Atraxa Stax

Commander / EDH* joseph6708


nursejason says... #1

I feel like I may have commented on this elsewhere already, but I don't see any support for contamination whatsoever, no token generators to keep it in play. I see three cards to support Stasis indefinitely, but no Root Maze for an infinite lock, and no way of winning out of that lock, short of attacking for 4 every turn (unless all opponents have infect counters already).

You might be able to lose a few infect creatures to tighten things up a little.

October 25, 2016 3:23 p.m.

Supernova626 says... #2

Stranglehold is red

October 31, 2016 12:35 p.m.

johnito says... #3

No BB?

October 31, 2016 6:28 p.m.

Hades_Shadow says... #4

I would suggest if you can't fetch basic lands, to switch them for Vivid Creek, Vivid Grove, Vivid Marsh and Vivid Meadow. These provide basic mana, but allow your proliferate to turn them into any mana you need. It may be slow, but it could be very much worth it.

November 16, 2016 3:08 p.m.

joseph6708 says... #5

That's true but I would rather run Mirrodin's Core, Tendo Ice Bridge and Aether Hub over those simply because they don't enter tapped. I also run all the shocks and painlands in my colors which helps offset any color issues I may run into. Plus Atraxa negates pretty much all the downsides that those lands have. That's why I decided against using the vivid lands.

November 16, 2016 4:12 p.m.

Hades_Shadow says... #6

Ok, I know Mirrodin's Core you would need to tap to start proliferating it anyway, but I see your logic. I'm looking at your other lands as well now that I got my Atraxa deck.

November 18, 2016 11:03 a.m.

joseph6708 says... #7

It's a budget land base for now. I would like to get fetches and ABUR duals at some point. Also tabernacle at pendrell vale would be amazing in this list.

November 19, 2016 12:24 p.m.

alias42 says... #8

Doubling Season would be a solid addition, makes numerous PWs able to ult as soon as they resolve

November 27, 2016 11:17 a.m.

joseph6708 says... #9

The problem I jave with doubling season besides it's cost is the fact that ot's slow and really doesn't end up doing a whole lot for the deck's overall strategy. I would much rather use that mana on something that will lock down the game, having extra counters is nice but not always relevant in the context of this particular list. It's more expensive than almost all of the lock pieces and doesn't provide the deck any more consistency than if it wasn't on the list.

November 27, 2016 1:21 p.m.

Abha says... #10

I agree with you Joseph on doubling season. I've been extensively testing Atraxa on MTGO and the times I've played Doubling Season, I will admit were fun, but it was never game-changing. It was always "win-more" and has never saved me from a tight spot. None of the automatic doubling season emblems besides Bant Tamiyo (and maybe Narset) made any significant impact to the board.

I absolutely love the work you did on this deck (I saw your post on r/cedh as well). I've tried running tax pieces (e.g. propaganda, ghostly prison, sphere of safety) and I've found that they aren't as effective in stopping my opponent from attacking when compared to the stax pieces (especially tangle wire and stasis). If you don't mind, I'm running most of your list and testing it out on MTGO.

In about 10 games, the deck runs really smoothly and I've realized it takes quite some skill to pilot; but it has been working well and it's really fun to play. I would say the only issues I run into are making land drops on time (when I was using about 30-31 lands); the deck I'm using on MTGO runs about 34 lands (10 fetches, 6 shocks, 6 duals, 4 basics, 7 gold [mana confluence, command tower, city of brass, exotic orchard, reflecting pool, aether hub, tendo ice bridge] and 1 strip mine). I plan on switching out aether hub for gemstone mine when I pick it up (and just random information, I found reflecting pool to work better than exotic orchard since there were times when my opponent was on mono-color and it was just bad).

November 27, 2016 3:33 p.m.

joseph6708 says... #11

Cool it's always nice to hear tje list is performing well. I'm actually currently working on optimizing the mana base because I think currently that's the biggest weakness. I'm still going try keeping it at 30 as long as I can just to squeeze in a few more card slots. I'm glad to know I made the right decision by not including tax pieces. Tangle wire and stasis have been performing admirably! This is probably my favorite deck to pilot just because of all the intricate decision making involved.

November 27, 2016 4:31 p.m.

livanbard says... #12

I love your build, using a lot as reference, I recommend only Gemstone Mine into the deck, faster then Mirrodin's Core and ETB with more counters then Tendo Ice Bridge. Downside, is no with proliferate, it will be sac eventually, but you can work around with Crucible of Worlds. So I belive this card fit your deck well

November 28, 2016 7:17 a.m.

joseph6708 says... #13

Absolutely! Thanks for the tip I meant to put it in the list but kept forgetting.

November 28, 2016 7:36 a.m.

Nightange1 says... #14

your description says you have a Ichor Rats but I don't see one. Gaddock Teeg although hurts some parts of your deck if you time it right he will be stax in itself. Pact of Negation could easily just be replaced by Force of Will I have seen a lot of decks die from pact when running a stax deck but end up getting their mana destroyed one way or another to lose. Could also do Zur the Enchanter although you have few enchantments a lot of them seem crucial to your gameplan

November 28, 2016 8 a.m.

joseph6708 says... #15

I actually meant to throw the rats back in just haven't gotten around to doing updates yet. I considered adding teeg my main issue with him is the fact that he shuts down most of my planeswalkers and I really haven't had too many issues shutting other players out without him. He seems kind of unnecessary at this point. Force of Will has two big issues I see, first it's price tag is a bit much and second I don't feel like I really have enough disposal blue spells to pitch to it if needed. That's why I run pact over it, luckyfor me I haven't run inti any of the situations you pointed out. Though I think those situations are rare enough that I'm fine just running pact for now. I appreciate the feedback for sure, I'll try and add rats back in today if I get a chance.

November 28, 2016 10:38 a.m.

Infral says... #16

I'm not entirely sure that 30 lands will be enough, maybe up it to like 35-36. And why not replace Dark Confidant with a Phyrexian Arena. The double black will be a bit harder to get to, but it will certainly hurt way less

December 5, 2016 3:56 p.m.

joseph6708 says... #17

35-36 lands is way too much and risks getting mana flooded. Dark Confidant keeps the mana curve low and it's downside is greatly mitogated by our commander. It's also easier to cast.

December 5, 2016 4:06 p.m.

What are some of the thoughts behind the recent changes? Seems like you are getting away from the stasis hard locks with the removal of Pentad Prism, mana bloom, Druids' Repository, brago, and heading back towards the infect direction. Was the original deck not playing as well as anticipated, or are these just play style changes?

Fan this Atraxa build so I've been stalking this list for the past few weeks, especially since you have been actively refining/modifying it.

December 7, 2016 12:19 p.m.

joseph6708 says... #19

So the idea is still the same, just looking to rely less on Atraxa. That's why a lot of cards that worked well with her have been replaced and as a rwsult other cards which were great at one point have gotten a bit lackluster. Crystallime crawler plus our walkers will probably be enough on its own to hold a stasis lock in case we can't keep Atraxa on board.

Glad to hear it! Got any thoughts on the list? Cuts you might consider etc.?

December 7, 2016 4:27 p.m.

This is currently the list I am running right now:

Decks very fairly similar though I've opted to stay with the stasis lock pieces. Right now I am playing in a pretty non-completive environment (mostly 75% decks with tier 2-3 commanders), so this is the game environment I have been making decisions based on.

Land wise we are both running a somewhat budget list and are fairly similar in that regard. I do have Inkmoth, but since I dropped the infect focus I just decided to use a colored land instead. I think I have 3 more lands then you, though I do have 1 less rock, and 1 less dork. Haven't had too many mana issues so I could afford cutting maybe 1 here.

I think our planeswalker choices are also fairly similar with the exception that I am running Jace, and you run Ugin. I am willing to try Ugin at some point (have one sitting in a Daretti deck so technically I have on on hand). I wish I could give some feedback on Jace, but sadly I have yet to draw him in my limited play testing. He made the list mostly because I drew him in a pack over the summer and he needed a home.

I think most of our artifacts are the same with the exception of that you run Mox Diamond and I don't, though this is more due to budget constraints on my side. Crucible of worlds is always a nice card, but I don't think there is enough land destruction/fetches in my list to make this worth it. I did axe tangle wire from this latest list though I am planning on adding it back in (didn't work well in a game with a group hug player so it was mostly rendered irrelevant, though in hindsight this was an overreaction and I will be adding this back to my list in the next iteration).

Currently, I would say the list that I am running feels really well-tuned. However, people are catching on fairly quickly that Atraxa can not stick else the game is over, which is a drawback with the list I am running. If Atraxa is removed, generally the favorable board state that I worked so hard to set up generally falls apart quickly, which at that point I am playing from behind usually. If your objective is to get away from relying solely on Atraxa I certainly wouldn't be against that as I think this is a major weakness of the deck.

I will also admit that I seem to flood hard with stasis lock pieces such as mana bloom and pentad prism, so perhaps I could drop one of these for some other cards. Brago on my end has been ok, seems sort of win more card though. Sometimes I will get the stasis lock down, and while Brago can break me out of my own stasis lock, its usually not necessary with Atraxa on the board. The only time I was thankful for Brago was when my opponent was running ghostly prison and I was able to exile my own mana rocks. For this reason I am debating cutting him as he seems a tad too situational to make the list of 99.

I do love crystalline crawler in this list, was in my deck since the first iteration and has not disappointed.

Something else that I am debating... I just picked up a Dark Confidant and I am debating whether to replace phyrexian arena or necropotence. Have you had any issues getting necropotence on the board with its BBB requirement? Phyrexian arena seemed like a more reasonable costed spell despite the fact that it is worse than either necropotence or dark confidant. I think I am opting to switch Phyrexian arena with necropotence though I wouldn't mind hearing your thoughts on this.

Also, how do you like doubling season? Felt that it was more of a "win more" kind of card, but haven't actually tried it in a game (sitting in the sideboard for now). Also no Chain veil, too much pain, mana, not enough planes walkers to make it effective?

Thanks again for all of your hard work. You've put a ton of effort into this list and I think many users appreciate the constant updates that you have been making, so keep up the good work!

December 8, 2016 12:39 a.m.

joseph6708 says... #21

So I'm waiting to get a copy of Jace, but he'll be taking over for Ugin. The card advantage he provides plus being able to control what our opponents draw seems like it would fit in perfectly.

Doubling Season is pretty obscene with tangle wire and our walkers. It is somewhat winmore at times, but it allows another wincon through walkers which relies less on Atraxa overall. Chain Veil was slow and costly and more often than not didn't end the game unless we could chain activations.

Thanks I appreciate the support!

December 8, 2016 10:47 a.m.

Sort of what I suspected with Chain Veil, and why I was hesitant on adding it in my final list of 99.

I will probably go ahead and try to fit in doubling season then, was on the fence about that as well but it seems like its played well for you. I may have more thoughts later, however I won't be able to get games in until this weekend.

December 8, 2016 12:12 p.m.

joseph6708 says... #23

Yup. Same here been super busy with work and whatnot, but hopefully get a few games in this week.

December 8, 2016 12:28 p.m.

Dr4co says... #24

I would suggest Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite + Living Plane or Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite + Nature's Revolt . It is a powerful lock on oppponents as they won't have any lands whereas, you have lands that are also 4/4 creatures.

December 9, 2016 12:37 p.m.

joseph6708 says... #25

That's a ton of mana for a lock that could be better spent elsewhere. The problem os we're using a lot of symmetrical effects to stop progress so having that much mana available to establish the lock a lot of times will be unnecessary and may not be possible.

December 10, 2016 2:44 p.m.

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