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I want you.... to join Atraxa.

Commander / EDH GWUB Superfriends



Sorcery (1)


A while ago I was playing my slightly modified breed lethality deck when I realized, " hey, planeswalkers would be amazing with atraxa." Soon after I started incorporating every planeswalker that I had laying around into the deck. I started to see the potential of this combination. Every time I went to the local card store I would pick up more planeswalkers or other cards that helped the deck. Now, several hundred dollars later, here we are. One of the most hated and feared edh decks in my play group. There have been many times when I have been the first target in a 4 player game, and still ended up defeating everyone. I am always looking to improve the deck, and love to hear people's feed back.

The win con for this deck should be pretty obvious. Play planeswalkers, use planeswalker ultimate, win... easy. This deck is very light on creatures. Instead it relies heavily on atraxa, and removal spells/abilities to keep the field clear of threats. I have added plenty of mana sources that benefit from proliferation to keep the removal coming hard as other people start ramping up creature production.

There are a few combo's in this deck, I will start listing them below, let me know if you notice anything I missed.

Doubling Season + casting any planeswalker = start at double loyalty
Doubling Season + proliferate = double counters added
Deepglow Skate + Venser, the Sojourner = double counters every turn
Astral Cornucopia and Everflowing Chalice + proliferate = huge mana sources
To be continued

Check the sideboard for cards I am trying to work into the deck.

If you like the deck let me know by leaving a comment and/or upvoting. I always try to respond to any comments ASAP. Thanks in advance.


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92% Casual


Revision 26 See all

(3 years ago)

+1 Damn maybe
+1 Out of Time maybe