This is just a fun deck I made; It's actually surprisingly competitive. The overall idea is pretty self-explanatory, boost stuff up and swing for a lot. Anyways, give me some feedback and tweak the deck for yourself!
Also, you may read below for an analysis on the cards.
So, let's start with some of the cards you wouldn't consider being in this decklist.-- specifically the sideboard.
Now, I know you're looking at the mainboard thinking, "Wow, Archangel is the only heavy hitter..." then you glance to the sideboard and see Elspeth and chuckle to yourself; however, regardless of what you think, I promise Elspeth does not work mainboard. This deck is based off of low cost white weenies, aside from Daxos, that can be boosted to swing for massive damage. Elspeth just doesn't synergise with the initial strategy of the deck. However, when it comes to playing control, or a deck where you can afford to pull out a few enchantment cards, Elspeth does wonders. Expensive cards don't always deserve mainboard spots.
Next is the dissolve. Dissolve is just for those annoying control matchups or decks with ridiculous late games. Same goes for the negate.
And last card that's questionable in the sideboard is Divination. Once again, a really good card against mid-range decks or control decks.
Now to the mainboard.
Why run Archangel?-- Because archangel is one of my favorite cards and I have like seven of her so why not, right? Wrong. Archangel does exactly what every enchantment does in this deck: she boosts things. Also, we can't ignore the fact that she;s a 3/4 with flying and lifelink.
Fabled Hero is honestly one of the best cards in this deck. If you can attach an Aqueous form to him turn four and they have no answers in hand, that's pretty much gg. He's extremely overpowered.
Hero of Iroas is also another really important card in the synergy side of this deck. Not only does he reduce the cost of Aura spells, but he also has heroic.
Eidolon of Countless Battles is actually one of the main reasons I created this deck. He works well in every aspect of this deck.
Favored Hoplite is just a good little one drop. He's really easy to boost up and swing for a lot of damage early on.
Phalanx Leader is a fun card because he boosts everything.
Daxos may be a little questionable in this deck, however, I still choose to run him for two reasons: 1) in an enchantment deck he can become a big issue extremely fast. 2) He works so well with Archangel it's a crime not to run him.
The enchantments are pretty self explanatory. One card that may confuse some of the newer players to MTG is Hidden Strings. The reason I run this card is because it fuels heroic and you usually have the ability to deal combat damage to a player so you can get the cipher off really easily. I would run more but I honestly only want to draw one per game.
Oh, and Holy Mantle may seem weird too since it's so underplayed, however Holy Mantle is so beneficial to the deck I could never consider taking it out. Just try it and you'll see.
Before you start recommending cards, make sure you read this. Yes, I've considered running Battlewise Hoplite, but I honestly don't enjoy drawing him. I may run Godsend eventually. And yeah, that's about it.
If you do decide to change the deck up and run more cards that feature both blue and white in the manacost, run Civic Saber. It's really good with Battlewise Hoplite, Lyev Skynight, etc. Anyways, peace.