Azorius Heroes (Please Help!)

Standard isaac1337


Second Major Update —March 11, 2014

Today I fixed the manabase. I dialed it up to 22 lands. Even though the deck worked on 20 lands, I think that 22 will work better. I also added Temple of Enlightenment to help smooth things over with Scry.

Here are some things I am still not sure about

  1. Fate Foretold: I am unsure that this deck truly needs the extra card-draw. This card seems almost dead, if it wasn't for Heroic abilities. I just think the slot could be used for something better, I just don't know what.

  2. Hero of Iroas: I have been thinking deeply about Fight Lincoln. I just don't know what to do about him. He seems like he could be good here, but i'm not sure what to cut for it. I am thinking of maybe sideboarding him.

  3. Detention Sphere: I'd like to put it (at least two) mainboard to help against Mono-Black Pack Rat decks. Maybe taking out the Auramancers or cutting a Fabled Hero.

  4. I also think the sideboard could use help in general.