If you want to play control here's the changes I would make. Essentially a control deck has a lot of land (26 at least) plenty of draw Treasure Cruise is good, a few (2/3) very resilient bombs Dragonlord Ojutai is a fine example. And a shit ton of cards that keep your opponents cards going straight to grave or exile.
What you have looks more like a midrange deck which im not sure can work well in blue white.
So first pick a style control or midrange, in ether case you need more two drops so you don't get stuck behind the 8 ball
July 6, 2015 8:15 a.m.
I'd say the land is actually pretty good, because you don't want to be drawing too much land. However, you do need removal in one form or another. Griptide, Voyage's End, Valorous Stance, Displacement Wave, Devouring Light etc. and/or de-buff spells. Hydrolash in particular could have some use.
TeeKayBee says... #1
Thank you magnetcrocodile for clearing up the confusion.
July 5, 2015 11:40 p.m.