Use Axebane Guardian + Freed from the Real to make infinite mana for Blue Sun's Zenith


Axebane Guardian + Freed from the Real enchant Axebane Guardian and use his tap effect in conjunction with at least one other defender creature to generate at least 2 mana of any color ( must have 1 blue) use the enchant effect to untap, rinse, repeat.


Assault Formation - Alternate WinCon, lets you beat face with your defenders, or attack for infinite with your mana

Axebane Guardian - Part of the combo

Blue Sun's Zenith - Can mill your opponent out or let you draw a bunch of cards if needed

Drift of Phantasms - Transmute can tutor up either combo piece or Blue Sun's Zenith, also a defender with flying

Freed from the Real - Part of the combo, can also be used defensively to keep a scary creature tapped down

Jaddi Offshoot - Bit of life gain to slow aggro, also is a one drop defender

Mana Leak - Protects our combo, or slows our opponent

Simic Guildgate - Ultra budget mana-fixing, upgrade for Misty Rainforest, Yavimaya Coast, and/or Breeding Pool

Spell Pierce - Cheaper version of Mana Leak

Sylvan Caryatid - Mana Fixing on a hexproof defender

Wall of Tanglecord - Giant wall that is super hard to break through

Wall of Vines - Turn one reach


Side boards should be made to fit your local meta, however there are some cards that are safe options, such as: Spreading Seas for UrzaTron; Ceremonious Rejection for Urza Tron, Affinity, and EldraziTron; and Tormod's Crypt for decks that enjoy their graveyard. I run these in addition to Life Goes On, as 8 life for one mana is very good at buying time against Burn, Death's Shadow, and many Aggro decks, and Nature's Claim to help against Affinity, Blood Moon, and some Tron decks.


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I personally thank everyone who has up voted, viewed, commented, or suggested cards for this deck from the bottom of my heart. I am just a newer Magic player and it amazes me that I have 10 up votes, over 1000 views and that so many people have taken the time to give me ideas and revisions to a deck I designed just for shits and giggles.


Date added 10 years
Last updated 7 years
Key combos

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

11 - 0 Rares

2 - 0 Uncommons

29 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.18
Folders Maybe, maybe buying, Want, Stuff I want to build, Casual, favorites, fun, Zakass Approved, Budget multiplayer ideas, Inspiration
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