggestions in the comments! Any help is appreciated!


      Updates Add

      I have decided to make cuts and have this be 100% dragons. Ive been going back and forth between being competitive or dragon themed. So I'm going to try and have this deck be the most efficient Atla dragon deck it can be. There are still combos but they mainly focus on infinite attack steps or Maskwood Nexus. For those looking for my competitive version of Atla, you can view that list here.


      99% Casual


      Revision 77 See all

      (7 months ago)

      +2 Urza's Incubator main
      Top Ranked
      Date added 4 years
      Last updated 7 months
      Exclude colors UB

      This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

      Rarity (main - side)

      23 - 0 Mythic Rares

      38 - 0 Rares

      19 - 0 Uncommons

      8 - 0 Commons

      Cards 100
      Avg. CMC 3.63
      Tokens Copy Clone, Dinosaur 3/1 R, Dragon 1/1 RG, Dragon 2/2 R, Dragon 4/4 R, Dragon 5/5 R, Dragon 6/6 R, Dragon Egg 0/2 R, Egg 0/1 G, Faerie Dragon 1/1 U, Shapeshifter 2/2 U, Treasure
      Folders Food For Thought, decks, EDH, Ideas, My Favorites, Good Primers, red green white, EDH (in the works), Late Stage, X - EDH Inspiration - COMBOS
      Ignored suggestions
      Shared with