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Awaken the Undercrypt: Agadeem

Modern Mono-Black Sacrifice




Creature (1)

Updates! Agadeem’s Awakening has kind have shifted some things around to get maximum value from playing off of a Crypt of Agadeem producing 12 mana. Torgaar, who holds the 8 mana slot, is great because I can play him off of 2 mana if Crypt is popping off or graveyard removal is real. Butcher of Malikur, who holds the 7 mana slot, is a revivable Gravepack, and a flier. Tetz, who holds the 6 slot is spot removal, especially when you are in to deck mode and mana flooded. Shriekmaw, who is another 5 slot and more worth being back than Streetwraith, is spot removal and a death trigger and another black creature in the graveyard for Crypt of Agadeem. In the event of my opponent removing my graveyard, my side board will be focused on removal and board out my higher costing creatures and graveyard consideration cards. Easy to think about when it comes up.

Getting value out of creature deaths. Using Blood Artist and Cutthroat, Serrated Scorpion, Death Cultist, and Lampad of Death’s Vigil, I gain life while they lose life. Often, with the alternative cost to Demon of Death’s Gate, I either don’t lose any life (or even gain some), while my opponent loses 6+ life.

To move through the deck faster, I have Grim Haruspex, Street Wraith, Stitcher’s Supplier, Viscere Seer, and Village Rites.

Crypt of Agadeem! This card is very powerful in this deck. Between Street Wraith, Stitcher’s Supplier, and all the creatures I put in the graveyard from my primary concept, this land can let me hard cast Demon of Death’s Gate or let me get max value from Awaken the Undercrypt.

Priest of Forgotten Gods is also very powerful. It’s board control, causes life lose (which also combos well with Blood Artist and the like), draws me cards (up to 3 if I have a Grim Haruspek on the field) and gains me mana (sometimes I get stuck at 2 lands and this Priest helps me hit 3 so I can play Ayara).

Using Awaken the Undercrypt, I have set my deck up to get 1 creature back from mana costs 1-9. 9. Demon of Death’s Gate 8. Avatar of Woe 7. Butcher of Malakir 6. Havester of Souls 5. Shriekmaw/ Street Wraith 4. Erebos, Black Hearted 3. Grim Haurspex/ Ayara


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99% Competitive

Top Ranked
  • Achieved #40 position overall 4 years ago
  • Achieved #3 position in Modern 4 years ago
  • Achieved #1 position in Modern BRG (Jund) 4 years ago
Date added 4 years
Last updated 1 month

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 1 Mythic Rares

18 - 3 Rares

18 - 4 Uncommons

14 - 7 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.33
Tokens Morph 2/2 C
Folders Favorite Modern Decks, zzInspiration (not own), Idk
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