Sram's Aura Engine

Standard* Bjornis


Lordrain1922 says... #3

Loving the deck and the idea here. Working on a smiliar list I intend on having up shortly will link for comparison once I get it finished.

June 27, 2018 1:09 p.m.

Bjornis says... #4



I would appreciate a comparison to what you come up with.

June 27, 2018 5:29 p.m.

Rage74 says... #5

Awesome list! Might put this together for an FNM. I get that the big butt and pro green on Surge Mare seems nice for sideboard tech I just feel like its not strong enough to justify the spot in the side especially for double blue and requiring to pay 2 mana just to make it a 1/4 to get its trigger for card draw.

July 3, 2018 12:41 a.m.

Bjornis says... #6


Surge Mare is a completely meta-dependant inclusion in the sideboard. I will probably cut it for Sorcerous Spyglass, if the green-stompy decks don't have a high enough percentage or if it underperforms in said match-up.

July 3, 2018 4:04 a.m.

I really love the deck! I would advise you to consider Dive Down, the creatures need protection, and the baff is really useful against the red decks.

July 3, 2018 9:20 a.m.

*More Dive Down

July 3, 2018 9:21 a.m.

Bjornis says... #9


Dive Down is a hard card to find the right amount of, as it is good at keeping you ahead, but does not get you ahead when you are behind.

I'm currently thinking about adding in Shalai, Voice of Plenty, to get protection from spot-removal with the added benefit of giving me hexproof and a 3/4 flyer.

July 3, 2018 3:21 p.m. Edited.

Haven't thought of that! Good choice!

July 9, 2018 4:48 a.m.

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