The Wizardly Lady of Scrolls

Commander / EDH Decisive


I think you really need Naban, Dean of Iteration in there! He synergizes with EVERYTHING :)

November 12, 2019 10:22 a.m.

Decisive says... #2

WizardOfTheNorthernCoast, thanks for the comment,

Whilst Naban is a good card, he'll only affect 9 creatures, not only is the number small but aside from Gadwick, none of the ETB's are really that good (Though situational, Arcanist's can be pretty good), so even though he seems pretty good, he's just not the right fit, I feel, in this deck

November 12, 2019 6:28 p.m.

vasarto77 says... #3

Supreme Inquisitor would be great here with all those wizards.

November 13, 2019 6:03 p.m.

Decisive says... #4

vasarto77, yeah, he would, but it's just he's so darn expensive, 5 mana and 5 wizards on a fragile body, he's great in theory, but sadly not so much in practice. He was in the deck originally, but his underpreformance led to his unfortunate cut.

Thanks for the comment and upvote though!

November 13, 2019 6:20 p.m.

SideBae says... #5

One thing that comes to mind with Elite Arcanist is Ancestral Vision . Idk what the price on that card is anymore, but it seems like a good-ish combo.

Windfall works well with your Narset, Parter of Veils .

November 16, 2019 8:03 p.m.

SideBae says... #6

Crap. Just reread the card. Disregard the ancestral comment. Windfall still stands.

November 16, 2019 8:04 p.m.

Decisive says... #7

SideBae, I love good ol' stax, in fact, I might put in Back to Basics, but adding in Windfall in a deck which already gets absurd card advantage very easily, just to combo with a single piece seems like a waste of a great card and a spot. I appreciate the comment though!


November 16, 2019 10:24 p.m.

Optimator says... #8

I love a good budget deck.

November 19, 2019 9:52 p.m.

multimedia says... #9

Hey, nice budget Azami deck.

Consider adding Wizard Naru Meha, Master Wizard ? Combos with Ghostly Flicker to give you infinite blink of Naru, an Island or land and infinite copies of Ghostly resulting in infinite mana, just say you have 20,000 mana. This combo requires seven mana including three Islands.

Once you have infinite mana you can add other cards that combo with Naru to give you a win condition:

  • Azami: if you have Azami on the battlefield before you make the loop of Naru blinking then you can draw your deck since you can tap Naru to draw before she's blinked. Draw your deck until you find Labman, another win condition such as Blue Sun's Zenith or just play all the cards in your deck.
  • Sunscorched Desert : blinking Sunscorched instead of an Island with the copy of Ghostly Flicker results in killing all your opponents with damage, one opponent at a time.
  • Into the Roil / Blink of an Eye : cast it with the kicker cost to bounce Naru. Cast Naru targeting the kicker Roil; can now infinite bounce Naru and infinite copy Roil to draw your deck until you find Labman.

Budget cards to consider adding:

Cards to consider cutting:

  • Nephalia Academy
  • Desert of the Mindful
  • Kadena's Silencer
  • Jushi Apprentice
  • Kasmina, Enigmatic Mentor
  • Elite Arcanist

I offer more advice if you would like. Good luck with your deck.

December 9, 2019 11:46 p.m.

Decisive says... #10

Hi multimedia! Thank you so much for your suggestions!

Before I begin, can I ask for why you think I should cut Kasmina, Enigmatic Mentor ?

On to the others

Naru Meha, Master Wizard - Yeah, another infinite combo doesn't sound bad!

Sunscorched Desert - Good idea, another win-con piece

Blink of an Eye / Into the Roil - I don't think theyre the best cards, and considering they'd be a somewhat of a winmore I don't think I could justify putting them in

Blue Sun's Zenith - It still kinda seems like a win more, cause with infinite ghostly flickers, I can get infinite mana and infinite untap, which means Azami would dram me out already, I don't think it would work to benefit me all that well

High Tide - I'll have to do some math and do a bit of playtesting, but good idea!

Siren Stormtamer - I don't know how I missed that, it's perfect for this deck, I seriously don't know how I missed it, you're a genius!

In terms of cards to cut

Nephalia Academy - It seems like a weird card, I know, but it's in there to stop opponents from messing with my hand. Blue doesn't have the best recursion in the world, and as such protecting my hand is a number 1 priority

Desert of the Mindful - It enters tapped, yes, but its better than Memorial to Genius. So I'll cut Memorial instead of Desert.

Kadena's Silencer - I dont have any way to control abilities aside from Tale' End, yes 5 mana for a stifle is bad, but its a sacrifice I am currently willing to make.

Jushi Apprentice - Yeah, I can see why you might think it's bad, and I agree, he isn't the best so he's probably gonna get the boot

Elite Arcanist - Yeah....bad, really really really bad version of Isochron Scepter.

I thank you, once again, for your suggestions, if you have any more, I am all ears! and if you think some of my reasoning to dispute cards to cut is faulty, I am also all ears!

December 11, 2019 12:26 a.m.

multimedia says... #11

Hey, you're welcome.

Kasmina is fine, two 2/2 Wizards, draw/discard two cards for four mana over the course of two turns. She's however much better when playing repeatable proliferate; then you can keep using her loyalty to create Wizards. Flux Channeler who's a Wizard can proliferate for no mana cost and that's good especially when you can make an infinite cast of a spell combo. I don't think I would play Kasmina without also playing Channeler.

Don't undervalue Roil/Blink, they're very versatile instant removal. Instant two drops, can imprint with Isochron Scepter . Having removal that can hit noncreature cards is very helpful in multiplayer Commander since not all threats or combos your opponents will try to assemble will be creatures. Counterspells are your main sources of removal Roil/Blink can bounce something you couldn't counter so that when your opponent casts it again you can counter it. Roil/Blink can even bounce Scepter back to your hand to imprint again which can be helpful if you want to play Scepter and imprint an instant that's not Reversal such as High Tide .

Roil/Blink/Zenith is redundancy for infinite draw with Naru to find Labman/Jace, that makes them in my opinion more playable than Kasmina. You're not always going to have access to Azami and when you don't having other outlets for draw are helpful. Zenith for example could also be used on opponents to make each of them, one at a time draw their libraries so they lose on their turns.

Tide is a powerful budget card for mono blue. It's powerful because it's only one mana which can make a lot of mana depending on the number of Islands you control. Use it in combination with budget cards that can untap your lands such as Frantic Search , Turnabout , Snap , Rewind , Cloud of Faeries , Peregrine Drake , etc. The advantage of Snap over the rest of these is it can be imprinted with Scepter. Turnabout is good with both Tide and Azami because it can also untap all your Wizards. Cards that can copy Turnabout make it even better because then you can untap all your lands and all your Wizards.

Turnabout can be part of infinite combos; one is with Sigil Tracer who's a Wizard + other Wizards + Azami. Tracer can be a backup Scepter effect with Reversal since Tracer can copy Reversal with Wizards. Tracer + Azami + one other Wizard + mana rocks is infinite mana and draw. Can do some neat recursion tricks with Tracer + Ghostly Flicker + Archaeomancer . Echo Mage who's a Wizard is a less expensive slower alternative to Tracer. Tracer and Mage's repeatable ability to copy a spell is powerful because they can copy an opponents spell.

Muddle the Mixture is good in mono blue especially when playing Scepter/Reversal combo because it can transmute for one of these cards. If not using it as a budget tutor then it's a Negate which is still good. If not playing Cyclonic Rift because of budget reasons then Devastation Tide is a fine budget alternative especially with Brainstorm.

If looking for a card to cut to clear some price to add other cards then consider cutting Propaganda ? There's nothing wrong with Propaganda, but because of the $150 budget the $9-$10 could be better used for other cards that have more synergy with Azami and Wizards.

December 11, 2019 5:28 a.m.

Decisive says... #12

Thanks again for the suggestions again, multimedia

Thanks for the insight on Kasmina! What you say makes sense

I'll have to see about Blink and Roil, youre right about how it acts as non-creature removal, but I think I'll pigeonhole it until after I put some of the other cards in first and playtest. I can see it being valuable, but practice usually supersedes theory, so I'll see about it

Turnabout + Sigil Tracer can go infinite with 6 mana coming from lands + 3 other wizards, making infinite mana, and an extra wizard with Azami would draw my deck as well. So I'm definitely planning to add both of those

Muddle the Mixture I'm also probably gonna add because it can tutor

I run flood of tears over devastation tide because tide can set me back way too much and Tears will atleast get some board presence back.

When it comes to Propaganda, I already own one, I own the deck as it exists on tapped out in full, so when I say budget, I mean nothing ridiculous. (Still trying to get a Cyclonic Rift)

Echo Mage is slow, both because of level up, and because it taps. Yes making 2 copies of a spell is nice, but, as you said, it would be a better fit in a proliferate deck.

You've been very helpful Multi, so I gotta thank you for that! I definitely believe your suggestions will have improved the decks power level

P.S If you see any other cards you think are underwhelming, feel free to point them out!

December 12, 2019 12:11 a.m. Edited.

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