UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT | Victoria Angelica!

Commander / EDH* Decisive


LordNazahn says... #1

Metallic Mimic in place of Oath of Ajani maybe, sure Ajani can get more counters at once but then becomes obsolete since your only running one walker

Vault of the Archangel in place of Reflecting Pool as a test? If your mana colors seem to typically work out the added ability to give deathtouch and lifelink, combined with Archangel of Thune can make things big real fast.

Stoic Angel over Moat for a slight 'budget' cut and another angel :P But yes i know it won't have the same impact

Sublime Archangel to replace Platinum Angel or Exquisite Archangel to give an alternate win con, attack with one super powered angel, leaving defense up incase you don't have vigilance, or to avoid losing the board state to something like bouncing or exiling all attacking creatures

April 5, 2017 5:44 a.m.

LordNazahn says... #2

Ugh can't edit my last post, anyway I didn't count personally but i see Defy Death under two categories, and while it makes sense since it fills both roles just wanted to make sure that the deck doesn't have 2 copies by accident

April 5, 2017 5:46 a.m.

Decisive says... #3

I'll try the vault, along with the mimic.

Stoic Angel has its own drawbacks, it does mean that if Atraxa and Marshal aren't in play, stoic will prevent me from doing a lot of damage.

Since I don't really like exquisite angel that much, I'll test sublime out.

Also, if you change the categories back to a default one (Type, Converted Mana Cost, etc) you'll see that there's only one copy of each card.

Thanks for the suggestions DarkEclipse18

April 5, 2017 12:08 p.m.

dotytron says... #4

i would suggest a few more planeswalkers personally i like Tamiyo, Field Researcher and Venser, the Sojourner or any of the sorins for this list

April 21, 2017 3:25 a.m.

Decisive says... #5

dotytron, Tamiyo and Sorin are good options, but I need to remove cards for those two, any suggestions?

April 21, 2017 11:28 p.m.

dotytron says... #6

Mirari's Wake feels slow, and i dont feel like Angelic Destiny really adds a whole lot, thats what i would cut

April 22, 2017 12:44 a.m.

You said your problem was lack of synergy and consistency, and i'll address those:

At least, with your neat organization, you show that you only have 2 sources of card draw, and I think adding more would give you more consistency.

Adding cards like Rhystic Study and Ob Nixilis Reignited can draw you cards, as well as taxing your opponents, or being able to destroy creatures.

If you bought the atraxa precon, Fathom Mage works really well with atraxa, and your deck should be able to easily trigger fathom mage, which will draw you at least a card a turn, and definitely more.

If you want another way to end the game with your angels, you could use Triumph of the Hordes. That lets you easily take out a single opponent, and you only have to do 10 damage (or a bit more, depending on what your playgroup decides on).

July 18, 2017 10:36 p.m.

Decisive says... #8

WiltLeafElves, though Fathom Mage is a good card, it goes too far off my theme. Also, I've seen Atraxa infect decks, and I consider the whole poison counter effect broken in EDH, and I don't want to transform my deck into that. As for Rystic and Ob, you got any suggestion about what could be removed to make room for one of them? or even both?

July 18, 2017 10:54 p.m.

Sublime Archangel only seems to help you get 1 more damage, and only if your creature attacks alone. Seems better to cut it for card draw so you can add counters to your angels, or draw a different "wincon".

Chromatic Lantern also doesn't seem to be doing much, for 3 mana, it only taps for 1, and almost all your lands tap for multiple colors, so the additional ability is only a minor benefit.

I also don't think that many cards like Moat and Magus of the Moat are necessary. Unless you can fully lock out your opponents, they will most likely try to target you.

July 18, 2017 11:04 p.m.

Decisive says... #10

WiltLeafElves, Sublime Archangel gives all creatures I control Exalted, meaning that If I have 4 angels plus sublime in play, and attack with only 1 creature, it gets +5/+5. Good for doing commander damage, or keeping creatures back for defense (If a vigilance enabler isn't in play.) As for Lantern and Magus, good idea.!

July 18, 2017 11:09 p.m.

Enral says... #11

Thoughts on Tooth and Nail?

August 14, 2017 2:17 p.m.

Decisive says... #12

That's gonna go to maybe. It's incredibly expensive, but it helps cheat in 2 creatures which can be game ending (Avacyn and Empyrial for example). A tought choice, if I were to add it, do you have any suggestion on what to remove to make room for it, Enral?

August 14, 2017 4:13 p.m.

Enral says... #13

I would say replace it with one of your planeswalkers or reanimation spells. Since you run a bunch of reanimation spells, you can cheat your more expensive angels out with discard outlets like Geier Reach Sanitarium/Compulsion/Survival of the Fittest.

August 14, 2017 4:51 p.m. Edited.

Enral says... #14

I would actually suggest cutting all of your planeswalkers (doesn't go with your angel theme anyways) for the cards I suggested above.

August 14, 2017 4:59 p.m.

ohmless says... #15

I am not so much of a fan of tamiyo. I like everything else. +1'ed

August 14, 2017 7:34 p.m.

Mint0055 says... #16

I'm also working on an atraxa angel tribal. A few things ive found that might help your deck:

Enchantments:Cradle of Vitality will help you throw alot of counters on your angels making them even bigger threats that will only grow bigger with Atraxa.

Angelic Accord since you can gain at least 4 life every time you deal damage with Atraxa you can throw down some mean angel tokens. There is also the better known Luminarch Ascension but that is a huge target. Your running decent protection though so may work for you. My favorite is Entreat the Angels cast it for Its miracle cost and just sweep the board with angels. These are obviously all weak to board wipes which the rest of your deck seems to benefit from so I could see you not including these but I find them great since most angels cost so much mana.

Duelist's Heritage can really help you hit for crazy damage with any of your bigger angels.

Cathars' Crusade I'm sure you have already considered this and I know the deck isnt built around Atraxas proliferate but I feel Angels are just meant to have counters placed on them to truly dominate the skies over dragons and other big creatures. Pair this card with one of the token generators I mentioned above plus Atraxa and you will have some serious threats.

I have found Frontier Siege useful in helping with mana. You also get the option to use your flyers to take out your opponents blockers and other pesky creatures without using up your control cards or risky combat. Its sister card Citadel Siege helps either throw more counters on angels or tap down blockers (or the scary Eldrazi eyeing you across the table).

Removal:I dont know many good ones that arent in white (and you have more than enough cards running white) but I will still recommend a half white card Sylvan Reclamation because of the options to exile stuff or landcylcle. And in 4 colors, you need dem lands.

Recursion:You have most of the best ones so I can only suggest Necromantic Summons since you get more counters to exploit. The high manna cost weighs against it compared to your cheaper options so this is definitely a 50/50.

Card draw:I definitely recommend you get at least 3-5 more card draw cards since that's a big game decider often in EDH. There are too many good ones to list here but I will say Brilliant Spectrum since you have 4 colors (though there are many cards that will let you draw that many cards without discarding that are more expensive) and Tezzeret's Gambit since proliferating is important for those mana rocks and lands with counters on them. Mana is huge in an angel deck. Speaking of which...

Mana Ramp:There are the obvious green ramp spells like Cultivate and Rampant Growth (personally I go with Map the Wastes for that bolster counter) and I recommend any of them if You can since 4 color decks need help with the mana base. Having Astral Cornucopia is a great choice, but you should also swing Everflowing Chalice since it does the same with colorless mana. Mana is really important in a deck with so many high costing creatures, even if your cheating them out alot with reanimation cards. Also lands like Dreadship Reef that can be proliferated. If you have room for it, I find Alchemist's Refuge useful for flashing in big angels as blockers or on my opponents end step so I get to attack with it on my turn without it risking being removed off the board (angels are big targets after all).

Cards to remove: Avacyn, Angel of Hope and Akroma, Angel of Wrath are very good angels, but their very high mana cost combined with them having 3 white in the casting cost really hurts in a 4 color deck. Cards like reanimation do help you cheat them out, but you aren't going to be able to do that often enough to balance it out. If you dont run into a mana problem when you play the deck however then they are fine additions.

Sublime Archangel very good angel but maybe not good in this deck since you may not ever have more than 3 or 4 angels out at once and you will want to be able to attack with all of them.

Sigarda, Host of Herons also a great angel, but since you have so much graveyard recursion, may not be the worst thing to have to sacrifice them. She is amazing still though and only take her out if you have nothing else to take out and you have an even better angel to replace her with.Fractured Identity I like this card a lot but doesnt seem to have anything to do with the deck. Maybe replace it with something like Crackling Counterpart? Then you have 2-3 awesome versions of one of your own angels.

I hope this was helpful. Angels are what got me into commander and are my absolute favorite type of card. Atraxa is perfect for filling in the weak points of an angel deck and is an amazing commander. Flavor is also extremely important to me when I build decks and you have alot of it in yours which is good to see. Atraxa is the single most popular commander in EDH right now and with good reason, but with all the proliferate and infect decks people are making you can swing in out of no where with angels and just wreck people. Now go destroy everyone with the best creature type in the game!

August 23, 2017 3:11 a.m.

Decisive says... #17

Mint0055 I'd just like to say thank you for such a thoughtful comment. I appreciate all your suggestions.

I find that the lifegain aspect, or atleast in my eyes, is underused in this deck. So the cards you suggested that prosper with lifegain are worth additions.

Cradle of Vitality: Amazing card, solid booster for my angels. A good replacement for Sublime Archangel

Angelic Accord: I find that it's harder to bypass its ability when compared to Luminarch Ascension. As all I have to do is gain life rather than not lose any. Plus it is far less to likely to make my opponents want to hit me.

Luminarch Ascension: As I said, easier to bypass. Yes, I can proliferate, but unless drawn and played early it may never get a counter to proliferate.

Entreat the Angels: It's an incredibly expensive manasink, and you suggested I cast it using Miracle, but issue is, if drawn early or too late, it becomes dead weight

Duelist Heritage: Solid addition, very potent and makes Atraxa incredibly scary (Giving her any sort of first strike makes her the most potent angel in the deck.)

Cathars Crusade: It works amazingly with token generators, yes, but the ones that I am willing to consider would greatly reduce the power of Cathars Crusade. Maybe 1 or 2 counters a turn (Excluding Proliferate) on existing creatures. Underwelming but a maybe.

Citadel Siege: Tapping a creature seems kinda redundant as chances are the opponent doesn't have enough flyers to stop me (If any at all), and the +1/+1's can only be placed on 1 creature.

Frontier Siege: Maybe. Only truly useful is Khans. Most of my angels are quite small relative to big common threats when they enter the battlefield. May be an include as it works well with Angelic Accord.

Sylvan Reclamation: Powerful card, provides draw if it becomes dead weight. Return to Dust may be better. We'll see which works best.

Necromantic Summons: Seems like a more expensive but more versatile Defy Death. A 50/50 it is.

Brilliant Spectrum: Painful Truth is better, cheaper, and you don't lose the cards you draw.

Tezzerets Gambit: Expensive, deck isn't focussed around proliferating, better alternatives.

Cultivate: Maybe....just maybe....

Rampant Growth: See Above

Map the Wastes: Bolster 1 is kinda bad as it targets the least powerful, which sometimes isn't the target I want it to be. (Plus it's kinda useless if I have no creatures in play.)

Everflowing Chalice: I had it in the deck before, had many people tell me it was a mistake removing it, so I may re-include it. It has its ups and downs, so it's a maybe.

Storage Lands: I don't like the storage lands as they are useless for colored-mana production when they enter the battlefield, require mana to get a single counter, require Atraxa to be in play...kinda underwhelming.

Alchemist's Refuge: Amazing card, worth considering greatly.

Removing cards:

Avacyn: She's amazingly powerful, has saved my life more than I'd like to admit (She "combos" well with Empyrial Archangel)

Akroma: Powerful angel, has haste and trample, base P/T is 6/6. Not to mention how she stops most single removal. She's been in play in almost all my games.

Sublime: She's been useful when it comes to getting through a crap ton of lifegian decks, as commander damage became my only real way of winning. But thats really the only time she's been useful. (I guess she's good if someone has crawlspace or Silent Arbiter) I'll consider removing her.

Sigarda: Honestly, she's in here to prevent Annihilator Triggers, Stax Decks, and Wasitora. She's also a 5/5 beater for 5, with hexproof. If her ability proves less than useful, she'll always be a good attacker/defender.

Fractured Identity: I agree it, in a multiplayer format, is a kind of hindrance to me. But I wouldn't replace it with Crackling Counterpart as it's an expensive Rite of Replication (More expensive altogether compared to Rite altogether.)

Once again. I'd like to thank you for your suggestions and comment overall. Thanks!

August 27, 2017 12:03 a.m. Edited.

xander11 says... #18

I personally think your cmc is too high as is and adding in Akroma's Memorial will only raise it higher. You need to add better ramp if you want to have a deck like this. Astral Cornucopia takes way too long to build up even with Atraxa out, Sylvan Scrying lets you find any land in your deck Burgeoning lets you play 2 lands a turn which ramps you out early game really well

August 27, 2017 11:19 a.m.

TwistdGod says... #19

this deck is perfect for a casual competitive edh game, I have a buddy who is a huge fan of angels and is going to faint over this decklist. good job on balancing this deck. might be a little light on control cards for countering but that can be overlooked for the mass amount of removal

September 9, 2017 3:18 p.m.

Ziembski says... #20

You might like Vanquisher's Banner and Favorable Winds from Ixalan.

September 27, 2017 7:35 a.m.

Mint0055 says... #21

Do you run into issues with card draw? And how has this deck kept up with other creature based decks? I'm curious as I'm working on my own Angel deck right now.

October 4, 2017 2:09 a.m.

Decisive says... #22

Ive yet to fully test the current build, but card draw, on most occasions is perfectly fine. This deck will take hits early on, but by turn 4 it starts to catch up. Aggressive decks like Krenko, Mob Boss will hurt and might win, but most creature based decks wont hold their advantage for too long as the deck has many answers for most situations, lots of removal, recursion, and pillow fort esque cards (Moat, Stoic Angel). The biggest issue I face is mana, hence the frequent mana base edits

October 4, 2017 11:42 a.m.

Mint0055 says... #23

Zendikar Resurgent is a great budget mana ramp card for the late game. For early game maybe just throw in some more mana rocks with card draw effects like Hedron Archive or Dreamstone Hedron. I know you already have Cultivate, but since your running 4 colors maybe throwing in a Kodama's Reach would be good too?

October 4, 2017 2:32 p.m.

Decisive says... #24

Zendikar Resurgent would be good, but the draw is minimal since there are only about 20-ish creatures in this deck. So Mirari's Wake is better overall.

Cultivate is in the deck for ramp reasons, but its problem is that it only fetches basics, which this deck doesn't run many of (Only 10) So adding in Reach could cause issues.

Dreamstone Hedron is too expensive to be practical ramp in this deck, plus so much colorless isn't always a good thing and Hedron Archive is a maybe.

October 4, 2017 5:03 p.m.

Mint0055 says... #25

In that case best to go with cheap colored mana rocks. I like the hedrons for the card draw effects later game but Any of the Signets ( Ex. Simic Signet, Azorius Signet, Etc.) should workout. Dont forget Darksteel Ingot. Not tons of ramp, but great for color fixing and early game headstarts. Burgeoning May be worth considering as well. You know your deck best though so whatever works.

October 4, 2017 5:42 p.m.

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