Augustin's $t4ks (cEDH Primer)

Commander / EDH Winterblast

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working on mana base —June 10, 2017

I have cut several lands that were weaker Glimmervoid and replaced them with fetchlands and basics. I need more than two colours only if I want to cast Engineered Explosives for 3 or more but that is rare.

I'd like to hear some opinions on the importance of other lands here:
Tolaria West - comes tapped but is a tutor for tabernacle and artifacts with cmc 0
Mishra's Factory - produces no colour but is a 3/3 blocker and remains 2/2 under Humility
Blinkmoth Nexus - flying, still works with humility but only 1/1 and colorless mana
Inkmoth Nexus - potential killer, strong with Umezawa's Jitte, no elspeth in the deck anymore though
Crystal Vein - acceleration, but only once. Can be recovered with crucible or sun titan

The value of these lands needs to be compared with Windswept Heath, Adarkar Wastes or additional basic lands. Maybe Mystic Gate (but I don't have one).

youngfischer says... #1

Also. You went with irrigated farmlands instead of the celestial colonnade. Do you feel that the cycling mechanic has value?

May 22, 2017 5:29 p.m.

Winterblast says... #2

Yes, it's awesome youngfischer...firstly these lands are fetchable and secondly I can play the land and use the cycling later because of Mana Breach and Overburden and with Crucible of Worlds it's even better. celestial colonnade has a really high activation cost and comes into play tapped, which is both bad for a manland...the 4/4 body is irrelevant because these lands are not suitable for a quick kill anyway, they mostly serve as recurring blockers. Colonnade also has a ridiculous price because it's played in modern and standard and here it's definitely not worth that high price. Maybe when it's out of standard it makes sense to buy one, but I don't know which of the lands it could replace. Mishra's Factory because it flies? Blinkmoth Nexus because it's a bigger blocker? Any other land that comes into play untapped? Is it better than any of the lands in the deck at all?

May 22, 2017 6:06 p.m.

VitalisStacs says... #3

Hey Winterblast

I really like the Deck you came up with.

I have a few questions I'd like to ask you: What do you think of Boardwipes la Terminus?

And maybe you could give me your thoughts on the following Cards: Clever Impersonator, Grasp of Fate, Copy Enchantment, Static Orb, Defense Grid,Winter Orb.

And what do you think about single target removal like Detention Sphere, Oblivion Ring and Swords to Plowshares?

I think Nevermore would also be a nice option in this deck.

May 23, 2017 3:30 p.m.

Winterblast says... #4

Thank you VitalisStacs!

I think I have explained somewhere in the comments why I removed winter orb. Keeping permanents tapped is worse than completely removing them, for example with mass land destruction and constant sacrificing effects and it also can't compete with the effect of Land Equilibrium, which prevents multiple lands from even entering the battlefield. Same with static orb, it isn't strong enough to be worth the two-sided effect. Both cards are very weak in the early game and that is where I want to establish control.

I don't play mass removal for creatures because it's a one time hit and doesn't prevent further creatures from being played. Also, it's often just the commander or another recurring creature, probably a combo piece, that is really a problem. I think it's more efficient to disable what creatures are supposed to do than repeatedly clearing the table.

Clever impersonator is a bad Phyrexian Metamorph here, simply because of double blue and not being an artifact (everything that can't be cast with Mishra's Workshop has to be A LOT better than an artifact alternative imo). Grasp of fate is also a problem because of double white. Copy enchantment has too few targets in the deck and defense grid is too situational imo.

As for spot removals...I play a few targetable removals, for example Engineered Explosives, Umezawa's Jitte and Karn Liberated. World Queller can also get rid of certain card types, especially when I don't have one of that type in play at the moment. The good aspect of these cards is that they are all reusable. Playing a spot removal as instant or sorcery in a game of 3 or 4 players means giving card advadvantage to all players who are not losing a spell or permanent. In this deck I never want to trade 1:1 because I wouldn't be able to control the whole table if I did so.

May 23, 2017 4:33 p.m.

elfric says... #5

hey winterblast i like your deck - especially because you use gaaIV not with the orbs but the sacrifice while (since braids is gone) azorious is in the best shape with the most sac-cards.

thank you for mechanized production as a great find.

when going for sac-stax imo green can be a problem as it is the color that has the fastest ramp and is often permanent based. have you ever tried Hibernation? maybe its not a problem for you but for me it was always worth it to have silver bullets against the own decks biggest weakness even if those cards are dead against everything else

in the same vein i wonder why you do not run Null Rod and/or Stony Silence as rockramp is the next dangerous thing besides elves.

i dont like ugin in a stax deck as its too much mana for my likes. also cutting Cataclysm is a sin in my eyes.if you want another finisher (that has no built in wipe to take over the game bu anyway)you could try Archon of the Triumvirate as its castable with gaaVI discount.


sry being offtopic - i dont get how to implement a link in my deckdescription - any help?

May 31, 2017 1:36 p.m.

Winterblast says... #6

Thanks elfric! I always thought the tapping variants are not as cool because they leave the permanents intact, so when the whole table works together and one important piece is destroyed, everything works again...keeping up with constant sacrificing and bouncing is more stressful imo because the resources actually vanish instead of just being disabled.

I can't play null rod because that's the death of my own deck. It completely relies on the speed of artifacts and the ability to play quite freely with few or even no lands. That's why Land Equilibrium and the other cards around it are my favourite pieces here. A quick start of an opponent with mana rocks is undesired, that's why I followed the suggestions of Kiyomeii and removed some cards for a few 1 mana counterspells. I played it the first time in this version today and it's indeed cool to counter a mana rock on turn one or two, if I can't open with a taxing sphere.

I put cataclysm in my deck Chairman Meow now, it feels better there with Brimaz...It had the potential to reduce the board to a locked situation here, but just as often it would not help in handlung the biggest threats of all opponents at all. I still like Ugin despite his mana cost, because I often have shitloads of colorless mana and he has a targeted removal for +, controllable boardwipe for - and a game winning ultimate after 2 times +.

I don't think I will use color specific hate in here because I'm not having problems with a particular colour. It's also not sure if someone even plays green on the table and I don't want a completely dead card then, even less because it's a coloured spell (artifacts on the hand could at least make mana with Metalworker).

I think links in the description are made with html but I'm not sure

May 31, 2017 6:54 p.m.

Winterblast says... #7

elfric I've updated the deck again...Ugin out and Helm of Obedience combo in. Don't need another late game reset button when I play combo again (didn't want to do that here but it's too good compared to worrying about how to keep controlling the game forever). I think Ugin will go into Workshop Party when I put that deck together again.

June 4, 2017 7:02 p.m.

Snap157 says... #8

Have you considered Telepathy? It's awesome in multiplayer games and lets you see what threats you need to take care of so you can use your cards.

June 9, 2017 12:14 p.m.

Winterblast says... #9

Snap157 I play it in another of my decks Thieves of the Multiverse, which runs 20 counterspells...there it's interesting to know what is on the hands. Here I have so much global disruption that I don't need to waste a slot for looking at people's hands. What would you say is to be cut?

At this point the question is always: what will be cut and why exactly is the replacement better in the deck?

My next possible change would be Mechanized Production and Pithing Needle out and Future Sight and Cloud Key in (because that would be card advantage, cost reduction AND a possible infinite combo)

June 9, 2017 12:38 p.m.