Autumn in Innistrad

Standard* Cragon18


Cragon18 says... #1

Catching up:

Thanks for all of the feedback Sogatog! The reason I droped Vessel of Nascency down from a full playset is that I often try and mulligan to get it in my opening hand, as it is so good at (and key to) achieving delirium early on that I would find that they others just end up sitting in my hand once I have achieved delirium. They do provide some value as they let me cycle through my library and pull a potentially important card, but I never saw a situation where I wanted to spend my mana casting or sacrificing it once I had achieved delirium. That said, I am not opposed to trying it out again with a full playset. I hope to take the deck to FNM in the coming weeks and that will be the true test.

While Tooth Collector and his ability does not seem all that powerful, once delirium is achieved it can be more powerful than you think. Especially against some of the aggro vampire decks in this set. It doesn't always kill the creature but even if it turns a 3/3 into a 2/2 it makes a big difference in attack power for an opponent and makes it much easier for me to block potentially. They also draw a TON of aggro once delirium is achieved, which I don't often mind as I have better cards that I would rather my opponent not kill :). That said, I was considering trying out Kindly Stranger  Flip in collector's place to see how that works. Her flip ability could provide excellent control mid-late game to remove some big bruisers. I never considered Catacomb Sifter but it could definitely have a place in this deck potentially, I will playtest and let you know.

I will look into acquiring some Pilgrim's Eye (I don't have a lot of BFZ cards). An artifact creature is definitely good in a delirium deck, so I will play test with that and Wild-Field Scarecrow when I get a chance. I have also been considering sideboarding Grasp of Darkness and running some playtests with it in the main board. I have been looking for a replacement for Foul Orchard and I have some Llanowar Wastes on order.

I have been running Ultimate Price in my sideboard. It is easy enough to sub in if I am playing someone with a troublesome mono creature.

Gather the Pack would be a good addition and I will try that in place of Corpse Churn as even without spell mastery, pack is a better card.

I would love some Mindwrack Demon (feel free to send some my way :) ). That card is fantastic and the "downside" is minimal in a deck that aims to get delirium quickly.

metalreptar Thanks for stopping by and for the suggestion! As jchudz mentioned I am looking to keep this deck standard legal, but I am ordering some Llanowar Wastes to replace Foul Orchard

Thanks again and Cheers!

April 18, 2016 4:54 p.m.

RainbowInferno says... #2

Why not Languish over flaying tendrils?

April 18, 2016 5:22 p.m.

mack10k says... #3

Flaying Tendrils is for weenie decks and is generally better for your side board. Hissing Quagmire should be in here for your lands as well. I like Obsessive Skinner over Tooth Collector. Ultimate Price is good again, since there aren't that many multi-colored creatures anymore (but some popular Eldrazi builds, even those run some some non-colorless creatures). I would run either Wild-Field Scarecrow or Explosive Apparatus over your Alchemist's Vial for the artifact for delirium.

April 18, 2016 9:13 p.m.

Mcdouglas says... #4

I think Hangarback Walker would fit really well if your budget allows it.

April 19, 2016 4:24 a.m.

Cragon18 says... #5

Thanks mack10k. I have Flaying Tendrils in my sideboard and I have it in there for weenie decks and for any decks that rely upon or have any sort of death/graveyard effects (Zulaport Cutthroat, or any deck that pull from graveyard etc...). I should probably acquire some more Languish and put that in my sideboard/mainboard. It is a super powerful card.

I have been meaning to add some Hissing Quagmire to the deck.

I really like Obsessive Skinner (and I hate playing against it, if it is not dealt with quickly), and have been wanting to playtest with it in there.

I definitely like Wild-Field Scarecrow and I'm planning to playtest with a few of those in there in place of Alchemist's Vial. I don't like Explosive Apparatus. If you take out delirium enabling, it is 2 damage for 3, which is not good.

Thanks Mcdouglas for the suggestion. I have a couple of Hangarback Walker, so I will do some playtesting and see how they do.

Cheers to you both.

April 19, 2016 9:37 a.m.

mack10k says... #6

The comment for the flaying tendrils was meant for someone else. Sorry I did not clarify.

April 19, 2016 8:25 p.m.

mack10k says... #7

Also I think Sinister Concoction is a bad card. There are much better cards out there for removal in black. Like Grasp of Darkness, Ultimate Price, or Ruinous Path. Again I agree with the Explosive Apparatus and I feel like that card fits the same bill.

April 19, 2016 8:30 p.m.

Sogatog says... #8

I would just like to add that I'm not sure Grasp of Darkness or Ruinous Path are good ideas to add to the deck as it is. With only 15 black sources, there'll probably be games where you end up not having two black sources early in the game when you really need your removal to help deal wit aggro decks. I'd say Ultimate Price, Reave Soul, or even Sinister Concoction are better, unless you add Foul Orchard back into the deck to get up to 18 or so black sources.

April 19, 2016 9:29 p.m.

Hangarback Walker is great in this type of deck. I'm also running a delirium deck. You can cast Hangarback for 0 and and get half your delirium. I've managed delirium turn 3 with him.

April 20, 2016 1:23 a.m.

Cragon18 says... #10

mack10k, thanks for the feedback. I have actually had really good success with Sinister Concoction. It rarely gets countered when I put it out, and once it is out it is difficult to counter. Granted there is an extra cost to destroy a creature, but I almost always have an extra mana available, paying one life is typically not a big deal, and being a delirium deck, I don't mind paying the other costs. It also has a psychological factor of knowing it is on the board and my opponent wondering if I am going to use it to destroy the next creature they bring out. I did mainboard in some Ultimate Price, and it worked wonderfully. There is almost always a time that it can be used against a pesky mono creature. I am definitely keeping Ruinous Path and To the Slaughter in my sideboard/maybeboard for decks with walkers or multi-colored creatures.

Thanks Sogatog and happygilmore511 for the feedback as well!

April 20, 2016 4:43 p.m.
April 21, 2016 4:12 a.m.

_Delta_ says... #12

How about maybe a World Breaker, it would work well with Drownyard Temple, and The Gitrog Monster. There's always Groundskeeper to help with getting lands back.

April 22, 2016 10:39 a.m.

_Delta_ says... #13

I like this deck, and I have been doing something actually similar except with Inexorable Blob, and Altered Ego.The feedback your getting here has also been of use to my deck as well. Anyways +1 for this deck.

April 22, 2016 10:42 a.m.

Cragon18 says... #14

Thanks for the +1 Delta-117! I don't have any World Breaker, but I will look into playtesting with 1 or 2 in my deck. I have also been meaning to add some Drownyard Temple, but have not got around to it yet. So far I have not had any problems with losing too many lands to my graveyard, so I am not sure I need to put any Groundskeeper in there at this time. Once The Gitrog Monster is out, the game typically ends quickly one way or the other.

I like your Inexorable Blob/Altered Ego combo. That looks super powerful.

Let me know what you think of my recent updates. I played it casually today against my coworkers and it did really well.

April 25, 2016 2:54 p.m.

_Delta_ says... #15

The changes look good.

April 25, 2016 3:41 p.m.

hamiam says... #16

Good stuff! +1

April 25, 2016 11:24 p.m.

imwhatufear says... #17

I like where this deck is it looks like its been a work in progress with a lot of contributions I would agree about the hangarbacks and also you have 6 total ultimate prices between main and side boards right now.

April 26, 2016 12:25 a.m.

Cragon18 says... #18

Thanks hamiam!

Thanks imwhatufear. I have been planning on putting two hangarbacks in there in place of alchemists. I have not updated my sideboard in a while. I ended up mainboarding ultimate price, and it has worked it pretty well. Presently I am looking for some cards that I can run against creature light/control decks for my sideboard, since I have a ton of creature control in the main and even more in my sideboard so it needs some serious work. Thanks for the feedback!

April 26, 2016 6:30 a.m.

Cragon- the problem imwhatufear is referring to is that you can't have more than 4 cards in a deck, so having 4 in a sideboard and 2 maindeck is illegal. Self-Inflicted Wound is nice.

April 26, 2016 6:52 a.m.

Cragon18 says... #20

Of course. I removed the extras from my sideboard. I plan to work on the sideboard this week before it's debut at FNM.

April 26, 2016 9:23 a.m.

FaintlyThere says... #21

I can actually say I ran the original version of this deck you posted at FNM last week and went 2 - 2

1-2 against G/W humans 2-0 against G/W/ lifegain 1-2 against B/R Eldrazi 2-1 against goggles

I agree with all your changes so far though I'll have to pick up some Dragons of Khan cards (Duress I have old versions I can use but self-inflicting wound i'll have to get)

I didn't see much play with gitrog honestly as soon as he came out, he was killed quickly

the alchemist's Vial did help stall but wasn't really effective; really the best card in the deck was Corpse Churn as it really helped trigger delirium and grab a creature which most match-ups went to Soul Swallower cause he becomes a beast quick, in fact The G/W lifegain guy scooped soon as Soul became a 9/9 lol

I did notice though that I had hardly any answers for enchantments so I'm probably gonna run Naturalize in the sideboard for the B/R matchup considering his deck revolves around Molten Nursery for additional damage

but overall out of all the decks I've seen using this mechanic, I favor this one the most. Good build!

April 27, 2016 2:40 p.m.

Cragon18 says... #22

Thanks FaintlyThere!! I really appreciate you playing my deck at FNM. I am planning on taking it in its current state this weekend if I am able.

Sounds like it played fairly well, so I am glad to hear that it didn't embarrass you.

Whenever I play Gitrog, I normally get him for a turn or 2 max before he is killed, but if he ever stays out he is a monster (no pun intended).

Soul Swallower is also amazing if you ever get to keep him out. He also gets killed quickly (especially if you have delirium enabled). I have only gotten to attack with him a few times to be honest, but definitely one of my favorite cards in the set.

Yeah, I am looking for alternatives to Alchemist's Vial. It works OK as an early game stall, but that's about it. The top contender thus far is Hangarback Walker. I am also considering changing out Tooth Collector. Did he work well for you, or did you get to play him?

Yeah, I will probably end up running some enchantment/artifact removal in my sideboard.

Thanks for the feedback and for trying it out!

April 27, 2016 3:44 p.m.

FaintlyThere says... #23

Honestly when it came to Tooth Collector I kind of felt uselessly, for a 3 drop and not much mana ramp means you're usually behind the curve to make him affectively enough considering most quick creatures now are 2/2 and he's hard to pair with a dead weight or anything early, I've considered replacing him Inexorable Blob as his delirium effect is much better in longer games and he's harder to kill against red spells (besides the axe)

I've debated on switched the vial for wild-field scarecrow considering it'll give artifact and a blocker for one more mana but I'll run that version to see how it works out and definitely let you know

April 27, 2016 3:59 p.m.

Cragon18 says... #24

Yeah FaintlyThere, that is my experience as well with tooth collector as well. I think inexorable blob would be a great addition. I've been debating wild-field scarecrow as well. Let me know how the playtest goes for sure! Thanks!

April 27, 2016 9:17 p.m.

GrayAlchemyst says... #25

Cragon18 This Deck is So cool! A Delirium deck has been ruminating in my brain and I'm totally going to be citing this deck when I do finally build it. I now have this bookmarked. The only thing I might suggest, is possibly an artifact creature cause they count as both types for delirium, something like Hangarback Walker might work with the midrange theme, since it is resilient and gets better over time. And if you need it, and I can't tell, possibly Inexorable Blob. Because oozes. And it can get a little out of hand.

April 28, 2016 9:03 a.m.

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