Autumn in Innistrad

Standard* Cragon18


AjaniShaman says... #1

I literally just said this about one other deck but I'll just post it here aswell, you probably shouldn't run Ultimate Price in the main deck since you might play against decks with lots of multicolored creatures (if it even is a deck with lots of creatures, might be a creaturless control deck) and it'll just become useless, it's a great sideboard card tho.

Also if you want alternatives for Pick the Brain there's Duress, its cheaper and a great T1 spell but looks like Pick the Brain probably works better with this deck, just a suggestion. I do like Autumnal Gloom  Flip tho, really want to build a deck around it myself.

April 12, 2016 11:54 a.m.

Why not Languish over Biting Rain? Your only discard outlet is Call the Bloodline. If you do choose to run Languish, cut Bloodline. Maybe for Mindwrack Demon? But if you choose to keep Bloodline, bump it to 4 and add some more madness. Might as well use that card for it's full value. Alms of the Vein looks good.Also, Sinister Concoction should be amazing in this deck.

April 12, 2016 4:16 p.m.

RainbowInferno says... #3

Evolving Wilds could help out Delirium by getting a land in the graveyard.

April 12, 2016 4:25 p.m.

Cragon18 says... #4

Thanks thecakeisalie42! Sinister Concoction would be amazing in this deck! I will probably remove Biting Rain entirely, run a full playset of Sinister and then maybe sideboard Call the Bloodline. I can play around with adding more Madness cards in the future if the Delirium mechanic doesn't pan out. Not sure what I will mainboard in place of bloodline, but perhaps another creature? If I had any Mindwrack Demon I would love to put some in, but unfortunately I have not at this time. I'll have to look through my cards and figure that out. Thanks for the feedback!

Thanks RainbowInferno! I will probably add in some Evolving Wilds and see how that plays.

April 12, 2016 4:34 p.m.

Cragon18 says... #5

Thanks AjaniShaman. I agree about Ultimate Price. A little too situational, so I sideboarded it. I'll consider Duress. I think it could be a good sideboard option potentially. Thanks for the feedback!

April 12, 2016 5:54 p.m.

shepherdofire says... #6

Maybe Drownyard Temple for delirium and the ability to get it back for the gitrog.

April 13, 2016 7:45 a.m.

darkcleric says... #7

April 13, 2016 7:59 a.m.

darkcleric says... #8

A good non basic land for this deck

April 13, 2016 7:59 a.m.

lord_blackfang says... #9

You really want to get some Instants and Artifacts in there, and a Planeswalker if you can afford it. Otherwise you'll have to make a lot of suboptimal plays just to get delirium a lot of the time.

April 13, 2016 8:07 a.m.

Cragon18 says... #10

Thanks for the suggestion shepherdofire and darkcleric. I will look into acquiring some Drownyard Temple. I think I have at least one of those, but I'd prefer 2-3.

Yeah, lord_blackfang. I am currently looking for some good instants and artifacts to add to the deck. I will probably end up adding something like Alchemist's Vial. I think it would work as it provides a draw engine and is easy to sac. Thanks for the feedback!

April 13, 2016 8:26 a.m.

IF you're going to add artifacts, I would add Explosive Apparatus. And if you want some easy instants to add, Pulse of Murasa.

April 13, 2016 8:49 a.m.

Cragon18 says... #12

Thanks again RainbowInferno. I already had Pulse of Murasa in my sideboard, but might move it to main. I was going back and forth between Explosive Apparatus and Alchemist's Vial. I will playtest with both and see which one I prefer.

April 13, 2016 10 a.m.

I like the Vial for this deck. It replaces itself and gives you a turn vs Abbey and similar big beats when only holding up 1 mana.

April 13, 2016 10:21 a.m.

Kravian says... #14

Eerie how close to my draft deck this is. I wonder if you want to do a split of Tooth Collector with Kindly Stranger  Flip so you can handle bigger threats. I also agree that Vial is better than Apparatus as it cantrips and only takes 3 mana to get into your graveyard.

April 15, 2016 2:35 p.m.

Cragon18 says... #15

Thanks for the suggestion Kravian. I guess I wasn't being that original when I built the deck after all :/ I considered Kindly Stranger  Flip when I was first assembling the deck, but ultimately went with Tooth Collector because I had more of them haha. I think I only have one stranger, but I am certainly not opposed to trying it out and seeing how it plays.

April 15, 2016 4:11 p.m.

jchudz says... #16

Corpse Churn is a pretty decent enabler for delerium at instant and also gives you some recursion.

Also you could probably run Grasp of Darkness mb for some instant removal.

April 16, 2016 10:30 a.m. Edited.

Cragon18 says... #17

Thanks jchudz! I was literally going over some good instants for this deck and thought Corpse Churn would be a great addition. I'll consider Grasp of Darkness. Might not be a bad sideboard to deal with certain creatures. Thanks!

April 16, 2016 11:31 a.m.

Sarv says... #18

Haven't played MTG since Innistrad/Return to Rav and I'm thinking of starting up again now that Standard looks fun again.

I'm thinking of building this deck to start at FNM again, is this a good place to start?

Seems like a very fun deck, pretty interesting also.

April 17, 2016 7:46 a.m.

Cragon18 says... #19

Hey Terzis28 thanks for stopping by! I actually just seriously started playing mtg again at the Gatewatch release, since I played forever ago (around 4th/5th edition). I am not sure I'm the best person to ask when it comes to building a competitive deck. If you don't care about results and just want to build a fun deck then this would be a great place to start. When building a deck I don't start with "will this be competitive?", I start with "will this be fun to play?". For example, when building this deck, I love Autumnal Gloom  Flip and wanted to build a deck around it. I didn't think about whether or not it could compete at fmn or pro tour.

I am sure there are other guys in this discussion thread that are far more experienced at building fmn decks than I. Always a good place to go for fmn/competitive decks is to look at the top 8 pro tour decks. You will get a good idea for the flavor of standard through looking at those. Other than that, find cards you like, have fun and draw well!


April 17, 2016 11:01 a.m.

RDW is also a good place to start. I don't have a decklist, but they are fun, easy, dirt cheap, and decently competitive.

April 17, 2016 5:55 p.m.

Sogatog says... #21

Is there any reason you aren't on a full playset of Vessel of Nascency? Feels like the best enabler in the deck, and wouldn't hurt the curve at all.

Also, though it fits the theme, I'm not sure how many creatures Tooth Collector will get to kill; though I'm sure you're personal experience is more telling than any guess I could make. But if you don't like it, Catacomb Sifter is a great card in your colors that's good at stalling aggressive decks while also fixing your draws and being a 2-for-1 against removal against control decks.

You could also potentially try Pilgrim's Eye. Doesn't sac itself like Alchemist's Vial, but it's a little better on card advantage, chump blocks just as well as Vial does, and can help fix your mana a little better, or just grind out a few extra points of damage. Mostly, I'm reaching for any artifact you could run over Vial, as that card is just not very great. Another similar option is Wild-Field Scarecrow; it takes mana to get you the land, and can't attack, but it can sacrifice itself if that's a concern, and can block small creatures more than once. I do think one of those might be helpful if you decide to run Grasp of Darkness, as consistently finding double mana symbols with a budget mana base can be hard. On a similar note, if you ever want to upgrade the deck, Llanowar Wastes is relatively inexpensive and would help the mana a lot. Hissing Quagmire is somewhat more expensive, but can die in combat, which aids turning on delirium.

For removal, 1-2 maindeck Ultimate Price is fine as well, as most decks will have plenty of mono color targets. Reave Soul is also an option, though it's only good against small-creature decks.

Another great enabler for delirium is Gather the Pack, though you're not likely to ever get two cards with spell mastery unless you run more creatures.

Finally, I'd consider Mindwrack Demon. It's a little expensive right now, but the price is going down, and it's both an extremely good delirium enabler and an efficient threat.

April 18, 2016 11:33 a.m.

lordshadow says... #22

I'm a new player, but looking forward to using this as my second deck. I love the delirium effect. I can't wait to report back once I've had some games with this deck. Thank you. :)

April 18, 2016 2:27 p.m.

metalreptar says... #23

how about Woodland Cemetery instead of Foul Orchard?

April 18, 2016 2:31 p.m.

jchudz says... #24

Cemetary isn't standard legal although if he wanted to increase his budget a bit he could use Llanowar Wastesor Hissing Quagmire in place ofFoul Orchard

April 18, 2016 4:25 p.m.

metalreptar says... #25

dang, I've got modern on the brain, didn't even see it was standard :)

April 18, 2016 4:29 p.m.

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