UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT | Victoria Angelica!

Commander / EDH* Decisive


Decisive says... #1

Burgeoning is underwhelming here unless all my draws end up being lands, It's most powerful early on, but if it isn't in the opening hand, it becomes dead once drawn. I don't run into enough mana fixing issues to warrant Darksteel Ingot. The Signets are a maybe.

October 4, 2017 6:42 p.m.

gdm1989 says... #2

Thought about using Heartless Summoning and Herald’s Horn to reduce the angels cost?

October 7, 2017 8:22 p.m.

Decisive says... #3

I removed Herald's Horn because the reduction was minimum and the trigger doesn't do as much in this deck due to the number of creatures. I'll consider heartless summoning though. Thanks

October 7, 2017 8:51 p.m.

gdm1989 says... #4

No problem sorry I couldn't be of further help

October 7, 2017 9 p.m.

Mint0055 says... #5

The Sheer Amount of effort you have put into upgrading and/or changing the deck, as well as listing every single card and why or why not it is in the deck is truly admirable. Definite Upvote on the deck. PLus, It's all about Angels! Instantly better.

October 8, 2017 1:18 a.m.

bushido_man96 says... #6

Have you thought of running Reya Dawnbringer? She'd be great reanimation and a big body, especially bringing into play anything you pitch with Survival of the Fittest.

October 8, 2017 7:02 a.m.

Decisive says... #7

Constant reanimation effects like Reya Dawnbringer or Debtors' Knell seem good in theory, but in most circumstances, they don't pull their weight. There are usually not enough targets to satisfy them. Plus Reya can't return things from other graveyards. All in all, she's a 9 mana 4/6 with flying. Plus for her to be consistent I'd require to have other pieces in play to pitch my bombs. In other words, she's not worth the price for what she does unless there are other pieces to help support her, though there are some situations where she's resourceful, such as when someone board wipes, but there are better mass reanimation effects that beat her.

Thanks for the suggestion though.

October 8, 2017 3:46 p.m.

Phew you got quiet a expensive one here...never seen a all-but-no-red angel deck before.

I can pitch you some cards I would see as considerable for this deck, but I think you will have gone through all of them already:

Teferi's Protection - Just a simple and very convenient backup plan // This cards performance depends more or less on your playgroups meta

Herald’s Horn - A card I meanwhile consider a must-have in any tribal deck - But since you only play 20 Angels it maybe won't see that much utility for its last effect

Mirage Mirror - A nice way to stay flexible since it can also copy opponent cards

Blade of Selves - At least for multiplayer always nice in a big-hitter deck. Sadly most angels don't have a ETB- or Die-Trigger to furtherly benefit from it (Except Angel of Despair in this case).

October 8, 2017 5:06 p.m.

Decisive says... #9

Shirkhan92: I don't like Herald's Horn, in a deck like this it's not worth, in my opinion, 3 mana. Also, do you have any suggestion on what to remove? (I'm considering Blade of Selves and Mirage Mirror mostly)

October 8, 2017 8:47 p.m.

Hm maybe cut some reanimation cards since they'll only function if you already have creatures in your graveyard and carry lost-value when you draw them too soon.

October 9, 2017 10:51 a.m.

Zerraphon says... #11

quick question! Would you consider a Desolation Angel in here? just wondering I kinda want to build a deck similar to this and love the INvocation version of it!

October 23, 2017 2:28 a.m.

Decisive says... #12

A 5/4 flying body for 5 mana is basic, at the least. Then there's the downside with wiping your whole mana base (As this deck doesn't run many mana dorks), which is never optional, then you'd have to pay 2 more mana to get the other effect. The only good time Desolation is worth it is with Avacyn out.

Honestly, land destruction doesn't do much for us, we deal damage to the face and remove any problems that come up, and removing anything in the deck to make room for Desolation would be a waste of a slot in this kind of deck.

If you need land destruction, then it could definitely be worth considering, as it it can work well with survival of the fittest, and the intense amount of reanimation.

Hope that answers your question

October 23, 2017 6:35 p.m.

Kaleo42 says... #13

Loving the commitment. Tribal decks can be so much fun. Honestly there is a pretty casual stigma about edh Angels in my area but this is something I would find fun.

My thoughts looking at it:Heartless Summoning over Duelist's Heritage Double strike is nice and all but playing the angels down a turn or two early will more than make up for that damage.

Akroma's Memorial over the least used removal. Memorial can compensate nicely for cutting Duelist's Heritage but adds haste and protections. I feel like the removal list is higher than necessary.

Quicksilver Amulet over Door of Destinies Door is cute but slow on the pay back, amulet can let you pump out angels at an much faster rate and ignore color requirements. Elvish Piper works for similar reasons but is more fragile depending on your meta.

October 29, 2017 9:20 p.m.

Decisive says... #14

Hey Kaleo42,

This deck is incredibly fun to pilot, and can hold it's own in tough situations. Though it is more casual the competitive due to it's battlecruiser gameplay, it almost always starts slow, plus that high mana curve makes it obsolete against super competitive decks. Lets go on to those suggestions

Heartless Summoning - I've always been on the fence about this card, it makes 19 out of the 21 angels cheaper to cast, but that -1/-1 is annoying, it makes Atraxa a far less deadly target, increasing the minimum turn timer of 6 turns to 7, and it also makes her far easier to kill. I would need something to counteract it

Quicksilver Amulet - This deck has many ways of "cheating" things in already, most of which are one time uses, but are either cheaper, or return more than 1 creature. Plus removing Door of Destinies seems to be counterintuitive if I plan to add Heartless Summonings, as it counters the effect.

Akroma's Memorial - Always wanted to add this card, but its Mana cost seems too be incredibly high.

I don't want fell like removing Duelist's Heritage is a good idea, as it's been pulling it weight so far.

Thanks for the suggests, ill make sure to test them.

October 30, 2017 5:16 p.m.

Zerraphon says... #15

I would 100% either add True Conviction or Citadel Siege instead of Bow of Nylea in my play testing, the death touch never mattered, cause you already have fliers, and angels are inherently big power/toughness and have abilities alongside them! The utility is nice, but a +1/+1 for a green and a colorless seems silly. The other 3 modes are useless as 2 damage to a flier never matters, what’s three life when your commander does a better job? And the cards shuffled into your library? Run Eternal Witness , Praetor's Counsel , Seasons Past and the like will provide way better effectiveness and utility than the bow!

September 22, 2019 8:12 a.m.

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