
Commander / EDH Suns_Champion


GobboE says... #1

Personally, I wouldn't call this deck extreme budget (around $280 as it is)

But I would include: Swiftfoot Boots

December 19, 2016 8:19 a.m.

Suns_Champion says... #2

GobboE, Thanks so much for responding! Really do appreciate it!
Yeah I guess you're right about that haha. I'm going to buy most of the cards heavily played to keep the price down, but I guess I really meant "budget" relative to most other Narset EDH decks. No matter.

Thanks for the suggestion! Though I feel like there's better ways to give Narset haste for 1 mana. Versatile cards like Chaos Charm or card draw like Expedite or an aura like Hammerhand. Also I don't like the double payment and would much rather spend the initial 2 mana on a mana rock or something. I guess in general I've never been too concerned about giving her haste, instead focusing on other areas. Maybe I will in the future.

December 19, 2016 5:52 p.m.

Calliber says... #3

Open the Vaults would be a consideration should you suffer a board wipe and all those nice enchantments and artifacts hit the yard.

December 29, 2016 12:06 p.m.

UnleashedHavok says... #4

I think that Defang could be a better replacement for Arrest. It doesn't have the same wording, but has almost the exact same effect for 1 less mana. Unless for have Arrest specifically for the activated abilities portion.

February 6, 2017 6:21 p.m.

Suns_Champion says... #5

UnleashedHavok thanks for the comment!

I have arrest so my friend's Sliver Overlord can't tutor for slivers, so it's very meta specific.

February 6, 2017 8:26 p.m.

Hey there, thanks for looking at my Narset deck too! It's good to see another Narset deck that isn't super abusive and centered around Proteus Staff and infinite turns. That being said, playing auras is a strategy that I considered too but ultimately feels really bad to me when somebody inevitably boardwipes. Also since you don't have Replenish, Retether, or Open the Vaults there's no way for you to rebuild afterwards. I understand that Flickerform is good, but I'd rather not always be holding up mana for that. I am really jelly that you have the signets in here as I wish I could fit them in my list. As you upgrade it over time (if you do), I would recommend getting a Serra's Sanctum too, and a Sigil of the Empty Throne to make yourself more blockers and attackers.

February 8, 2017 10:16 a.m.

Suns_Champion says... #7

EternalBrewmaster thanks a lot man! Retether is one I haven't seen before, I'll have to pick one up. Open the Vaults is in my sideboard currently. I have a very young meta that's new to commander, so I'm sure big changes will occur when they all start adjusting to my deck. Thanks for your time!

February 8, 2017 11:07 a.m.

No problem, always happy to discuss EDH brews!

February 8, 2017 11:15 a.m.

nik_r says... #9

Okay, I see what you're going for, and it's awesome. Here's my suggestion, you can take it or leave it. Vanishing.Enough said, the card speaks for itself, and seems like an excellent way to protect narset. Also, if you don't know what phasing is, take that Flickerform and make it both cheaper and better. Love the deck, looks like a lot of fun. Also, just remember that phasing doesn't remove your aura's and equipment, they just are no longer on the field until your next untap step! If you have questions on this mechanic let me know. Most people at my LGS have no idea how it works and are always surprised when I pull out a card like Shimmer on them.

February 9, 2017 6:15 p.m.

Suns_Champion says... #10

nik_r Thanks so much for commenting!

Interesting suggestion! I think I'll take it haha

I'll admit I'm not familiar with the ability or that card. I'll definitely pick one up and start testing!

February 9, 2017 6:51 p.m.

Mr.Maniac says... #11

this deck is really cool. i wish i was smart enough to come up with this!

February 9, 2017 7:20 p.m.

Maedhross says... #12

Hi! I see what those two creatures are doing for you, but personally I wouldn't include them. You're good with mana artifacts and don't need Generator Servant. And Sovereigns of Lost Alara isn't important enough to risk hitting it as a dud with Narset's triggered ability. I just really like to take an idea (exploting free non-creature cards with Narset) and build on that consequently.

Nice work!

February 13, 2017 1:38 p.m.

I disagree Maedhross at least for Sovreigns. With enough top deck manipulation you should be able to avoid it and it gives the deck much more consistent access to its wincon. Not all Narset decks need to be entirely creatureless.

February 13, 2017 2:02 p.m.

Suns_Champion says... #14

Maedhross Thanks for the comment!

Generator Servant is in there for haste. I'd rather have mana ramp/haste than something I have to pay another mana for like Hammerhand or even Swiftfoot Boots. As for Sovereigns of Lost Alara, it's handy because it allows me to swing with Narset regardless of the board state. If I don't have a flash enabler out, it means I can safely swing with an unenchanted Narset and throw a Steel of the Godhead or Eldrazi Conscription on her and punch through at my opponent.

February 14, 2017 9:40 a.m.

I should have mentioned this before, but there's a perfect card for replacing Generator Servant that I have in my Narset deck: Dragon Breath. You can discard it early game no problem or have a slower start the first time out with Narset but after that you never have to worry about her being ready to go if she dies to a boardwipe as it comes back in whenever you cast her again. This same reason for having free haste is the reason people play Fervor, Ashling's Prerogative, and Lightning Greaves over Swiftfoot boots. The one mana equip for boots is too steep a cost.

February 14, 2017 10:54 a.m.

nik_r says... #16

Honestly, I have to disagree with everyone telling you to get rid of Generator Servant. I've been a dedicated competitive Narset player for a year or so now, and the servant is not a card you want to cut. Haste is one of the most broken keywords in magic, and if you pair that with a card that ramps you, that's just icing on the cake. In my deck, the servant allows me to swing with narset on turn two the moment I cast her. In this deck, it may make her come out around turn 4-5, but that is still way ahead of curve for a non competitive deck. Also, do not run Fervor or Ashling's Prerogative. Giving other decks haste is a bad idea. In regards to Lightning Greaves, it is a fantastic card, but you will not be able to enchant her if you equip her with it. Since this deck is low on creature count, I would strongly consider not including it.

February 14, 2017 12:39 p.m.

This guy doesn't understand what I'm talking about. First of all, I'm not saying get rid of the GS, just that there are more resilient ways to get the effect in an aura deck. Second of all, shroud from lightning greaves isn't relevant to Sovereigns of Lost Alara's ability as it doesn't target so you can still enchant Narset when she has shroud. Otherwise, you can move the greaves to something else while you cast an aura on her if you need to. More importantly, the greaves is there so you can ALWAYS just put them back on her for free in later turns after she may have died and you recast her. Obviously you would enchant her first before doing this so it's not a problem. And lastly, Fervor doesn't give your opponents' creatures haste. Prerogative can be a great card to play politically if you're at a table with a bunch of odd-costed generals too but it might not be the best in your deck. I am testing it in mine because mine is designed to win the turn I swing with Narset by casting every card in my deck through storm and other synergies among my enchantments protect me from hastey creatures my opponents have.

February 14, 2017 12:57 p.m.

Maedhross says... #18

Yeah. I totally missed that Generator Servant gives haste. Personally, I would still play Fervor instead of it though, or Lightning Greaves which i like even though it gives shroud. I do see how brilliant Sovereigns of Lost Alara is now. So I'm backtracking on my original comment saying it's not 'important enough'. I just coulnd't bring myself to play it though :-) But your deck isn't called Narset on her lonesome.

February 14, 2017 7:21 p.m.

Suns_Champion says... #19

Hey everyone! Please check out this decks' brother, "And when everyone's super... no one will be"! It's the superfriends package of this same set of cards. Would appreciate any and all feedback! Thanks a lot!

March 13, 2017 9:37 p.m.

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