kevinsmith14 says... #2
Thank you for the reply. Sagu Mauler sounds like a good addition to the deck.
The Quickling is there just as a safety to bounce a creature during attack, not necessarily for reusing an enter-the-battlefield effect. Sometimes I swap it out for Welkin Tern, but I find Quickling is a lot more useful.
December 31, 2014 5:28 p.m.
Hades_Shadow says... #3
very well built, because of Garruk's +1 ability, I would suggest maybe swapping a Forest for a Reliquary Tower.
November 1, 2015 11:59 a.m.
kevinsmith14 says... #4
Thank you for the suggestion, I will put that on my buy-list.
Is there anything else that you think I need? I want to play this at a modern tournament at the LGS this week.
November 1, 2015 9:40 p.m.
Daedalus19876 says... #5
Why in the world is Minamo in here? You have no other legendary permanents, and it's vulnerable to non-basic hate.
If you're trying to get untap effects to ramp yourself, and you're playing Modern, I'd suggest Garruk Wildspeaker or Nissa, Worldwaker over Kiora. If you go with the latter, though, you'll also need Breeding Pools.
November 3, 2015 4:24 a.m.
kevinsmith14 says... #6
Whoops, it looks like my acquire board didnt go up. I have Boseiju, Who Shelters All, and Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx. So it adds as blue mana until I can start untapping legendary lands. Kiora, Master of the Depths is there because of her ability to untap a forest with Utopia Sprawl and Arbor Elf, and to help dig for creatures and mana. Though I have been considering Nissa.
Im not sure I understand the breeding pool interaction with nissa. Could you explain?
I'm considering Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger and Omnath, Locus of Mana. What do you think?
November 3, 2015 4:57 p.m.
Wizard_of_the_Broke says... #7
I would ditch some Leatherback Baloths for some Obstinate Baloths and/or Thragtusk.
Both of those creatures are resistant to (respectively) hand disruption and removal, which is good against midrange and control, and both gain you life, which is great against aggro. You also might consider something like Gaea's Revenge. You can keep some of these guys on the sideboard for particular matches.
And if you're going to somewhat tailor your fatties to matchups, Summoner's Pact is great, especially considering you don't have many ways to dig through your deck.
Your control spells aren't bad, but you may want to vary then a bit more and have a few Mana Leak, and other stuff that is good against more than one type of deck (Icy Blast is only okay against aggro, Turn Aside is better against control, neither is good against combo).
Lastly, you really need some ways to deal with tokens and weenies. Trampling isn't enough. It's hard in Simic, so your best bet might be AEtherize, or something like Cyclonic Rift.
I hope all that helps a bit, and none of those things should break the budget (though Pacts aren't especially cheap).
November 17, 2015 3:59 a.m.
Wizard_of_the_Broke says... #8
Just took another look. You also really don't need that many planeswalkers, but would benefit from maxing out on Kiora's Follower, and maybe even running 1-2 Voyaging Satyr for the sake of consistency in your early turns. You really don't want to draw Garruk more than once per game, and you can't play more than one Kiora at a time, so they'll often be stuck in your hand.
November 17, 2015 4:09 a.m.
I play a really similar deck to this so I can help out.
The basic ramp package should be - Arbor Elf, Utopia Sprawl, Voyaging Satyr and Overgrowth. With this setup you can fairly easily reach 6 or 7 mana on turn 3. Overgrowth is key to this deck simply because it allows one land to generate GGG or GGU. This means that with that enchantment, a source of untapping, and a land you can produce 6 mana. This is possible on T3 fairly easily.
If you want to supplement that with more cards then I would add Kiora's Follower, Garruk Wildspeaker, and Kiora, Master of the Depths afterwards.
I would not add two-mana creatures that require blue into this deck automatically because they are fairly hard to cast. Utopia Sprawl needs a forest, for example, and so does Arbor Elf. This means you pretty much need to land a shockland T1 or a forest into an island on T1 and then T2. It's possible but risky. Therefore I would max out on the monogreen stuff first and then go for blue afterwards.
Your threat package needs work to. Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger is fine but not amazing. He costs a lot of mana and is fairly easy to remove. If you worry about removal Hornet Queen or Plated Crusher come to mind. Both are extremely hard to deal with. If you want a cheap threat that catapults you into larger threats then Primeval Titan is your guy. If you want to destroy lands then Acidic Slime and Sylvan Primordial are great. Finally, if you worry about aggressive decks like Burn then Wurmcoil Engine is amazing due to lifelink.
Finally, you need a way to make sure you actually have the cards you need to win the game. Both Tooth and Nail and Primal Command hold the deck together because they allow you to search for any creature you want.
November 17, 2015 5:05 a.m. says... #10
My friend Milo has a deck like this. He uses Voyaging Satyr, Freed from the Real and Crab Umbra. With land enchantments out he could get infinite mana T3. He used Genesis Wave as a finisher. I told him he needed Helix Pinnacle.
November 17, 2015 10:02 p.m. says... #11
Just to be clear: The infinite mana combo could be done multiple ways. The easiest one is this:
T1: Breeding Pool, Arbor Elf.
T2: Fertile Ground on Breeding Pool.
T3: Freed from the Real on Arbor Elf, Helix Pinnacle, win.
November 17, 2015 10:13 p.m.
kevinsmith14 says... #12
formayor thank you for all of your suggestions. I will take out some planeswalkers so that I don't overload myself with them. My intention was to make sure that I got the planeswalkers I needed right away, but I see why this may not work well. In conjunction with the other suggestions, I think I may take Kiora's Follower out and put in Voyaging Satyr. I like Mana Leak and I may throw the other two control spells into the sideboard depending on what I am dealing with. I really like Thragtusk since I can attack without reserve. I like Cyclonic Rift and AEtherize, as well. As for Gaea's Revenge, I have been throwing it back in and out since I began developing this deck.
Chief Bell I think I will use Voyaging Satyr instead of the follower. I will get rid of Fertile Ground for Overgrowth I like that suggestion and the ramp will be a lot steeper. I was just thinking about Garruk Wildspeaker in. It seems to fit the theme a lot better. Based on all of the suggestions and the other decks I have looked at I will invest in either Summoner's Pact, Tooth and Nail, or Primal Command. If I add Wurmcoil Engine and Thragtusk I think I may add in Craterhoof Behemoth and even Hooded Hydra. That way I can capitalize off of the abundance of creatures for an end-game. I love the idea of the infinite combo, but I'm not sure that's the direction I want the deck to take, although I don't want to rule it out, I think it could be interesting. Thanks for recommending Freed from the Real that would be devastating in terms of mana production!
Thanks for all your replies!!
November 18, 2015 1:02 a.m. says... #13
You are very welcome. Btw I recommend considering some hydras.
wylie72 says... #1
Two suggestions:
Switch out Meandering Towershell for Sagu Mauler. Good, safe target for Become Immense
Not a fan of Invisibility. If you're looking to ensure a way through for your Become Immense target, Consider Thassa, God of the Sea. Even though unlikely she will become a creature she can give multiple creatures unblockability and won't get you 2-1 on removal. Her scry will help you too.
Question: What are you expecting to target with Quickling?
December 31, 2014 2:55 p.m.