Augustin's $t4ks (cEDH Primer)

Commander / EDH Winterblast

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additional win options —June 16, 2017

I want to include Basalt Monolith and Rings of Brighthearth because I've seen that I need another win option besides helm/rip that doesn't involve creatures. I can use Metalworker (which is also a really nice mana source with all the artifacts I have) to produce unlimited mana, life and carddraw with Staff of Domination but sometimes I need to disable creatures and then another way to use the staff would be great. With the rings I can also draw a card for 3 with Sensei's Divining Top and repeat as often as I want with the infinite mana of Basalt Monolith. Words of Wind will bounce all opponents' permanents in the process...too good to not include.

I currently have removed Adarkar Wastes and Pithing Needle for these two cards. I think I can go with 30 lands + tabernacle but I'm not sure how important the needle actually is. It's either another piece to shut down a creature based combo if I don't have Humility or Cursed Totem, or it didables a noncreature permanent, which I couldn't prevent from being cast and for which I have no removal either, for example a planeswalker. On the other hand it's just a solution to one specific card and this might be too situational in multiplayer games.

If you see anything else that I could cut instead of pithing needle, let me know!

elfric says... #1

i would swap the manlands and maybe tolaria west as they are suboptimal at their primary job: mana

crystal vein is such a good card as it gives you a much greater choice than any manland that always and only taps for a colorless. dont always blow it early. have the option for when you need them.for example Ruins of Trokair is much better than tolaria west. both etb tapped but ruins can give an additional mana once. these effects can beef up the timing flexibility.

June 10, 2017 10:42 a.m.

Winterblast says... #2

I've removed the Mishra's factory and blinkmoth nexus, thanks elfric for pointing at the fact that lands are first for mana and second for utility. The only creature I really need is the infect flyer, not the ground blocker or normal flyer.

Tolaria west is simply a tutor for tabernacle (no way to find that in this deck other than by drawing it) or for engineered explosives (which trinket mage can also find). The rest of the time it's just a slow land, that's true.

June 10, 2017 12:58 p.m.

colton815 says... #3


June 14, 2017 6:53 p.m.