Azami, Lady of Beatin' Yo A**

Commander / EDH Burgdawg


PreZchoICE1 says... #1

January 19, 2016 6:15 p.m.

Burgdawg says... #2

I do need the one-drops, but any suggestion as to what I should yank for him? I'm bad at letting any of my cards go. :P

January 19, 2016 9:19 p.m.

PreZchoICE1 says... #3

January 21, 2016 4:28 p.m.

PreZchoICE1 says... #4

I feel that the best option for a Morph wizard is actually Voidmage Prodigy things I would condisder:

1) There's really no need for you to have a creature in the deck thats over four mana, in fact the Palinchron combos are best left to other strategies. There are a few exceptions to this but mostly you want the creature base to be on theme.

2) There's no need to have things in the deck that don't enhance your overall strategy. Taking extra turns doesnt enhance the strategy, a good pilot with a well built Azami deck shouldnt need to take extra turns.

With those two points in mind things I would cut are:

Palinchron Enter the Infinite Omniscience Duplicant Intruder Alarm Capture of Jingzhou Temporal Manipulation Extraplanar Lens Pongify Rapid Hybridization Forbid

Things I would consider adding:

Daze Jester's Cap Sphinx's Tutelage Clone Legion Mimic Vat Phyrexian Metamorph Voidmage Prodigy Whelming Wave Mindbreak Trap Dream Fracture Remand Gush Relic of Progenitus Deceiver of Form

January 22, 2016 3:28 a.m.

Burgdawg says... #5

This is an interesting take on the deck. My only question is are you assuming a multiplayer game or a one on one? I typically play with 3ish other players and if for any reason Mind Over Matter or Laboratory Maniac are torn from me I'm screwed without another win-con, and while fighting 3 other people it's simply impossible to counter everything. I'd like to try to build the deck more like you suggest and play with it to see. If I'm yanking out the Palinchron combo, should I yank Memnarch too? and Enter the Infinite wins the game by itself with Laboratory Maniac, as it allows you to draw him and keep counters to protect him. Thanks for the different take on the deck!

January 22, 2016 10:23 a.m.

PreZchoICE1 says... #6

Basically with Sphinx's Tutelage and Deceiver of Form you earn another couple win cons seperate from Lab Man and Mom. Since Memnarch is a wizard he is on theme, you could consider something like Distant Melody however. I'm thinking of multiplayer games when I say this.

You want to be doing enough that you're ahead but you don't want to get too far ahead because that leads to it becoming 3 vs 1 which as you've said isn't really feasible, nor is it fun.

Things like taking extra turns or infinite mana are quite often what lead to you becoming the ire of the table, and it is completely possible to play competetive EDH without those type of effects.

Great build though you've put some thought into it and made it yours and thats what counts. I totally understand sometimes its hard when you're in love with a deck (how you built it) you dont want to change it but you never know six months down the line you might get tired of the same old games and look to make some of the changes I've suggested.

January 22, 2016 11:13 a.m.

PreZchoICE1 says... #7

You could also think about including Coat of Arms to give yourself more flexibility and be able to go on the beatdown plan as well its a lot more risky though and not exactly on theme.

January 22, 2016 11:18 a.m.

PreZchoICE1 says... #8

Your biggest fears should be in this order:

Other blue decks- because when the game goes long they'll be the ones that can stop you

Combo decks- because they can surprise you with a win if you tap out

Decks that pack boardwipes.

Basically because you have a really strong late game you can let boards develop so long as they arent comboing off or wiping your board. Counters should be saved for these specific situations, but for the most part you should just take a really conservative route in the early game let them fight amongst each other.

By doing this you give the table less incentive to want to get rid of you when they see that your counters can actually prolong their game. Make the other players feel as if you're enhancing their game, not stifling it. Until it's time to close the noose at least.

Sometimes just your banter can prevent certain things from happening- always represent the counterspell and talk it up a little bit. Play to the tables fear. Remand and Dream Fracture are great counters because they stop whats happening right now and also prevents players from feeling too salty. This is the fine line you should try to walk with a deck like this.

Your playability over multiple games will certainly go up as the other players will feel as if they have a chance, so they wont feel the need to dogpile you early in subsequent games. The most talked about (and loved) Commander games are always the 'almosts' never the 'landslides' keep this in mind to keep your deck feeling less oppressive to the rest of the group, and to preserve your fun with the deck as well.

January 22, 2016 11:38 a.m.

ArtifactMadMan says... #9

Win by milling yourself by using Enter the Infinite

February 29, 2016 5:46 p.m.

No baby jace? No regular jace? No tamiyo? Feel like at least memory adept and baby jace should have a home in here

May 23, 2016 6:04 a.m.

Burgdawg says... #11

Hyperalgialysis the question is what to cut for them. I find creatures easier to protect than walkers because I don't run many creatures capable of running interface when people try to swing my walkers down. Teferi is only there because he's accelerated me into wins more than once, especially with Mana doublers out.

May 23, 2016 6:50 a.m.

Given all the scry effects and dig that you do have, baby jace could effectively replace sage of epityr. It does look like it is hard to find stuff to remove from the deck though, the sage just doesn't have the potential like jace does. Even if baby jace is out of budget memory adept would be pretty good, unless of course you have mind sculptor at which point I would assume you would have made room.

May 23, 2016 7:42 a.m.

Burgdawg says... #13

Hmm... I see your point with Sage of Epityr, reordering effects are silly when I'm going to draw all those cards anyway, scry or draw is much better. Should I put in Jace Beleren or Jace, the Mind Sculptor, I'm afraid if I run jams, it'll get hated off the field in 1-2 turns, but it can bounce...

May 23, 2016 9:25 a.m.

Burgdawg says... #14

May 23, 2016 9:41 a.m.

I personally would put in mind sculptor. It seems like you want to get your library out of the game as quick as possible so his ultimate does that very well. The only other thing I could suggest would be to put in mindbreak trap, just in case someone has a can't be countered effect as you try and draw your last card. My buddy does leveler with laboratory maniac and has lost dozens of times as he tries to draw his last card to a quicken wrath effect. Thinking about it, leveler might be a good way to go since you can wizard cycle potentially.

May 23, 2016 4:58 p.m.

AlucardZain says... #16

Nice Azami EDH! I have one too, not as good as yours, but pretty fun to play. A friend tells me to have a couple more win cons other than Psychosis Crawler and the obligatory Laboratory Maniac. Would you check mine out?

May 25, 2016 5:27 p.m.

Burgdawg says... #17

Idk if Leveler is necessary, I prefer to draw my library to exiling it because it puts lots of weapons in my hand. I like the Mindbreak Trap idea... Venser, Shaper Savant helps in this role but he's only one card and he's not absolute.

May 26, 2016 10:30 a.m.

Burgdawg says... #18

I also am thinking about building Ambassador Laquatus back into this for a dump for my infinite mana. I'd like to build Power Artifact+monolith but idk if I'll have room for that shenanigans, might be too much. It's not quite as useful since it's not infinite blue, but it's only a 2-piece combo.

May 26, 2016 10:32 a.m.

Yeah I am not a fan of leveler either I just said about that for the importance of mindbreak trap.

May 26, 2016 7:10 p.m.

AlucardZain says... #20

Would it be possible for you to tell me how to get infinite mana? I just don't get it.

May 30, 2016 2:20 a.m.

Burgdawg says... #21

Method 1: requires- Palinchron in hand, Mana doubler such as High Tide Extraplanar Lens or Caged Sun, 6 islands in play. Cast Palinchron and float the remainder of your Mana. For example if you tap 6 doubled islands for 12, you'll have 5 floating after cast. Use ability to untap 6 islands, then 4 of the 5 floating to bounce it back to your hand. You now have 1 floating and you just rinse repeat until you have the desired amount.

Method 2: Requires: Grim Monolith and Power Artifact. Attached one to the other, tap to float 3, the untap ability now costs 2, rinse repeat until you achieve desired Mana.

Method 3: Requires- Sigil Tracer, 3 additional wizards, ability to produce more than 8 mana with lands, and Turnabout. Cast Turnabout targeting whatever you want. Copy it twice with Sigil Tracer's ability untapping your creatures with one and your lands with the other, float your remaining Mana before the copy targeting your lands resolves. Repeat as necessary without allowing the original spell to resolve until you reach desired Mana pool.

May 30, 2016 3:13 a.m.

AlucardZain says... #22

Thanks for explaining it to me. Might take me awhile to understanding it though, even if I do pull something like those off.

May 31, 2016 12:48 a.m.

zephramtripp says... #23

This deck looks fantastic. I cannot for the life of me think of any way to improve it. So I consulted with my friend, who used to run Azami. One card he suggests is Arcanis the Omnipotent. One nice thing about Arcanis is that with Mind Over Matter he can function as a second Azami, while protecting itself. I could see cutting Information Dealer as its ability seems subpar in this deck.

May 31, 2016 5:20 p.m.

Burgdawg says... #24

Hmm... I might just put him back in. I originally cut him due to his Mana cost, but he does replace Azami, draws me as many cards as 3 wizards, and protects himself. If you get a chance could you ask your friend about whether taking extra turns is worth is? I took out my Time Warp cards for more combo redundancy.

May 31, 2016 6:33 p.m.

Time warp is very worth it. Archeomancer,riptide laboratory and time warp is able to go infinite turns, which is pretty amazing. I know that a snap caster with a time warp can make life pretty unpleasent if you generate infinite mana on the extra turn. I also like walk the aeons for the same reason.

May 31, 2016 7:24 p.m.

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