Green white aura combos.
Starting the mana curve with ye olde Arbor Elf / Utopia Sprawl combo, you can play Land - Arbor Elves turn 1 and Land - Utopia Sprawl turn 2 with 4 mana left to spend. On turn 2. Then lay down a face pounder or 2 and start playing all the auras you can draw to beef up for the kill shot.
Card advantage from Argothian Enchantress and Kor Spiritdancer help set up the board fast with the ramping assistance, and the many offensive synergies are rediculously infuriating! Ethereal Armor, Rancor, Ancestral Mask and Daybreak Coronet do the buffing, Aura Gnarlid, Silhana Ledgewalker, Canopy Cover and Rancor make sure you punch through various defenses, and Canopy Cover, Silhana Ledgewalker and Oblivion Ring add some security to the "all eggs in one basket" killdozer.
My favorite combo is the well-known Auratog + Rancor trick, giving Auratog +2/+2 when you sac Rancor and recasting Rancor for just 1 green, ready to go again! Add in a Kor Spiritdancer or Argothian Enchantress to the mix and you can draw at least one card AND give Auratog +2/+2 for each 1 green mana spent.
4 Land Grants are used in place of forests to fetch the Temple Gardens (because they're Forests!), and when you add the 4 Sunpetal Groves, you effectively have 19 green mana sources and 10 white ones, not including Utopia Sprawl color fixing and Arbor Elf shenanigans.
Typically, one creature can attack for at least 20 damage by turn 4 or 5, but I've lucked out by turn 3 before. Expect to draw a LOT of cards. Multiplayer gives you even more enchantments on the battlefield to power the machine.
Weak against countermagic, certain types of control, creature sacrifice, and that goddamned Vampire Nighthawk.