Augustin's $t4ks (cEDH Primer)
Commander / EDH
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New Cards! —May 22, 2017
I've just bought a Timetwister and Ugin, the Spirit Dragon. Probably have them here next week and then I'd like to put them in the deck.
Having such a powerful sorcery available might justify playing Mystical Tutor, so with Ugin I would have to remove 3 cards in the deck. These are probably Cataclysm *list*, Words of Wind and Sapphire Medallion.
I'd love to hear some opinions on how to fit the new cards in the deck, maybe there are other options for cutting.
Winterblast says... #2
youngfischer too little blue in the deck and it is really bad with all the taxing spheres and stuff because it's card disadvantage and not free either.
May 21, 2017 9:28 a.m.
Hey just curious if you tried out Ward of Bones and what you think of it? I'm trying it in my mostly creatureless Teferi, Temporal Archmage deck since it can come out turn one or two, I kind of like it more than Land Equilibrium but I'm not sure about it yet
May 21, 2017 11:58 a.m.
youngfischer says... #4
That makes sense. I actually have this deck build. Play-testing it now. However, I think I am going to add Inkmoth Nexus for your blinkmoth nexus as it has infect. I also have most the ETB effects. Though I suppose it makes more sense since you are playing humility.
May 21, 2017 12:02 p.m.
Winterblast says... #5
dlamars I had it in the deck in the beginning, before I owned a Land Equilibrium, then I played them both and then I cut ward of bones. One problem is that it allows the opponents to have one more of every type than you have, while land equilibrium doesn't. If I have 0 lands with land equilibrium, no one can play a land until I do (the great part is, that according to the ruling you can't play the land and use the mana before sacrificing it). Another problem is that I usually have more of every other permanent type than everyone else, so apart from limiting the land supply the effects of ward of bones have often been completely useless.
youngfischer I play both, inkmoth and blinkmoth. Inkmoth is great with elspeth and jitte and blinkmoth is just a useful flying blocker, returning with Crucible of Worlds.
I've just bought Ugin, the Spirit Dragon and I probably put him in the deck as soon as the order arrives. Not sure what to cut for it though...maybe Cataclysm because ugin is a great mass removal too, or Words of Wind (although this helps a lot with removing certain pieces that might prevent my own plays while slowing down the opponents, for example bouncing a Cursed Totem or Ensnaring Bridge for one action then playing it again), or Sapphire Medallion because I have already reduced the coloured spells very much.
May 21, 2017 1:36 p.m.
Winterblast says... #6
I forgot to mention that ward of bones only prevents playing the cards from one's hand, land equilibrium prevents the lands from being put into play, no matter how they came into play...with ward you can still use search stuff like solemn, wood elves and with land equilibrium these won't be able to cheat extra lands into play!
May 21, 2017 2:13 p.m.
youngfischer says... #7
It is funny that you mention cataclysm because that card is actually another card I thought about replacing. I also have a Ulamog, the ceaseless hunger deck and I would have no problem with that card. There are a few other aggro decks as well that could care less about it. With our meta that we have anyway. One problem that you actually mention with this deck is that you just have to be patient with it with larger groups. Because if you play your big cards too soon, you get targeted quick.
May 21, 2017 5:48 p.m.
Winterblast says... #8
Cataclysm is awesome if you manage to get a constellation of various card types which results in a lock when everyone sacrifices. It also kills all planeswalkers (which no other spell in the deck can do). It was better in the build which included the cards of the maybe list, but it's still a reset button for when I'm not fast enough in the early game.
Cutting words of wind is an option because it's also not as good as it was with the cards on the maybe list but it's still a possible turn 2 win: for example turn 1 mana crypt, trinisphere; turn 2 words of wind...and then skip every draw and no one can play anything until all opponents have drawn their whole deck. It's also possible to do the same when cataclysm reduces the board to words of wind and some taxing sphere and/or augustin, so that's another reason for keeping both cards.
At the moment I think it will be the medallion that gives way for Ugin because it only helps in casting coloured spells and only of one colour. I might put it in my Jhoira deck instead
youngfischer says... #1
What do you think of Force of Will?
May 21, 2017 8:38 a.m.