Azusa, Just Lost...

Commander / EDH* Micah__


September 30, 2022 8:47 a.m.

Some things you could maybe add:

Idol of Oblivion would be a decent include here due to all the landfall token makers. Might be win-more?

Tireless Provisioner can ramp you really quickly. Also synergizes with the Idol of Oblivion.

Some cuts:

Quirion Beastcaller is weak here, you aren't really casting that many creatures in a game.

Llanowar Stalker is a little weak here due to the lack of any kind of evasion - defender can just toss a 1/1 in front of it and laugh.

Song of Freyalise is, I think, a bit weak here due to you not having quite as many creatures until your engine gets online. The final effect could be a decent finisher, if it wasn't so telegraphed. If people see that coming for 3 turns and aren't able to remove it, you were probably going to win even without it.

The Weatherseed Treaty is just a worse Cultivate here. Domain also doesn't really make sense in mono-colored decks.

September 30, 2022 10:56 a.m.

Profet93 says... #3

Hey I'd love to provide feedback. Tell me your budget per card, meta, goal of the deck/wincon, etc...

December 9, 2022 6:04 p.m.

Micah__ says... #4

Profet93 thanks for offering to give feedback. In general I’m not trying to break the bank,but feel comfortable sending up to 20$ on a card if I think it will fundamentally affect my game state. As for my win condition, I suppose in general my goal is to ramp quickly to overwhelm my opponent before they can acquire enough mana to retaliate. While I enjoy winning (who doesn’t) i play mostly for fun, so I don’t plan on using game-altering cards like Vorniclex.

December 10, 2022 3:55 p.m.

Profet93 says... #5

First and foremost you want to find your land count. Players who prioritize a faster build utilize more mana dorks and a lower avg cmc tend to go as low as 38 or as high as low-mid 40's. For those who like to ramp into bigger spells and sacrifice speed for resiliency and late game, low - high 40's. Some players go 50 and above but I find that not needed. Azusa decks tend to cast their commander and then drop all their lands, run out of gas, top deck, play a big spell, have it removed/countered and just are in topdeck mode. You need to establish a good source of draw, whether it be burst or steady card draw, ideally, both. I will get to that later, if I don't (given I'm writing this late at night, please remind me). Also, please remind to mention utility lands, as Azusa decks have a large amount of wiggle room to utilize a landbase to solve difficult challenges. Depending on how you want to make your deck, fast and explosive or slower and more resilient, I can provide you better suggestions. For now, I'll go with the basics. I can suggest cuts in the next comment should you desire.

Crucible of Worlds - Super important, right at budget mark. This, combined with good fetchlands or the slow fetchlands, will allow you to thin your deck of lands (giving you greater chance of finding something useful), all while ensuring you don't miss land drops.

Sol Ring - Not needed in Azusa, but Turn 2 Azusa with this, into lands allows you to get the "quick" strategy you are looking for.

Mind's Eye - Draw, some people like Memory jar but I find this cheaper and more suitable, especially for your meta.

Greater Good - Extremely powerful sac outlet to prevent theft/exile, fill up your grave (with lands to recur for later, or whatever is appropriate at the time). Seriously, do not sleep on this or crucible of worlds

Sylvan Library - While double your budget, add this to the maybeboard for later as its very useful. It is synergy with Abundance (can outline the detailed synergy later, but its really good), shuffling effects (think fetchlands to shuffle away cards you don't want on top), as well as Course of Kruphix/Oracle of Muldaya effects. Best Turn 2 Azusa play IMO.

Momentous Fall - Used in response to removal, gain life and most importantly, draw cards.

Realms Uncharted - Works best once you get better utility lands. But it acts as a tutor, usually 4 fetches. That way, you fuel crucible of worlds. Bonus points if you add Petrefied Field.

Beast Within - Green's best removal, add this.

All Is Dust - One board wipe for when everything goes south. Not needed per say, but has saved me many times. In green lacking removal, sometimes things just need to die. Bonus points with Sanctum of Ugin to find an Eldrazi

Boundless Realms > Reshape the Earth - Given you don't have enough utility lands, this is much better. Even if you did, reshape is very expensive for what it does, more so in this deck.

Pir's Whim - Politics removal and ramp in 1! Not needed but nice to have

Rishkar's Expertise - Best burst draw spell in green. While they can remove your greatest power creature, since it doesnt target, it goes to the next highest. It also helps mitigate tempo loss which is a big issue most draw spells have. Really powerful!

Regarding creatures, its personal preference. I have suggestions but until I know which direction you're going in, I'd rather wait. I personally love Eldrazi, specifically the Kozilek's as they allow you to refill your hand. Distortion allows you to be the blue player and Butcher allows you to, well, slaughter 4 permanents.

December 11, 2022 1:41 a.m.

Micah__ says... #6

Profet93 Thank you so much for your detailed response. I tend to have a lot more fun in games that go on longer, allowing players to show off the power of many of their cards; I like games where you really have to earn the win. While I know this depends on the opponent as much as it does your deck, i just say this to emphasize how much I appreciate resiliency and late game.

  1. -what kind of utility lands do you recommend (preferably ones <20$)?
  2. -I also really like Mind's Eye , are there other strong draw cards that you would recommend?
  3. -I like the idea of Eldrazi, but one of the best parts about playing a mono-green deck in my opinion is that It gives me access to all the wonderful and fun green cards, so while I appreciate the Eldrazi and respect their power, I would rather not rely completely on them for a win condition (one or two is fine; especially if they offer utility). (Perhaps I may sound like a difficult player to please haha, but I really do just love palying the game and the camaraderie of the game)
  4. -what cards do you recommend cutting/think dont belong in this deck?

Please feel free to ask any more questions if there is information ive forgotten to provide, and thank you again for taking the time to help me with my deck! :) <3

December 11, 2022 9:04 a.m.

Micah__ says... #7

Profet93 One more thing I forgot to mention: I tend to play in groups (~3: me and 2 other players), rather than in 1v1.

December 11, 2022 9:10 a.m. Edited.

Profet93 says... #8

Initially you said you want to overwhelm with speed, then you say you want resiliency. One is usually at cost for the other. For me, I've valued resiliency the majority of the time. Given you are playing 3 player (or even 4 for that matter), you should focus on late game rather than trying to be incredibly explosive. Not to say you shouldn't do what green loves to do, ramp, but the way you ramp depends on your goals. I'm going to focus on a resilient deck mindset. That way, you don't get needlessly targeted and are out of the game, it also makes the games as you described.

Blighted Woodland/Myriad Landscape - Different kind of fetches

Good/Bad Fetches - Fabled Passage/Misty Rainforest/Prismatic Vista/Terramorphic Expanse/Verdant Catacombs/Windswept Heath/other fetches that are older and came out more recently that I can't recall. Some are more expensive that others, for you, terramorphic and a few of the cheaper fetches (Listed here and the ones that recently came out, I don't keep up with new sets) should be a great asset to you. Fetches are incredibly important for Azusa. Don't sleep on it

Castle Garenbrig - Ramp

Field of the Dead - RIGHT at the budget mark, VERY powerful. The more nonbasics you get, the more powerful. Think fetchlands triggering this, Acnient Greenwarden doubling the triggers. Azusa + 3 fetches = 6 Zombies! Not needed, but SO powerful, definitely add when you have more nonbasics. This card goes NUTs with effects that brings lots of lands into play like boundless realm/reshape the earth, Scapeshift, etc....

Mirrorpool - Not at all needed, a pet card of mine. Getting another Terrastodon, eteranal witness or just any powerful nonlegendary spell really. I like to copy Greenwarden myself.

Reliquary Tower - When you add much more card draw (which you seriously need), then add this.

Sanctum of Ugin - The way my deck works is that I have various land tutors to search for this or Eye of Ugin. Then I cast a spell like All is dust/akroma's memorial to sac sanctum to find either Kozilek to refill my empty hand. Depends on how many 7+ colorless spells you end up running. I think you should run both Kozilek's for sure. Ulamogs are upgraded removal > Desert Twister. But you don't want too many per your comment, so this land remains to be seen in how effective it is. For your build, I'm inclined to say no, but given it's saved my ass more times than I could count, I wanted to bring it to your attention.

Strip Mine - With crucible of worlds = GG. Although from my understanding, you don't want to do that. Nevertheless, it's still useful for getting rid of opponents Cabal Coffers, Cradle, Nkythos or any other utility land that's giving you an issue. You could also utilize another Land Destruction land which is less oppressive should you wish, I could name a few.

High Market/Miren the Moaning Well - Sac lands prevent theft, exile and trigger death (Greenwarden, Kura, etc...).

Thespian's Stage - Meta dependent, not needed. If they run Urborg + Coffers, you can copy their coffers. I use it to copy my field of the dead (imagine 2x zombies per land + 3 fetches = 12 zombies if I'm doing match correctly, combine that with ancient greenwarden to swarm!). All depends on the lands you end up choosing and your opponents lands. Meta dependent as well. I know some people combine it with Dark Depths for Marit Lage token in more casual playgroups should you be inclined for that synergy. Crucible of worlds makes this repeatable. Just remember that the token itself is legendary.

Aside from mind's eye and the other spells mentioned prior....

Garruk, Primal Hunter/Soul's Majesty - Garruk is better for sure as it is a permanent to come into play with Genesis Wave (unsure why you aren't running it, $?) and is more versatile. Not sure of budget at the moment, but he also provides tokens which he can use his 2nd ability to draw from. Ult is largely irrelevant.

Kozilek, Butcher of Truth/Kozilek, the Great Distortion - The primary purpose of these cards is to refill your hand. While there are other cards prior mentioned to refill your hand, card draw is insanely necessary in Azusa. Given distortion is cheaper and better IMO, I would go with distortion. Just ensure you have enough utility lands in the deck (I'd add like 5-15, 10 probably, more depending on your preferences). I understand you want this to be a green deck and don't want to rely on them as a wincon, thats fine. I see you already run Avenger + Craterhoof.

I can list reasons for the cards if you have any questions, but to give a tell all, many of these are either drastically inefficient or simply just could be better.

Abundant Harvest, Broken Bond (eh, its okish), Desert Twister, Nature's Lore, Nissa's Pilgrimage, Reshape the Earth, Groundswell , Naturalize (Return to Nature is a strict upgrade, but I would run neither), Primal Bellow, Wrap in Vigor (Heroic Intervention upgrade), Primal Rage, Retreat to Kazandu, Caged Sun (with less basics, its less effective), Opal Palace, Jungle Basin, Darksteel Citadel, Undergrowth Champion , Ulvenwald Oddity , Seedborn Muse (you are not a passive deck), Scythe Leopard Kalonian Twingrove/Dungrove Elder (see caged sun), Brawn , Arboreal Grazer

Obviously it's your deck and depending on your meta, making your deck really good could make it less fun for your opponents. Or they could improve their synergy as well. Azusa is a very powerful commander, Like Tier 3 IMO which is pretty high, especially in a casual meta like yours.

If you have any questions regarding why I recommended a particular cut or suggestion, please let me know. I love to help fellow Azusa players :)

December 11, 2022 2:38 p.m.

Profet93 says... #9

I can recommend creatures in my next comment should you desire, let me know.

December 11, 2022 2:41 p.m.

Micah__ says... #10

Profet93 Sorry about the confusion--yes, i also prefer resilience over speed. Not sure why I wrote that before, I suppose I was thinking about the Scute Swarm + Reshape the Earth Combo, but indeed a slower resilient build is more my play style. Thanks for all the suggestions and organizing your responses. I will take your advice and add Crucible of Worlds, Beast Within, Greater Good, and draw cards like Mind's Eye and Kozilek, the Great Distortion. After putting in orders for the cards you listed, Im afraid my wallet is begining to shudder in fear-HAHA!! But I would love to hear what creatures you recommend, and I will certainly consider replacing the cards you deemed cut-worthy with some the new ones. I'm excited to make changes and being playing my new and improved Azusa deck! :) Thanks again.

December 11, 2022 3:01 p.m.

Titania, Nature's Force might be worth a slot with all the Forests here.

December 11, 2022 3:39 p.m.

Micah__ says... #12

TheOfficialCreator Thanks for the suggestion!! I'll check it out.

December 11, 2022 5:27 p.m.

Profet93 says... #13

If you're going to add the Titiania mentioned above, you might want to get the Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth as it also allows your nonbasics to tap for green. Not needed of course, but another $ card to add to the list for one day to acquire. Each small part/land makes the deck incrementally better. And when you add more land tutors + draw, you are more likely to make use of what you have.

Bane of Progress - Depends on how many artifacts/enchantments you end up with and your meta. But destroying opposing artifact ramp (and enchantments) are usually very devastating in most EDH metas.

Courser of Kruphix/Oracle of Mul Daya - Playing lands off of the top of the deck is like drawing and allows you to gas and smooth out your draws when you have nothing left to play. Not to mention the additional land drop from Oracle is crucial. Oracle is the best recommend out of all of the 4

Rampaging Baloths - Not really needed IMO but some people like it. I see you already have some token generation, might be worth considering. Especially given regal force and if you were to add shamanic revelation in the maybeboard. On that note, if you were, rude awakening would be really good with it.

December 11, 2022 7:44 p.m.

Micah__ says... #14

Profet93 Makes sense. Would you recommend Oracle of Mul Daya over Augur of Autumn, or do you think Augur is sufficient? I like the idea of being able to play creatures from the top of my library as well, but sense I'm making changes to my deck to increase land output, maybe Oracle is better? Bane of Progress could be interesting. Like you said, mana rocks tend to be common place in the EDH meta, so I'll certianly consider putting that one in.

December 12, 2022 3:47 p.m.

Profet93 says... #15

I would add both Course of Kruphix and Oracle, keep Augar. Replace undergrowth champion and scythe leopard for orcale and kruphix. You want to keep your cards that directly synergize with your deck and help you "Draw" (aka play lands on top of your deck) rather than 2 cards that might get a little bigger. Being able to play lands, to trigger relevant, impactful abilities is key. You want to think, what is the end goal? Yeah, Leopard and champion are slightly synergistic, they don't do much. I hope my explanation made sense.

December 12, 2022 5:17 p.m.

Micah__ says... #16

Profet93 Makes perfect sense. Thank you again for all the help. I will update my deck once the cards arrive and site you as my source in the description. :)

December 13, 2022 7:09 a.m.

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