Augustin's $t4ks (cEDH Primer)
Commander / EDH
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Testing without ETB effects —May 15, 2017
I'm currently testing the deck without the package for ETB effects:
Erratic Portal
Rishadan Cutpurse
Rishadan Footpad
Venser, Shaper Savant
Venser, the Sojourner
Mana Web
Consulate Crackdown
Rhystic Study
Crystal Shard
Instead I play
Staff of Domination
Karn, Silver Golem *oversized*
Karn Liberated
Copy Artifact
Stroke of Genius as draw and potential kill spell for metalworker combo
Umezawa's Jitte
Engineered Explosives
Torpor Orb
Cyclonic Rift
I put the removed cards on the maybe list for now. This change means an increase in artifacts in the deck, which makes Mishra's Workshop more relevant and also other sources of multiple colorless mana.
Winterblast says... #2
Thank you Shane.Allen! I see you have some powerful commander decks too...any ideas on how to further improve mine?
It's pretty much solved and sometimes it wins on turn 2 with Land Equilibrium but if that doesn't happen and the game takes really long I often find myself unable to regain control again. What do you think of Mystical Tutor to search for a specific reset button? Any cards that could be replaced with better ones?
November 23, 2016 3:31 a.m.
Shane.Allen says... #3
Winterblast I like Mystical Tutor, its best used after the lock when you need to grab a finisher. I'm not the biggest fan of Padeem, Consul of Innovation I much better like Blind Obedience and Dramatic reversal are really much better cards for the price. Windfall is also a great card if you need to refill your hand. It's really a great looking deck.
November 23, 2016 12:51 p.m.
Winterblast says... #4
Padeem is for protection, he usually does a great job. There's nothing better that gives artifacts hexproof at the moment...
November 23, 2016 5:45 p.m.
HOPMONSTER says... #5
Crazy awesome deck. I don't know much about playing stax, but this looks oppressive. My concern looking at it would be that with a lot of cheap spells and a commander who makes them cheaper, wouldn't you want more card draw to keep you rolling through the deck?
The only card suggestions I could think of that might be somewhat relevant to your deck are: Ivory Mask, Karmic Justice, Open the Vaults, Linvala, Keeper of Silence.
May 12, 2017 5:53 p.m.
Winterblast says... #6
Thanks HOPMONSTER, card draw is indeed not too much in here...there's scroll rack, divining top, windfall. I've thought about Pull from Tomorrow, because it draws X and can turn the late game (if it gets so far).
Ivory mask is too expensive for that effect.
Karmic justice has been moved in and out of the deck several times, it mistly did next to best someone lost one permanent to it, at worst the opponents played around it anyway, for example by exiling everything important with Consulate Crackdown. Padeem is better protection imo, because he also draws cards, maybe Hanna's Custody would be an option too
Open the vaults is too expensive for a two sided effect, I think Sun Titan is a much better recovery tool
Linvala...good, but there is Cursed Totem which is an artifact (and I'd like to use artifacts over coloured spells here to avoid mana problems and to be able to cast as much as possible with workshop, tomb and city and the mana artifacts), it costs only 2 and I don't need the one sided effect of Linvala because I play no creature with an activated ability myself ;)
What I might remove is Strionic Resonator because it is too situational. Pointing out the little card draw will probably make me cut this card.
Shane.Allen says... #1
really great beautiful deck, its so good would love to play against this one. :)
November 22, 2016 10:22 a.m.