
UW aggro with hatebears such as Thalia, Guardian of Thraben and Reflector Mage and also now testing new Modern Horizon cards Giver of Runes and Unsettled Mariner. The small creatures give annoying effects and add a presence on the board whilst controlling the game by quickly smothering slow opponents or by giving death by a thousand cuts deep into the late game.

Giver of Runes - the modern Mother of Runes, she is definitely a great printing from MH1 to boost whites power in modern it is crucial to any white agrro deck in the format protecting key creatures from removal or giving them unblockable to swing for the win or having an invulnerable blocker until you sort out your board it's too good not to include a playset

Thalia, Guardian of Thraben, Unsettled Mariner, Meddling Mage - These 'hatebears' make it difficult for the opponent to play spells efficiently and deal with your board consistently and throws them off their curve by forcing them to to pay extra mana or play a different spell and complicates the game for them having to pay more focus to their mana and subsequent turn events and one on its own may not be a problem but get a few out and it makes it very tricky for opponents and forces them to be interactive in the game.

Spell Queller, Reflector Mage, Deputy of Detention - These two are removal on a stick, the former being a powerhouse to counter spells which get past the rest of your hatebear effects and protect your creatures, also adding a threat with evasion to bleed your opponent over the course of the game and is very useful for when the opponent is slightly ahead and slows their game down or for locking them out when you are ahead. Deputy of Detention can target any opponent giving you flexible removal and potential multiple removal being particularly deadly to Lingering Souls and other tokens but Reflector Mage is more useful I think as his ability is unchanged whether he dies unlike the Deputy and maks them have to re-play spells again slowing their game down while your in unhindered so i run three of him and one Deputy.

Leonin Arbiter - with the prevalence of fetchlands in modern, he gives you an edge by preventing this, slowing their deck down and combos nicely with Ghost Quarter acting as a stone rain when they're tapped out and Path to Exile becomes removal without downside. When an opponent doesn't use fetches or can play around the cost he becomes a plain Grizzly Bears and this is more common than other cards so I only run 3 to make room for more variety and options for the deck.

Flickerwisp, Soulherder - these spells use a flicker ability to get value out of other creatures such as Reflector Mage or switching targets like Meddling Mage when you gain more intelligence or the dynamic of the game changes. Flickerwisp also can protect creatures from removal if played at instant speed from Aether Vial where Soulherder grows himself but his flicker is consistent rather than one-time. As a new card I am unsure of his power and potential so i have swung in favour of Flickerwisp with a three to one ratio.

Ephara, God of the Polis, Thistledown Liege - these are the marquis high mana cost creatures of the deck which are few in number as they only work off of multiple other creatures, either with a large creature from other creatures of by buffing the other creatues. I prefer the Thistledown Liege but Ephara's card advantage when going, with help from flicker effects, drives the deck in games.

Aether Vial - with so many creatures, Vial can pump them out quickly and more importantly at instant speed allowing you to react and play more strategically by saving a creature with Flickerwisp or playing Leonin Arbiter in response to them cracking a fetchland or just catching them off-guard at instant speed as it is easy to forget about the inconspicuois artefact.

Path to Exile - removal.

Jace, the Mind Sculptor - another big play relying on your board presence (or lack of the opponents) like Ephara, God of the Polis and Thistledown Liege, Jace can easily control the game by checking their draws or gaining card advantage in the late game and distracts some opponents who tunnel vision in on hm forgetting the rest of what you're doing.


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Date added 6 years
Last updated 3 years
Exclude colors BRG

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

0 - 1 Mythic Rares

50 - 8 Rares

6 - 5 Uncommons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.02
Tokens Angel 4/4 W, Illusion */* U
Folders Deck Library, Modern, Yours?orMiiiiine
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