Aztec Death Whistle (Songs of the Damned Combo)

Pauper VeggiesaurusRex


killer_eye says... #1

hi! i'd like to ask for feedback about viscera dragger? what's your impression about the card?

September 11, 2018 5:15 a.m.

killer_eye I like it a lot more than I initially thought I would; two mana to cycle isn't ideal, but the ability to unearth one or more of them and swing in on an empty field tends to make up for it.

September 11, 2018 4:14 p.m.

killer_eye says... #3

hi! thanks for the reply, i've been playing this deck for a while now but without Viscera Dragger, just to share i'm currently using x2 Unearth for that slot and an extra land. that's for a cheap reanimator for Crypt Rats / Pit Keeper or / Satyr Wayfinder. i'll try viscera dragger sometime, thanks!

may i also ask, how do you fight against delver or heavy counter decks? delver decks is one of the reason why i'm running Unearth to have more treats for them to counter.

September 11, 2018 6:26 p.m.

killer_eye, against Delver decks, I typically ignore the combo win and try to win the way Richard Garfield intended: creature beats.

September 13, 2018 3:30 p.m.

killer_eye says... #5

VeggiesaurusRex, thanks! havent't realized that delver decks will have a hard time countering our big mana creatures using Spellstutter Sprite.

i got another set of question: Q1: how do you play/sideboard against mbc? Q2: against mbc, how do you play around a sideboard Crypt Incursion? i may respond with a gnaw before thier incursion resolve but the gain life and exile of all are grave creatures is surely a big hit to our deck

September 13, 2018 9:50 p.m.

killer_eye, game 1 against MBC, I try to combo kill them before they can cast Gray Merchant of Asphodel. Game 2 I typically just take out the Fume Spitters and Snuff Out, bring in Duress and pray they don't find their graveyard hate.

Bojuka Bog, Crypt Incursion, and Relic of Progenitus just wreck this deck, and there isn't much we can do about it.

September 14, 2018 7:30 p.m.

killer_eye says... #7

VeggiesaurusRex thanks! bog, spellbomb and progenitus hurts but somehow we can recover it but the life gained by Crypt Incursion is really backbreaking :(

sorry if i have too many questions for you but it's really helpful to have someone i can discuss with regarding this deck, i really love this deck! btw, is this list of yours up too date? or you have changes from this list, thanks!

September 14, 2018 9:07 p.m.

killer_eye, I don't mind the questions at all! And yes, the list is up to date.

September 21, 2018 12:35 p.m.

killer_eye says... #9

hi! still loss again to mbc, hehehe! btw i'm playing paper pauper in my lgs normally 6-10 persons and there's only 1-mbc player out of that group, since it's paper and with a small group it's easy to prepare against our deck, what do you think be the better approach here? dedicate a sideboard to counter Crypt Incursion ex.Gravepurge or just play what i used to and see if will be lucky to dodge that matchup :) , oh btw i dont have problems with Nihil Spellbomb or Relic of Progenitus since i can somehow re-establish my graveyard against that hate

September 24, 2018 2:49 a.m.

killer_eye says... #10

btw, here's my decklist:

September 24, 2018 3:18 a.m.

killer_eye says... #11

hi! its me again :) just want to share with you my updated list, the major change here is the color was from jund to sultai.

The Sultai Song

November 8, 2018 10:41 a.m.

killer_eye says... #12

hi! i saw an old video of songs of the damn deck with Reclaim, the player haven't able to cast it but the tech seems good, it can become an extra copy of songs / consume spirit / rats, what do you think about it?

January 6, 2019 1:57 a.m.

killer_eye, it seems like an interesting piece of tech but I'm not sure what could be cut to make room for it.

January 7, 2019 9:05 a.m.

fastzero says... #14

Great deck! Whats your thoughts about put some Exhume and Ulamog's Crusher to make a mix makin this deck have 2 combos?

April 8, 2019 9:34 a.m.

fastzero, I think you could add some Exhumes to the list if you need/want some faster wins, but without a discard outlet to get Crusher in the graveyard, the only way to reliably get it into play would be to cast it off of Songs or just hard-cast it, neither of which are what the deck wants to be doing with its mana.

April 14, 2019 11:44 a.m.

killer_eye says... #16

it's me again! btw, congratulations for being #1 in tappedout. just wanna ask for your opinion about this deck's match up against boros monarch deck? haven't played the matchup yet but i think we are favorable, their creatures have small toughness so we can easily wipe them without using songs as mana ramp (relic from opponent's SB).

i plan to play this deck in a somehow big tournament late this month and expect to see a lot of burn and boros monarch there. any sideboarding tips/tech to share? thanks!

May 1, 2019 9:22 p.m.

killer_eye yes, Crypt Rats can easily wipe Boros Monarch's creatures, but Prismatic Strands completely shuts down Crypt Rats and Consume Spirit and the density of their removal and creature suites make winning with creature beats difficult as well. It's not impossible to win against Boros but it is very difficult.

As for Songs vs Burn, this matchup comes down to whether or not you can find and cast Gnaw to the Bone before turn 4 or 5. If you can, your odds of winning are pretty good. If you can't, you're probably screwed.

May 2, 2019 12:16 p.m.

killer_eye says... #18

VeggiesaurusRex thanks for the quick response, due to the small toughness of boros monarch's creature's i think i can play around Prismatic Strands just by not committing all my mana whenever i activate crypt rats.


me: Crypt Rats for 2 (enough to boardwipe them) with remaining mana available

opp: respond with prismatic strand

me: respond with crypt rats for 2 again using the remaining mana.

May 3, 2019 3:54 a.m.

killer_eye yes, you can play around Strands for the Rats wipe, but it's a lot harder to play around Strands for a Rats kill. You would need access to about 50 or so black mana in order to have enough for two lethal Rat activations, and anyone who knows what you're up to should know to play around the combo by holding onto Strands until you attempt to combo.

You can beat Boros, but as long as they are able to cast Strands in response to your attempt to kill them, it will require that you have most of your creatures in the graveyard and/or access to multiple copies of Songs of the Damned. You can win, but it will require a significant amount of luck, skill, and black mana.

May 3, 2019 7:45 a.m.

killer_eye says... #20

VeggiesaurusRex thanks! i got your point, so the better gameplan would be go "plan b"? wipe their army with crypt rats and go for the attack plan.

May 3, 2019 8:35 a.m.

killer_eye, yeah. Against Boros, Krosan Tusker and Horror of the Broken Lands your best friends thanks to their ability to survive a Galvanic Blast .

May 4, 2019 7:17 a.m.

Altoman says... #22

Reclaim ?

I think dredge would be faster for self mill. Maybe Stinkweed Imp ?

July 23, 2019 10:58 p.m.

Thank you for the suggestions, Altoman. Here's why I'm not currently running either of those cards:

Stinkweed Imp - In order to effectively use dredge, I would need an easy and repeatable way to get the dredger back into my graveyard. Tortured Existence could work, but it's very mana hungry and would require the addition of six or more lands and ways to quickly find TortEx. At that point, you wouldn't have enough creatures to effectively utilize Songs of the Damned and would be better off playing a traditional TortEx deck.

Reclaim - its effect isn't necessary, especially since I've dropped Satyr Wayfinder and Grisly Salvage . Milling critical copies of Songs won't happen unless you find two or more on a single casting of Ransack the Lab .

July 24, 2019 7:06 p.m.

Thank you for the suggestions, Altoman. Here's why I'm not currently running either of those cards:

Stinkweed Imp - In order to effectively use dredge, I would need an easy and repeatable way to get the dredger back into my graveyard. Tortured Existence could work, but it's very mana hungry and would require the addition of six or more lands and ways to quickly find TortEx. At that point, you wouldn't have enough creatures to effectively utilize Songs of the Damned and would be better off playing a traditional TortEx deck.

Reclaim - its effect isn't necessary, especially since I've dropped Satyr Wayfinder and Grisly Salvage . Milling critical copies of Songs won't happen unless you find two or more on a single casting of Ransack the Lab .

July 24, 2019 7:08 p.m.

killer_eye says... #25

hi veggiesaurusrex! it's me again, just want to share Barrier of Bones which i'm liking a lot in the slot of Fume Spitter . infect and faeries are nowhere to be seen in the current meta for Fume Spitter to shine. what i like with Barrier of Bones is the surveil, also not a bad topdeck because of this and it's 3 toughness enough to block aggressive X/2 creatures which we have a lot in pauper.

any feedback with Ransack the Lab ? i've been enjoying Winding Way and up my count from 2 to 3.

July 26, 2019 12:25 p.m.

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