

Enchantment (1)

4 color Humility superfriends, trying to lock down the board and make creatures irrelevant. It's my competitive EDH build for Commander states in MT. Suggestions are welcome, looking for Sideboard suggestions mainly as we get a 15 card sideboard at the tournament.

My main win conditions are Tezzeret the Seeker +Garruk Wildspeaker+The Chain Veil+ a 2 mana rock and 2 lands, Humility locking and winning with tokens and counters from Nissa, Voice of Zendikar/Ajani Steadfast, or just being degenerate and stealing things with Jace, Architect of Thought or Liliana Vess.

Tezzeret, Master of Metal Might turn into Codex Shredder depending on how heavy the tutor game (i.e. Worldly Tutor, Enlightened Tutor, deck:Mystical Tutor, etc..) is at the tournament.


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