Little Rey of Ishine (Reyhan/Ishai)

Commander / EDH Last_Laugh


passascats says... #1

Bramble Sovereign, and 3 tutors. Bramble is great but off theme. Tutors are boring and don't really add to the game or your theme, IMHO.
Good Luck!!
(P.S. I love that Atraxa is not piloting this deck. +1 for not giving into the pressure!)

August 2, 2018 2:29 p.m.

Last_Laugh says... #2

Out: Sunscorch Regent, Retribution of the Ancients, Nature's Lore, and Rampant Growth

All these are tentative cuts.

August 2, 2018 7:52 p.m.

ErebosMortuus says... #4

Hello, You can check out my

Phyrexian Growth

Commander / EDH TheErebos


for some ideas. Cheers!

December 19, 2018 8:02 a.m.

KibaAlpha says... #5

February 28, 2019 8:09 p.m.

KibaAlpha says... #6

I just realized you do not have Gavony Township . In a +1/+1 counter deck that should be an auto include in my opinion.

February 28, 2019 8:38 p.m.

Last_Laugh says... #8

Ty KibaAlpha.

Expedition Map I'd run if I had more than 1 land I wanted to look up. Crop Rotation is Gaea's Cradle #2 so the land sac part is nothing.

Defense of the Heart is always a solid card but it screams combo (when that's not really what the deck does) and would paint a pretty big target on my back.

Helm of the Host is another good card but it requires almost 2 full turns worth of mana to get going. I've kept this decks mana curve very low (2.98 currently) so unfortunately this doesn't really fit. Rite is here for distributing 90 +1+1 counters from copying Reyhan lol.

Gavony Township used to be in here. It was my only colorless mana source in a 4 color deck and it unfortunately caused problems if I saw it early so it got dropped.

The removal is worth considering if I can find room and need more spot removal.

Graft I'm not too fond of here although the graftmage may be worth considering for the untap ability. Cytoplast's theft is too expensive for aggro, I used to run it in Grixis Marchesa. Wonderful card in a more controlling deck though.

Smothering Tithe belongs in any white deck that doesn't have green in it but green has far better options for ramp.

Sorry if it seems like I shot all that down, I really do appreciate the ideas.

February 28, 2019 11:32 p.m.

AkaAkuma says... #9

Sooo, how often are creatures of you going to connect? You have quite some cards that want to beat face (e.g. Drana, Liberator of Malakir , Necropolis Regent , Bred for the Hunt and Thrummingbird ). Most are small but could be good though! Personally I haven't been able to profit much from bred for the hunt, but I never run the flying creatures and the heralds that you do.

But on to the questionable cards. Mazirek, Kraul Death Priest wants the Butcher of Malakir , Cataclysmic Gearhulk or Slaughter the Strong kinda effects. But Yehenni seems like your only man. So why play him?

Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth seems like a bit of a waste here. You don't play nearly enough swampwalk or Crypt Ghast / Magus of the Coffers effects.

I personally also used to play Bramblewood Paragon solely for Reyhan. But still, you only play 4 warriors in total. So even if it hits the cmc, isn't the new Zegana, Utopian Speaker a better choice?

If you like to run more sacrifice outlets. I am an absolute fan of Greater Good , and recently became addicted to Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim .

You run allot of instants and sorceries for a deck that cares about creatures and counter-interaction, but you miss the Reyhan staple Living Death . Really, it's gorgeous (and also works with Mazirek)!

"When an effect happens or card becomes played this is put on top of an imaginary stack.

However, when a card is in the middle of being resolved, any new effects cannot take place until the card is done. So Reyhan's ability can only be placed on the stack when Living death is resolved.

Thus, Reyhan can choose new targets for all the counters that would've been lost otherwise!"

Stipped right off my primer: Reyhan&Ishai | Where Unstoppable Meets Immovable!

You have an expensive taste, maybe Assassin's Trophy is an option?

Together Forever does not only score points on it's amazing flavor between Reyhan and Ishai, creatures "die" before returning to your hand. It's all Reyhan ever needs to hear.

Lastly I'd like you to take a look at your creatures and their base power and toughness, and then take a look at Octopus Umbra . It's off-theme, but packs quite a package. Just saying.

March 15, 2019 8:35 p.m. Edited.

Last_Laugh says... #10

@AkaAkuma - Mazirek puts in a lot of work here (although slowly for a 5 drop even with running all 10 fetches), I'll consider him as a cut but this guy will be better with more sac outlets, which is what I'm trying to add. Bramblewood is here for evasion and getting damage through (the redundancy with evasion helps Bred for the Hunt actually work in my deck.), the warrior synergy is just a random bonus.

Together Forever is pretty funny and a great way to avoid commander tax, I'll definitely try to make room. Living Death I'll probably add after I get more sac outlets in here so I can reliably have creatures in my yard, I'm a huge fan of the card in Marchesa. So I have 3 cards you've suggested that I want to try including Walking Archive and sac outlets like Ayli (admittedly didn't even consider her), Viscera Seer, and maybe Ashnod's/Phyrexian Altars.

March 16, 2019 2:02 a.m.

Last_Laugh says... #11

@AkaAkuma - As far as Urborg goes, it's probably not needed, I just have the habit of shoving it in any black deck for the occasional color fixing honestly.

I've considered a few other lands I own but hesitate due to them only adding colorless mana. Yavimaya Hollow , Strip Mine , Kor Haven , Phyrexian Tower , Ancient Tomb , and Gavony Township are all options I own. I'm also considering dropping a land due to my curve being so low... so there is that. Keep my land count at 35 but add a different land? Or replace Urborg with a sac outlet?

Any other suggestions for cuts good sir? I'm keeping Mazirek in (for now) to see how he'll play with more sac outlets. I'll see how that goes when I get them in here.

March 17, 2019 11:47 p.m.

AkaAkuma says... #12

I personally run 34 lands with a cmc of 3.64, but sometimes have a game I wished i included one more. You have a few more rocks and dorks in your deck, so perhaps 34 is fine. But the cmc is a bit deceiving, I think your creature cmc cuts around 4, but the tutors and cheap removal you run holds it low.

On cuts, I think your deck looks in a good shape. Just quite spread with good stuff. You perhaps can narrow your focus down some more towards your wincons, especially since you run so much tutors.

E.g. Abzan Battle Priest is a good herald, but lifelink adds nothing to your strategy apart from survival.

Bastion Protector even does a double job here. It's great! But you could've also played e.g. Myth Unbound , Asceticism or Herald of War . I mean show em we don't care about their removal!

How often do you play Necropolis Regent over other stuff? She's good, but I'd probably played something else for 6. You already adopted my Rite of Replication plan, Mirror Mockery does nearly the same thing on Reyhan attacks.

Is Tymna the Weaver the optimal choice for card draw here? It's not that you run bleed effects.

And perhaps you could cut on Nature's Lore for Meren of Clan Nel Toth so you can recur the tribe elder or paradise bird.

I play Cathars' Crusade because i can make some tokens off Chasm Skulker , Mycoloth or Ghave, Guru of Spores and clones. But this does not apply to you so much. I'd cut it.

March 18, 2019 1:51 p.m.

Last_Laugh says... #13

Ok, made a few changes.

Out: Tymna, Walking Ballista, Worldly Tutor, and Abzan Battle Priest.

In Viscera Seer , Ghave, Guru of Spores , Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim , and Eladamri's Call .

Raised my avg cmc. to 2.86 which I'm still happy with.

March 18, 2019 3:24 p.m.

Vexton_Pheope says... #14

I'd say run Ezuri, Claw of Progress because you have like 25 creatures that'll make a difference, and you already have Sage of Hours so that plus 5 experience counters at least with Ezuri is as many turns as you want

March 26, 2019 12:08 p.m.

Last_Laugh says... #15

Out: Ready//Willing

In: Lightning Greaves

@AkaAkuma - 2.24 non-creature and 3.31 creature cmc avgs - I actually had it up in the deck description. This isn't the first deck I've ran into the same issue. My Grixis Marchesa deck has a similar thing going on that I've been trying to correct. I dropped Urborg and forgot and tried to Crop Rotation for it lol. I may drop Necropolis Regent without it though, we'll see.

April 5, 2019 1:14 p.m.

Last_Laugh says... #19

Playtesting a proxied War of the Spark card.

In: Evolution Sage

Out: Necropolis Regent

April 9, 2019 9:08 a.m.

AkaAkuma says... #20

Since you also play Thrummingbird , any thoughts on his spiritual brother Grateful Apparition ?

And no doubt you haven't seen it, but any thoughts on the ridiculously cheap costing Neoform ? Since you run allot of tiny things I bet you'll be able to dig for some value whenever necessary.

April 9, 2019 9:56 a.m.

Last_Laugh says... #21

Grateful Dead will be replacing Thrummingbird. It corrects my only complaint with Thrummingbird... I want evasion so I can buff up and smack whatever, not just players. Having to choose between proliferate or kill the walker sucks.

Neoform definitely deserves testing, that's a lot of potential and doesn't require being built around like Vanifar/Pod.

April 9, 2019 10:05 a.m.

ZendikariWol says... #22

It's sweet. Could use more Gilder Bairn tho.

April 17, 2019 12:59 p.m.

KibaAlpha says... #23

Congratulations Last_Laugh on 4th place Primer today!

May 1, 2019 12:09 a.m.

Last_Laugh says... #24

Ok, I'm not sure why I didn't think of this before for anti-wrath measures...

Out: Inspiring Call

In: Gaddock Teeg

Teeg only shuts off 3 cards in my entire list. Rite of Replication, Doubling Season, and Cathar's Crusade.

May 10, 2019 12:14 a.m.

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