Wie gehts! This is my Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim EDH deck. Your goal here is to gain so much life and do alot of fun life-based things. While not a win-all, competitive deck. This one can hold its own, this is more for fun not tournament play. Anyway, all things aside, have fun.
Ashen Rider- Removal for anything, beefy body to add to that threat.
Athreos, God of Passage- Recurring the beefy stuff you sacked or hurting your rival on the board, oh yes please.
Blood Artist- Why not?
Butcher of Malakir- You sac stuff, you make your opponents follow the trend.
Crypt Ghast- Ramp and Extort, why would you neglect having this.
Divinity of Pride- 5 mana 8/8 with flying and lifelink 90% of the time.
Drana's Emissary- Consistent lifedrain effect.
Grave Titan- Sac the zombies or just swarm the board.
Grim Haruspex- Eventual and consistent card draw.
Hanweir Militia Captain- Flip it, and you have a nice stream of new recruits.
Kambal, Consul of Allocation- Control decks control no more, screw your mana rocks.
Karlov of the Ghost Council- Turn life gain to removal.
Pontiff of Blight- Drain absolutely everything.
Ravos, Soultender- Anthem to gain life, recurring your stuff for you. No thanks needed.
Rhox Faithmender- Double your lifegain. Of course you want that.
Sheoldred, Whispering One- Recurrsion and controls your enemy's board.
Sidisi, Undead Vizier- Saccing and getting to tutor whatever you need.
Solemn Simulacrum- Commander staple, fix and draw.
Soul Warden- Additional Lifegain.
Soul's Attendant- See above example.
Steel Wall- Were gonna build it, it's gonna be hoooge, were gonna make the Eldrazi pay for it all.
Suture Priest- Refer to Blood Artist.
Tasseled Dromedary- Big health sac fodder.
Tree of Perdition- Why not, you could sac it in a pinch...
Vizkopa Guildmage- That second ability...
Wall of Blood- Very good for blocking, since you have access to alotta life, like all the time.
Wall of Reverence- Effectively doubles Ayli's first ability.
Yoked Ox- See Steel Wall
Aetherflux Reservoir- More life gain, can outright kill someone.
Expedition Map- Take any land you want, any land you want...
Illusionist's Bracers- You can double Ayli's second ability.
Lightning Greaves- Make Ayli or Sun Titan much scarier.
Oketra's Monument- Cheaper spells and many tokens.
Phyrexian Processor- Sac one and you've made up for it. You can afford to pay a nice bit of life.
Sol Ring- 'Nuff said.
Thought Vessel- Mana rock with Reliquary Tower capabilities.
Well of Lost Dreams- Cards. Why not man?
Angelic Accord- Usually able to get one each turn. Swarm 'em to death.
Anointed Procession- Well, double it.
Black Market- Quickly able to give you big mana.
Blind Obedience- Slow your enemies, extortion is amazing in this.
Call for Unity- Everything will be better and better, more life, it will be hoooge.
Dark Prophecy- Card draw you will never feel the pain of.
Debtor's Knell- Recurrsion: Yes, yes, and yes.
Hidden Stockpile- Again, more sac fodder.
Phyrexian Arena- Best card draw available with such a low effect on this deck.
Archangel's Light- Just in case, wink wink.
Austere Command- Get rid of any threat, any threat what so ever.
Diabolic Tutor- Its our tutor.
Fumigate- Kill everything, the loss turns into your gain.
Unburial Rites- Recurrsion, twice.
Victimize- Unburial Rites but easier to accomplish.
Beacon of Immortality- If you have this, It is hard for you to lose.
Enlightened Tutor- Huge, high life? Go get you a nice toy.
Mortify- Fast, direct removal.
Return to Dust- More removal, cant argue with that.
Unmake- Why not?
Sorin, Grim Nemesis- That final ability is a win-con. Very much so here.
Sorin, Lord of Innistrad- Again, that final is amazing in this kind of deck where politics is key.
Elspeth, Sun's Champion- Tokens, wrath, and beefy buffs.
Godless Shrine- Not so "shocking" with this much lifegain.
Isolated Chapel- Should rarely, if ever, come in tapped.
Orzhov Guildgate- Slow, yet efficient mana-fixing.
Tainted Field- Usually able to provide both colors. 99% percent of the time.
Temple of Silence- Scry not? Im not sorry.
Vault of the Archangel- Did you say deathtouch and lifelink? Count me in!
Good job making it done here!!! PLEASE UPVOTE!!!