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Azorius humans in Pioneer

Casual Aggro Humans WU (Azorius)



Now that Teferi, Time Raveler is banned in Pioneer, this deck has moved to "casual" as I don't think I'd like to rebuild it in anything close to this form.

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I had a lot of fun playing humans during Shadows Over Innistrad, particularly with Thalia's Lieutenant. With the announcement of Pioneer as a format, I decided to revisit humans and I thought Azorius (U/W) would be a nice combination as it allows me to play Reflector Mage and Teferi, Time Raveler.

The synergies provided by playing humans can make for some explosive games. Adding counters, diverse threats, and a sprinkle of post-sideboarding control make this a real deck that has serious potential!

This is basically an aggro deck that relies on synergistic human creatures to get the job done.

Ideally, Turn 1 non-tap land that includes , then a 1 mana creature.

Turn 2 another non-tap land (preferably that includes ), then two more creatures, one of which is ideally Kytheon, Hero of Akros  .

Turn 3, another non-tap land, play Gideon Blackblade, give Kytheon, Hero of Akros   indestructible and swing with all three creatures to flip Kytheon, Hero of Akros   to Gideon, Battle-Forged. Now there are two planeswalkers on the battlefield at the end of turn 3, and that gets difficult to answer.

Naturally, there are other lines of play, including getting Teferi, Time Raveler on turn 3 to shut down instant-speed removal--or instant speed anything by our opponent!

It’s also ideal to get Thalia's Lieutenant onto the battlefield after playing some humans and give them all +1/+1, or early to acquire +1/+1 counters on Thalia's Lieutenant.

Charming Prince has versatility! We can gain life, we can bounce a creature (Thalia's Lieutenant to get more counters, Reflector Mage to bounce another of our opponent's creatures, etc...), or we can scry to help set up future turns. Pretty good addition to the deck, I think.

Giant Killer in place of law-rune enfocer. This gives a removal and a creature with tap-down ability in a single card. Law-Rune Enforcer is one to tap down a creature, while Giant Killer is to do the same, so I think (???) Giant Killer is better because of the added removal, but only using one mana to tap down a creature (instead of two) is definitely better. I'll have to tinker with this one before I finalize it.

Knight of the White Orchid is a solid two-drop that has first strike and can help us get caught up or even ahead on land. Just remember to play this before you play your land if you’re only one land less than your opponent. Play Knight of the White Orchid, get the Plains, then play your land for turn. Even if we’re ahead on lands, it’s a solid 2/2 for two with first strike.

Kytheon, Hero of Akros   is a human that can trigger Thalia's Lieutenant, or get a counter from Thalia's Lieutenant before it flips. Yeah, unfortunately, that counter goes away when it flips, but then we get a pretty good planeswalker in Gideon, Battle-Forged! Moreover, the ability to give Kytheon, Hero of Akros   indestructible is pretty nice.

Reflector Mage is arguably one of the most annoying cards in Pioneer. Bouncing a creature and keeping our opponent from casting any copies their next turn—yes please! I’ve seriously thought about adding a couple of bounce-effect blue cards just to target my own Reflector Mage to get the ETB effect a second time. It’s that good.

Thalia, Heretic Cathar is a creature that started as a “3-of,” then a “2-of,” and now is a “1-of,” and I think that’s actually a good number. Pioneer is filled with nonbasic lands, so her ability to cause them to enter the battlefield tapped really annoys opponents, and having our opponent’s creatures enter tapped aggravates aggro players. That’s just a bonus. Additionally, she’s a 3/2 first stiker, and that’s not bad.

Thalia's Lieutenant is just a good card in a humans deck. It provides the normally weak humans with counters, and it can become quite large itself. That playing a second Thalia's Lieutenant while one is in play is even better as it doubles the +1/+1 counters put on the one in play! If opponents don’t answer this quickly, it can take over a game.

Thraben Inspector is arguably the best common 1-drop white creature ever printed. The 2 toughness is relevant, and the clue allows us to draw cards. An easy include in a humans deck.

Gideon Blackblade is a human on our turn when we play a Thalia's Lieutenant, so it can get a +1/+1 counter and be a 5/5 attacker with indestructible for us! It provides some protection or other benefit to another of our creatures, and it can even act as removal. This is one of my favorite cards in the deck because it can do so much. Sure, Gideon, Ally of Zendikar is arguably better overall, but in this deck Gideon Blackblade shines! We get a planeswalker, so it generally survives sweepers and spot removal, and it’s got a big body and indestructible for when we attack. What’s not to love? Honestly, I should probably play 3 or 4 of these in the main.

Kytheon, Hero of Akros  /Gideon, Battle-Forged was discussed above in Creatures, but the planeswalker side is just excellent. There isn’t a minus ability, so we only tick him up. We can protect a creature, use him to fight on our turn, and even force creatures to attack him so we can force our opponent to utilize a creature when they didn’t want to. If we do the 0 ability, then play Thalia's Lieutenant, then he gets a +1/+1 counter to become a 5/5 with indestructible, if we want. Great card. Baby Gideon is the real deal.

Teferi, Time Raveler is broken. Just flat out BROKEN. It’s sucks to play against, and it’s amazing to play. Hose our opponent’s spot removal or counters? Sure. Bounce an annoying artifact, creature or enchantment? Sure. Cast sorceries as though they had flash? You bet. Oh, and do all of this for 4 loyalty and only 3 mana to cast? Sure. It’s just stupid how good this card really is.

Smuggler's Copter is BACK-- oh, wait, not it's not, it was BANNED once again...

Declaration in Stone is great removal. Sure, it helps our opponent get lands, but it can also exile multiple threats, and they don’t get those lands if they’re tokens we target (looking at you, Field of the Dead). If we give our opponent a land or two, we still have Knight of the White Orchid to help get us our own extra land.

Fabled Passage to help us find the necessary land. I think 2x is probably the way to go, but I currently only own a single copy, so that’s all I have to work with.

Glacial Fortress as a dual land.

Hallowed Fountain as a nice dual land, and it’s fetchable by Knight of the White Orchid

Prairie Stream may not be the best choice, and I only have one of them. It is fetchable, though, by Knight of the White Orchid, so that helps.

NOTE: This is still under construction. This is my idea for a sideboard, but I don’t have the best ideas for this yet. This definitely needs some work.

Conclave Tribunal to help us deal with pesky planeswalkers or other nasty targets.

Deputy of Detention to add just a touch of control to the sideboard plan.

Dovin's Veto for when we really think we might need a couple of counterspells.

Ixalan's Binding to eliminate pesky threats and keep them from being cast during future turns.

Rest in Peace to help with annoying dredgeless dredge decks.

Sorcerous Spyglass to shut down Teferi, Time Raveler, Oko, Thief of Crowns, or any other annoying creatures or planeswalkers.

Settle the Wreckage in case we’re getting wrecked by some haste-filled deck.

Tormod's Crypt just in case we’re facing graveyard shenanigans, or cats and ovens!


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I added 3x Charming Prince in place of 2x Elite Guardmage and 1x Thalia, Heretic Cathar. Both cards did nice work in the deck, but the flexibility of Charming Prince will be very nice, I think.

I replaced 2x Law-Rune Enforcer with 2x Giant Killer. Having the added removal is nice, but paying an extra mana for the tap-down ability is iffy to me, so we'll see if I stay with this change. It's worth a try for now, though.

I also removed 1x Angel of Invention to add a third copy of Gideon Blackblade. Gideon Blackblade has been a house in the games I've managed to play, and I think a third copy is warranted.

I guess that Smuggler's Copter has been banned. AGAIN. Very annoying. I put in 4x Benalish Marshal as a filler. It's human. Maybe it'll be a fine addition. It's not as good as Smuggler's Copter, but maybe it will be okay. Without Smuggler's Copter, this deck and every other aggro deck just got a lot worse...

I also tweaked the sideboard just a bit, but that was mostly to get better answers for the decks I'm seeing, which aren't a lot at this point because I have limited access to people to play, and because I am way too cheap to buy the cards on MTGO.

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55% Casual

45% Competitive

Revision 6 See all

(5 years ago)

-1 Ixalan's Binding side
+2 Rest in Peace side
-1 Tormod's Crypt side
Top Ranked
  • Achieved #18 position overall 5 years ago
  • Achieved #1 position in Pioneer 5 years ago
  • Achieved #1 position in Pioneer Aggro 5 years ago
Date added 5 years
Last updated 2 years

This deck is Casual legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 2 Mythic Rares

35 - 3 Rares

4 - 10 Uncommons

4 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.15
Tokens Clue, On an Adventure
Folders Pioneer Deck Ideas
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