If the Forest will not defend itself, We will in its stead.

Rise up against those who would harm the forest
This deck was inspired by Studio Ghibli's Princess Mononoke.
The Forest is dying
A curse is spreading throughout the land, like a scourge it corrupts
and makes them demons. In a struggle to prevent the demon from destroying his village
,the young prince, is cursed. He sets out on a journey to discover the origin of the curse and find a cure.
The Crucible of Iron Town
Ashitaka journeys west, encountering
, a monk who tells Ashitaka that the Great Forest Spirit may be able to help him. Continuing onwards, Ashitaka discovers men from Irontown, injured after being beset by the wolf goddess Moro and a human girl, and assists them through the forest. Along the way they see
, spirits of the forest. Upon arriving in
, Ashitaka is greeted by the villagers and thanked for saving the wounded men. He meets
Lady Eboshi
, who
the forest and built the town to mine valuable iron sands.
That night, the wolf girl
infiltrates Irontown to assassinate Lady Eboshi, but Ashitaka intervenes and prevents the death of either. Ashitaka takes San and leaves the town, but is shot by a villager in the process, only being able to carry on due to his curse.
The Fight for the Forest
San awakens but opts to not kill Ashitaka who saved her, instead takes him to the
sacred grove
of the forest, to see if the Great Forest Spirit will save him. The
Great Forest Spirits
heals Ashitaka's wounds, but his curse remains. While in the sacred grove, the
clan lead by
, the boar god, appears to beseech the Forest Spirit to fight against the humans. The wolf goddess,
, disagrees and says the boars are fools to fight the humans in an open war. Okkoto disregards Moro and sets out with his boars for a final fight. Meanwhile Eboshi prepares for battle and sets out to kill and behead the Forest Spirit with Jigo, a secret operator of the Emperor, who wants to claim the Spirit's head for the Emperor as it is believed to grant immortality.
Ashitaka awakens and returns to Irontown to see it beseiged. The town's
is struggling, and Ashitaka leaves to find Eboshi and warn her of her town's plight.
The Death of the Forest
The enraged
boar clan
engages in a desperate, final
against Eboshi's forces, and is utterly
. Jigo and his hunters follow a wounded and cursed Okkoto back to the sacred grove to the Forest Spirit. San tries to stop Okkoto but is unable to and risks being corrupted herself, until Moro and Ashitaka save her. The Forest Spirit reveals itself to Okkoto and Moro and Eboshi and Jigo shoot the Spirit and decapitate it, stealing the head. The forest spirit devolves into a pure destructive
, killing Okkoto and Moro and spreading over the land laying Encroaching Waste|waste to everything. San and Ashitaka persuade Jigo to return the head to the Forest Spirit, which heals the Spirit and cause the shattered land to
, ushering in new growth and life.
Check out my Casual Meta Decks!
Just a Note, I make the majority of my decks with casual play in mind within my own playgroup. These decks are intended to be balanced within my own meta and fairly budget conscious, which may be why some obvious cards are excluded