Aurelia's Army

Commander / EDH Artemis_Swift

SCORE: 131 | 103 COMMENTS | 28963 VIEWS | IN 71 FOLDERS

Beksl says... #1

If you're using Hellkite Charger I'd recommend Sword of Feast and Famine to give you multipe attack phases. Also Aggravated Assault has the same function as Hellkite.

Not sure about Isochron Scepter , you have exactly 4 targets for it and in a 99 card deck most of the time you'll have a dead card in your hand. Insted, it would be better to include some protection for your commander, Swiftfoot Boots or Darksteel Plate come to mind.

Look at my Aurelia deck maybe you'll get some ideas from it: The Bitch Won't Stop

September 26, 2013 9:57 a.m.

Artemis_Swift says... #2


I like the sword, but it's expensive. that said, if I could afford it, yes it would be in this deck.

but I do agree with Isochron Scepter as being irrelevant.

I was thinking of adding Assemble the Legion and Purphoros, God of the Forge for a fun synergy. And adding True Conviction as well.

September 26, 2013 10:39 a.m.

Amnesiac_ says... #3

So what is your general's biggest strength? She enters the battlefield and beats mass amounts of face that turn thanks to the multiple combat steps. Breath of Fury , Fury of the Horde , Relentless Assault , Savage Beating , Seize the Day , Waves of Aggression , and finally World at War all allow you another combat step. That means your general does 6 the turn she comes out (minimum) then 9+ if you can grab some state based buff like Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite Honor of the Pure etc. Also Swiftfoot Boots will help keep your general protected. Whispersilk Cloak and Rogue's Passage can make your general unblockable, and that seems really good.

September 27, 2013 10:07 a.m.

hunter9000 says... #4

Cloudshift , Legion's Initiative , and Restoration Angel can all give you extra attacks with Aurelia, the Warleader

September 27, 2013 12:58 p.m.

Artemis_Swift says... #5

I am not necessarily wanting to flood the deck with cards that give extra attack phases, maybe a few of the cards suggested.

What would you all take out to add in Relentless Assault Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite Whispersilk Cloak and a few of the other cards suggested?

September 27, 2013 5:13 p.m.

ShikiTen says... #6

I definitely love the combo with Sword of Feast and Famine with Hellkite Charger . I think adding more cards that enable multiple attack phases might be a good theme to focus the deck on. Fury of the Horde , Relentless Assault , Waves of Aggression , and World at War are all great choices. Savage Beating and Seize the Day are not bad choices either, however with Seize the Day I'd recommend a lot of creatures with vigilance or things that give your creatures vigilance (i.e. Oathsworn Giant ).

As is, it seems like some cards need not be in there. Anax and Cymede shouldn't be on the maybe board since the deck doesn't include any Auras or Instants/Sorceries that would boost him up. I recently made a red/white commander deck as well, however I changed the commander from Aurelia, the Warleader to Anax and Cymede but I had to overhaul the deck to suit it.

I also wouldn't recommend Loxodon Punisher . While it's a great card, he's better off in an equipment-themed deck. And, since your deck only has 5 instants, I would also suggest letting go of Sunforger (while another great card, to utilize it to it's potential, you would need more instants).

Other than that, the deck doesn't seem so bad. It has great cards, so the challenge left is centralizing the deck to an idea and building around that. Use cards that have synergy with the deck idea. To give an example, my Anax and Cymede Commander deck is focused on abilities such as battle cry and battalion as well as things that help attacking creatures. I am a fan of Boros (first deck I ever made was W/R) so +1 from me.

September 27, 2013 8:56 p.m.

Artemis_Swift says... #7

Thanks for the comments! As it stands without any upgrades, I was in a 9 man EDH game with two hug type decks. I killed all but two of the players in a single turn. Then had to scoop lol

I will look into all of the cards suggested to see what can be used best and then post it up tomorrow

September 28, 2013 12:01 a.m.

Thomaster22 says... #8

Hero of Bladehold is awesome with double battle phases. Also Hero of Oxid Ridge has a similar hey no chump blocks feel similar to Legion Loyalist . Assemble the Legion should definitely be main board. And ive been play testing my Boros EDH which is not the one up on my profile. (thats where i started now it is totally different after play testing) and i find Odric, Master Tactician is an amazing end to a game.

September 28, 2013 9:43 a.m.

Artemis_Swift says... #9

@Beksl Do you think seven ways of gaining an extra attack phase is a good number? I am on the fence on adding two more but not sure what to take out.

September 30, 2013 12:43 a.m.

Smaug1007 says... #10

Strionic Resonator and Aurelia/Hellkite Charger gets OP very quickly

October 2, 2013 6:34 p.m.

Xagon42 says... #11

Perhaps you would enjoy Purity. Darien, King of Kjeldor would also give opponents a harder time dealing with you, since whenever they hurt you they'd be building your army for you.

October 3, 2013 7:54 a.m.

Beksl says... #12

If finances allow you try to find a room for Idyllic Tutor and Land Tax . Land tax has a great synergy with Waves of Aggression and it's retrace mechanic.

October 3, 2013 10:13 a.m.

Artemis_Swift says... #13

@ Beksl My friend has a Land Tax for trades lol
I was thinking of seeing what the would trade for it, but not sure what to take out really. I've been playtesting the deck on here and its been one good hand after another. If I do get that card, I might take out Incendiary Command but it's a decent tool box. Not sure what to take out for Idyllic Tutor Though, but I do really like that card

October 3, 2013 10:52 a.m.

Beksl says... #14

I'm not overly impressed with Incendiary Command , 4 dammage burn to your opponent is irrelevant in a format where players start with 40 lifes, if you're looking for a sweeper try Anger of the Gods or something similar and destroying a land won't put a big dent into you'r opponents plans. Discard effect is useful but you have better cards for that, I see you already have Reforge the Soul you can also try Wheel of Fortune for example.

All in all I would definitely cut off Incendiary Command and go for a more straight forward card.

October 3, 2013 11:16 a.m.

Long_Con says... #17

So many attack phases! This deck looks like lots of fun. Love that Sword of Feast and Famine plus Hellkite Charger combo! +1

October 8, 2013 8:57 a.m.

Artemis_Swift says... #18

I know :D It looks so fun to play, I only need a few more cards and she will be finished. I sacrificed card draw for attack phases though.

October 8, 2013 9:06 a.m.

Brizle60 says... #19

If you are looking for more attack phases, then Elemental Mastery on a 5/5 + Phyrexian Altar to go along with your Aggrivated Assault = unlimited attack phases (Especially if EM is on Avacyn).

October 8, 2013 9:18 a.m.

Artemis_Swift says... #20

@Brizle60 I will have to remember that if I find some other cards to be not worth it. Or if I decide to go more of a token route with the deck. Thanks for the combo though! It does sound fun

October 8, 2013 6:40 p.m.

Aelorith2117 says... #21

with the number of board clears you have in here have you considered something like Frontline Medic ?

October 17, 2013 11:30 p.m.

Artemis_Swift says... #22

Possibly yeah, I forgot about the Medic. The situation is that I am not sure on what to take out for him. I might remove Ash Zealot for the Frontline Medic . He will help give me a third option for indestructibility. Thanks!

October 17, 2013 11:41 p.m.

Netto09 says... #23

Hi!, i have an Aurelia EDH of my own and its really interesting to see the 1vs1 Aggro approach you took, mine is a bit more Multiplayer oriented but i think i can recommend you some good cards:


Batterskull : Free Creature + Awesome equipment.

Sunforger : This card is REALLY underrated, no one will see the boros charm coming.


Glory of Warfare .

Legion's Initiative .

Creatures:Creatures with "Whenever attacks" or "Whenever deals damage" in general are really good with Aurelia as you get to attack with them twice each turn.

Herald of War : The deck has plenty of humans and angels.

Hellrider : Tons of Damage.

Falkenrath Marauders : 4 +1/+1 counters each turn.

I hope that helps, and if you feel like it please take a look at my EDH decks, opinions are always welcomed.

October 24, 2013 3:08 p.m.

Artemis_Swift says... #24

Sunforger wouldn't work well in this deck because it only looks for three cards.

I did want Glory of Warfare but I can't find room for it in this version of the deck, it's full of good cards that have a better use. Really the only card I am thinking of acquiring would be Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite to wreck tokens.

But all of those cards would be good if I retooled the deck for more of a multiplayer idea.

October 24, 2013 3:36 p.m.

mahouneko says... #25

Might I suggest Grand Abolisher for defense against blue decks?

October 28, 2013 9:03 p.m.

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