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Attack on Titan, Kills Turn 3!

Modern Aggro Combo Theme/Gimmick




Creature (1)

Instant (1)

UPDATED 9/18/2015

Cue dramatic music

Ok, so this deck is based on the following premise: having a Craw Wurm on turn one is good. In this case the 6/4 in question is the most badass motherf&%#er you've never heard of: Salvage Titan .

Here's the god hand:

Salvage Titan + Hammerhand + Assault Strobe + Land that taps for red + Any three of the zero drop artifacts

Just drop the three artifacts, use them to tribute summon Salvage Titan , play Hammerhand on it and swing for seven. Use Assault Strobe next turn to finish the job. You can still kill turn three with either of the red spells on its own.

Other cards of note:

Favor of the Mighty : Very much worth the additional land slots. Most other modern decks will not have seven drop creatures in them. Our mighty titan can ignore both blockers and removal with this out. (UPDATE: no longer in list, thoughts?)

Serum Powder: As any hand without the titan in it is completely useless, I put in a set of these. Just exile any openers you get with no titan and this in it. They're dead draws, but who cares when you have a turn one deathbeast?

Noxious Revival: Because Thoughtseize is a major problem.

Pull from Eternity : Combos with the plains to completely troll enemy Path to Exiles.

Everything else should be fairly self-explanatory

Things I could use input on:

Should I run Temur Battle Rage or Armed / Dangerous for more kill power? Or maybe going for resilience and adding Stubborn Denial, Canopy Cover , or Favor of the Mighty rather than the red combo cards (with a new manabase, or course)? And do I have the right number of lands?


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Date added 10 years
Last updated 9 years

This deck is not Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 0 Mythic Rares

16 - 4 Rares

28 - 11 Uncommons

12 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.50
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