MonsterHatchGames says... #2
Why, hello there! Looking for some advice? I think I can help you out, if you could return the favor. ;)
+1 Alhammarret's Archive Staple of deck needs to be 3+ copies.
+2 Neutralizing Blast or Nullify Lower CMC counters and *.
+1 Narset Transcendent Trust me, you'll want to play this card. :)
+2 Treasure Cruise Hey, it's not banned in standard, now is it? Plus, you have a delve potential that I can't see go to waste!
-2 Silumgar's Scorn *
-1 Dissipate Making some room. Not bad tbh.
-1 Divination Making some room. Also, not a huge fan of the value/speed.
*The reason for this is I think you don't splash enough Dragons (3 total) to account for triggers, and even if you did find a Dragon somewhere, he needs to be doing some of the fighting (win con), if you know what I'm sayin'. :P
Very solid control deck. Looks like a lonnngggg game to me, heh heh!
If you would, I'd be happy if you could review one of my decks? They are a bit... Empty in the comment section. :(
Any of these would be fine:
July 5, 2015 8:51 p.m.
Woah, woah. M15 rotates out with Origins? I thought Theros was next? This ruins all of my plans. Thank you for the help. I was told M15 doesn't rotate until Blood comes out
July 5, 2015 8:54 p.m.
Idk, I'm hearing that a lot, but both are core sets, and Standard consists of the two most recent blocks (currently Theros and Khans) and the latest core set.
July 5, 2015 9:03 p.m.
Standard right now is Theros through Dragons of Tarkir. Theros if i'm not mistaken was the last block of 2014. I was told by my local Magic shop that Theros rotates out next. If M15 rotates out next I'm going to be pissed. I'm making a standard deck right now that consists of M15 cards that I'm going into a tournament with. U/R Time's Ticking if you want to check it out.
July 5, 2015 9:24 p.m.
Yeah, I just read on MTG website that M15 doesn't rotate for 3 more blocks. It goes like this, starting with Theros.
-Magic Origins (effective July 17, 2015)-Dragons of Tarkir (effective March 27, 2015)-Fate Reforged-Khans of Tarkir-Magic 2015-Journey into Nyx-Born of the Gods-Theros
July 5, 2015 9:38 p.m.
Alright, so what's happening is because of the change in block format, the rotation style is also changing. So, M15 and Origins will be together and M15 will rotate out with Theros. Look here for clarification:
July 5, 2015 9:39 p.m.
magnetcrocodile says... #9
Whoa, hound829. There's nothing wrong with a deck with M15 and Origins in it claiming to be 'Standard', since they will still be together in about 3 months till BFZ comes out, so it is perfectly fine claiming it to be 'Standard-legal'. Just putting it out there.
For your deck, 8bitMick. Is this a budget deck? If it is, try adding the 'Budget' Hubs so your deck can generate more view. The reason I mention this is since you could use so many better cards. Don't use a bunch of 1 or 2-ofs cards, aim for consistency. Here's some suggestion:
Replace Student of Ojutai with Seeker of the Way.
Consider replacing Pristine Skywise wtih Sunscorch Regent or Icefall Regent. Both works better in control shell. If you have the cas, just go for a playset of Dragonlord Ojutai as a solid win-con.
Treasure Cruise is your best friend. Use them
I see you still haven't got the sideboard figured out. A rule of thumb is to see the most popular meta decks and try to get a hard-counter for them. Try these:
Surge of Righteousness and Nyx-Fleece Ramfor RDW and some Abzan match-up. You could also use Encase in Ice or the new Send to Sleep
More counterspells like Disdainful Stroke against control and those big Atarka/Abzan creature match-up
Adding a few draw option here is also great for long matchup. Treasure Cruise or Dig Through Time
Boardwipe against token-deck. Your options are End Hostilities or Displacement Wave
Also get enchanment hate. Origins get so many good enchantments that it may pose a problem. Get more Banishing Light or a simple Erase will do
Also there's no shame in learning from other deck. Just search a similar deck and learn their strength/weaknesses.
Whew, that was a mouthful. Hope that helps. Cheers!
July 5, 2015 9:39 p.m.
Anyways, I playtested your deck against my R/W aggro deck, and it kind of failed miserably (sorry), I might not just know how to play it, so see here for the deck: and try it out for yourself if you want.
July 5, 2015 9:41 p.m.
Thank you for the advice, when it comes to Treasure Cruise or Dig Through Time, I don't think this is a good delve deck.
July 5, 2015 9:46 p.m.
Load up both decks and then choose playtest for both, then play against my self. (did that make sense? It doesn't seem to make sense to me.)
July 5, 2015 9:53 p.m.
Almost every card is from DTK. I really like that for some reason
July 5, 2015 10:09 p.m.
MonsterHatchGames says... #17
Well, it means the larger portion of the deck will stay standard for awhile! :)
July 5, 2015 10:10 p.m.
MonsterHatchGames says... #18
Oh, and good thinking keeping the dragon triggers now that you have some dragons! :3
July 5, 2015 10:11 p.m.
Thank you! Lol. I've been wanting a dragon control deck for a while now. :D
July 5, 2015 10:12 p.m.
I just thought about it, Sphinx's Revelation would make a really good card for this deck. I hope they reprint it
July 5, 2015 10:19 p.m.
Nice watch. Interesting video. Love the three drop un-counterable burn
July 5, 2015 10:38 p.m.
3 things. 1) i am not entirely into standard, so take all my suggestions with a grain of salt.2) you have M15 (radiant fountain) and origins(jace's sanctum) cards in the deck. when origins comes in, m15 goes out unless the new rotation system really wants to mess with my head.3) you seem to have a lot of high drops but not enough control to ensure you getting to late game. maybe up the counters or add some more tempo plays like Voyage's End or similar cards that are in origins which im sure there are but i need to sleep and am too lazy to check what they are.
July 5, 2015 10:47 p.m.
magnetcrocodile says... #25
To avoid confusion: go here
Theros and M15 is only rotating out when BFZ came out
hound829 says... #1
I cannot express this enough times: M15 will be rotating out once Origins is released! Sorry for losing it on you, just tired of seeing decks with M15 and Origins cards in them claiming to be Standard. So with that out of the way, my suggestions: Somethings to clear the board: Consider End Hostilities as a possibility. Also, Displacement Wave is a relatively good card against Aggro decks. Returns almost everything to the hand for about 4-5 mana. Some good spell protection would be the new Mizzium Meddler. I might also consider Disciple of the Ring or Ojutai Exemplars as both are extremely versatile with different, useful effects. Talent of the Telepath, sends opponent's cards to the graveyard while allowing you to use some of their deck against them, always fun. Personally, I'd also consider Cunning Breezedancer as it can get pretty powerful and/or Sunscorch Regent which requires nearly instant removal. Another "board wipe" to consider is Ugin, the Spirit Dragon not to mention his ulti works really well with the Archive, draw 14 cards and gain 14 life. Hope this helps!
July 5, 2015 8:41 p.m.