Azusa, Lost but Woke

Commander / EDH Profet93


Comicaz says... #1

Hello, as an Azusa player myself here are some recommendations...

First and foremost I'd play a lot more basic Forests and add Vernal Bloom.

Since you're already playing Exploration, Ramunap Excavator , and such, I'd also play Nissa, Vastwood Seer  Flip, Krosan Tusker, and Sylvan Ranger to keep the lands flowing in your hand and avoid having 1 card in hand turn 3 scenarios.

Rude Awakening can be a finisher and when it's not it allows explosive turns with all the mana doublers

Speaking of mana doublers often times Garruk Wildspeaker can be played for free with his +1 ability and allows for an Overrun-type effect the next turn he comes into play, which can be a win con

Kamahl, Fist of Krosa is also great in keeping boardwipes in check, or finishing games.

Green Sun's Zenith is just my favorite creature tutor in green

Rishkar's Expertise because the value of this card is huge.

Shamanic Revelation can be quite good in some cases.

Natural Order, i would play that card. It's too good to pass.

And here are some of the best spot removal in green : Krosan Grip, Song of the Dryads, Beast Within.

As for the cuts, my personal choices would be Garruk, Primal Hunter, From Beyond, Boundless Realms, Seer's Sundial, and i would choose between the genesis cards and some of the eldrazi that requires casting. They do not synergize well and my choice would be to cut Genesis Hydra and Genesis Wave.

Hope this helps, all of these recommendations comes from my playtesting, but is still personal since my playgroup is probably different from yours.

Have fun

January 18, 2018 3:18 a.m.

Profet93 says... #2


Thank you for your suggestions. Vernal Bloom is a must. Will go in.

I was thinking of adding Nissa, Vastwood Seer  Flip, I just don't know if it's enough impact, but I'll definitely try it out if I find room.

Krosan Tusker and Sylvan Ranger seem kind of weak to warrant an inclusion.

Rude Awakening was another card I was thinking of adding. Definitely must go in.

Garruk Wildspeaker is interesting, but I like Kamahl, Fist of Krosa a lot more. You get the overrun effect and deter boardwipes for just 2 more mana.

Green Sun's Zenith is very good, will add once I find room

Rishkar's Expertise I thought about for a while, I put in Garruk Primal Hunter for a Soul's Magesty type of effect, but Rishkars does seem a lot better. Will add.

Shamanic Revelation is more for a token deck I feel. This deck doesn't go wide. The only time I can see it's use is with Kamahl.

Natural Order is pretty good. I feel like I need more green creatures to get use out of it. That's why I want to add Terastodon or some other big green dude which can be tutored with Natural Order or Green Sun's Zenith.

Song of the Dryads and Beast Within are great, I will add them once I find room.

Regarding the cuts....

Garruk, Primal Hunter for Rishkar's Expertise. Very similar effect to his -3.

From Beyond for Vernal Bloom. Vernal bloom is much more impactful.

Boundless Realms is my FAVORITE CARD of the deck and helps you ramp and thin your deck. Will always be kept.

Seer's Sundial for Nissa, Vastwood Seer  Flip. Helps me get a forest to the hand and can eventually flip to do more work. Test inclusion

Genesis Hydra for Terastodon. The hydra is nice but I have had some bad experiences during the playtest.

Woodland Bellower for Rude Awakening. Bellower has been underperforming with it's limited creature tutoring.

Genesis Wave is WAY TOO GOOD to be cut. Most of the deck is permanents and this card does SERIOUS work.

January 18, 2018 2:59 p.m.

ersatz_olorin says... #3

No budget? why not throw in Gaea's Cradle

Toss in cards like Defense of the Heart, Doubling Cube, or Burgeoning

Good luck :)

February 22, 2018 6:47 p.m.

Profet93 says... #4


I already run it in another deck, but more importantly, I feel like it's more suited for a deck that goes wider. I would feel very badly if I had no creatures (or after an early wipe), I wouldn't be able to use it.

With regards to your other suggestions, defense of the heart looks good, I'll put it in the maybe board. Doubling cube is fun, but Rude Awakening fills that slot and it backups as a win con.

Lastly, burgeoning is a similar exploration and I already feel like taking exploration out. Surprisingly enough, it is just redundant with Azusa.

March 9, 2018 6:49 p.m.

Kamerot says... #5

Wonderful deck. I can only think of couple suggestions since the deck is great already.

My iffy suggestion is Beacon of Creation. You only run 20 forests so this isn't as abusable, but can still be good for repeated tokens for blockers or small bursts of offense.

The good suggestion is Void Winnower. This card absolutely shuts people down and since you're already running an eldrazi package, it'll fit right in.

Great job!

November 12, 2018 3:56 p.m.

Profet93 says... #6


Thank you for taking the time to look at the deck :)

Tokens aren't really useful in the deck. If I was running regal force or its similar cousins I would consider it. Low token count and usefulness makes it a no go.

I had void winnowwer in the deck previously. I decided to cut it to add more cards that were relevant to the deck. The only reason the eldrazi are here are for card draw or removal

November 13, 2018 8:46 p.m.

Kamerot says... #7

Totally understandable. I guess my last suggestion is Hall of Gemstone, i recently added it to my kamahl deck and its been amazing for locking opponents out of my turn and slowing down multicolored decks in general.

November 13, 2018 9:09 p.m.

Profet93 says... #8

Oh yeah, the underplayed RL card. Curious though what you would replace for it?

November 13, 2018 9:48 p.m.

Kamerot says... #9

That's a really hard decision. The only thing I can think of, and you won't like it, is Evolving Wilds. I would choose that only because the land you get enters tapped, so it doesn't actually help you ramp. It's only good for a landfall trigger. I think the ability to lock everyone out of your turn would be worth switching that out.

November 13, 2018 11:23 p.m.

Profet93 says... #10


Its used as another fetch land for life from the loam and the ramunap excavator. Ill need to consider it for though. Thank you again :)

November 14, 2018 12:04 a.m.

Kamerot says... #11

No problem. Like I said, you weren't gonna like the answer. Your deck is very well rounded, so switching stuff out is hard.

November 14, 2018 12:20 a.m.

pmansmoney says... #12

no exploration eh?

October 7, 2019 1:31 a.m.

pkdan says... #13

I was really curios to see your version of the deck after you left some feedback on mine and I can say something out right without much need of play testing. Your deck is way to slow. Apart from Sol Ring and Ancient Tomb you can never cast Azusa, Lost but Seeking before turn 3 which is terrible in my opinion.

My version runs 3 dorks + Exploration + Crop Rotation to tutor Tomb in turn 1 + Mana Crypt instead of so many lands. This is why I never complained much about board wipes, because I tend to have 10+ lands before the control players get to board wipe. By that time it will be extremely easy to rebuild the board in an instant.

If you will try to run more creatures you will see how strong Regal Force and Shamanic Revelation are even if you pay that much mana for 2-3 cards. The deck needs to flow and hit from card draw spell to another or you will be outpaced.

I managed to even draw my entire deck so many times with Greater Good since I play Concordant Crossroads and Tooth and Nail. In my deck that can win the game on the spot with Craterhoof Behemoth. Btw you need to see with your own eyes what Tooth and Nail with etwine does when you tutor for Avenger of Zendikar + Regal Force. Hoof is my main win cond and I managed to win easily even through multiple counterspells. Eldrazi should be there just for card draw + diversions where your opponents consume their removals.

Now this is also just my personal preference of how I run my deck, I hope you can try a version like mine to see if you like it more.


October 24, 2019 4:15 a.m.

pkdan says... #14

On another note I just realised you barely run any creature tutors apart from Fierce Empath and Tooth and Nail. You NEED Green Sun's Zenith which you can use turn 1 to ramp into Dryad Arbor, Finale of Devastation which serves as a 2nd Craterhoof Behemoth in your deck + haste and +X/+X to all your creatures, Chord of Calling is instant speed and is free to cast if you have Avenger of Zendikar in play so instant Craterhoof Behemoth. Worldly Tutor, Beast Within should be insta auto-include cards and so on...

The consistency of your plan in this deck is extremely low, you rely mostly on drawing stuff from the top like Tooth and Nail. Hope you can understand why running more than 40 lands is just making your deck less consistent and very slow.


October 24, 2019 4:37 a.m.

Profet93 says... #15

pmansmoney - Not as of yet

pkdan - Thanks for reaching out, much appreciated! I have some thoughts....(keep in mind I'm a little slow)

  1. Does Azusa need to be out by Turn 2? I can see how it can be beneficial, but if I don't have any additional lands to play, what is the benefit? If I am getting her out turn 2 and have a bunch of land drops, aren't I just top decking at that point? I have excluded Crop Rotation due to prevalence of blue in meta (above user and MANY others). With the lack of forests in the deck, it would be Forest, crop rotation into tomb, hoping to draw a forest. The only reason I don't replace lands with dorks is because while they are regal fodder and help get T2 Azusa, they just die with boardwipes and IMO haven't been very impactful. I've looked at your list and I thought of making something similar (more tuned, less theme based), might consider in the future.

  2. Force/Revelation - Both cards I might consider in builds that go wider. I might playtest a lot of your suggestions as well.

  3. I already run Greater good, SUCH a good card in any green deck! :)

  4. Problem with Craterhoof + Avenger is IF you don't have a haste outlet. What I do with Tooth and Nail is cast it, getting Avenger + Woodland bellower getting E-wit. E-wit bring s back T&N which when casted gets Green Warden + whatever. Green warden then gets me back T&N which I can use for other creatures. I am extremely tempted to run Regal simply because of HOW MUCH it draws your entire deck. I am also tempted for crater because there are some games I fail to win and durdle. My only issue with Regal and Crater is that without a board prescence, they don't do much.

  5. My deck has non-basic land tutors which almost always tutors for eye, which allows me to tutor for either kozilek to refil my hand or either ulamog for removal. Paying 7 mana to tutor and 8 to play a Eldrazi over 2 turns only to get it countered and have the cast trigger. While it sucks, it allows me to refill my hand, ensuring consistency. Thats why I don't need creature tutors. There have been very few situations where I needed a specific creature (aside from bane).

  6. Dryad Arbor + GSZ is cool but it doesn't tap for mana the turn in comes in.

  7. Finale of Devastation or Craterhoof would go in the deck. Both provide similar functions. Craterhoof is tutorable and works with G-wave while Finale is more impactful. I would also still need to pay 3 mana for cord which is fine, without Avenger, its not gonna pull much weight.

The issue I have with the suggestions is that some of them are win-more, they can help me close the game if I have a boardstate but don't do anything if I don't have one. Then it's just a dead card in hand. Just added beast within a few days ago. The reason I have over 40 is to ensure lots of land drops. Hope this didn't come off as rude, just my thought process as I have a different playstyle/preference. I will be doing some tweaking for sure.

October 24, 2019 5:17 a.m.

pkdan says... #16


  1. I can confirm that gettings those lands in play fast are super important. If that is not what you want then you don't need Azusa, Lost but Seeking as your commander. She is the early engine you have for ramping fast, and then you need the card draw to sustain this engine. Getting Crop Rotation countered can happen, but that is a risk you need to evaluate before you take.

  2. With dorks and Dryad Arbor you will understand how powerful they are

  3. Concordant Crossroads is very strong. You basically win with 10 mana if you have that + Tooth and Nail because you go for hoof + avenger.

  4. I don't even run Eye of Ugin . I think it is too slow. Simply run Worldly Tutor .

  5. It doesn't have to tap for mana. It is pay 1 mana to ramp 1. And that ramp is a creature that helps your Gaea's Cradle , Regal Force and so on. You can fetch Dryad Arbor in play with any fetchland also.

I know it is sad to draw Craterhoof Behemoth too early. That is something you cannot really control every time. However if you play fast and setup enough lands early you should be able to win just fine. However your deck is too slow with 48 lands and on top of that after you get wiped you are VERY likely to top deck lands from that point on. The ballance between card draw and number of lands is something I'm still working on, but for me 40 is still maximum you should run.

Hope my suggestions help you build your deck as efficient as you want. Enjoy the game.

October 24, 2019 5:42 a.m.

greyninja says... #17

+1 from me for sure!

You inspired me to update my mono deck. I figure with a mana dork turn 1 and no missed land drops, you can see up to 9 mana turn 4 with Omnath. Azusa can do that turn 3 lol

Tell me about Rude Awakening . Is it a wincon or just a way to stack mad mana? Sylvan Awakening I run in my temur Omnath deck

How come two Kozileks and only one Ulamog? Haha

I'd suggest Rogue's Passage to get punches thru. Would you consider Omnath, Locus of Mana in the 99?

Anywho Have fun!

December 18, 2019 9:30 p.m. Edited.

Profet93 says... #18

greyninja - Dont forget the +1 :)

Rude awakening serves both purposes, although mostly for mana. It's very fun with Cradle + Temple + Thespians Stage as Temple. Then you use that mana for a draw spell like Shamanic Revelation, draw into an untapper such as Nissa Vital force, use recursion to recur rude awakening.

I used to have Sisay like that ran Cradle + Living Plane + Umbral Mantle - That was a really fun time, so I tried to recreate it here

December 19, 2019 12:03 a.m.

Profet93 says... #19


I'm sorry I missed your other suggestions!

Rogue's Passage - Too costly, moreover, I am trying to limit the # of nonbasics as I sometimes struggle to get green mana. I like the flexibility of all of the utility lands, but the balance is crucial and I think I've found the perfect ratio.

Omnath, Locus of Mana - Doesn't contribute to our game plan. All the creatures have some inherent synergy with each other. Omnath, assuming I have green mana, would be winmore.

December 19, 2019 1:41 p.m.

pmansmoney says... #20

Buried Ruin is gas! Just ditch Terramorphic Expanse for it or something.

January 21, 2020 7:05 p.m.

Profet93 says... #21


its in the deck, this just isn't updated. Fetchlands are also nice with crucible, excavtor, life and titania.

January 21, 2020 7:14 p.m.

pmansmoney says... #22

glad to hear it!!

January 21, 2020 7:22 p.m.

Beebles says... #23

Hey Profet93,

This is a very interesting deck I think. It’s different in that almost half your deck is lands. Also, you have a lot of different ideas going on here: land matters, power matters, eldrazi aggro, with a sprinkle of going wide. That probably creates a challenging deckbuilding balancing act. You might be spreading yourself too thin by having all those things in one deck. Especially because you have so few spots for supporting themes because your high land count. My main tip is: see if you can reduce the amount of themes for a higher focus and synergy. I've found that taking out one or two of such themes out and use them as the inspiration for a new deck can be very rewarding.

What I also noticed is that your list is quite a “glass cannon” kind of build. If it works, it works well, but I expect it is also relatively susceptible to be blown out by interaction. You also don't run a lot of interaction yourself. That’s not really my thing, as my meta would punish me too hard for trying. This tells me we play in very different environments, so take my suggestions with a grain of salt ;).

There a few cards here I would consider to cut:

  • Zendikar Resurgent, Shamanic Revelation: These don’t synergize with your themes very well. You only run about 20 creatures, so resurgent is not going to draw that many cards. And with only 4 token makers, shamanic revelation is not really ideal either.
  • Mind's Eye: I don’t think this card is worth running in edh anymore. Especially in green. Very slow and expensive.
  • Boundless Realms: You don’t run a lot of landfall pay-offs. Perhaps a card that is a payoff by itself is a better use here.

Cards I would consider adding for better consistency

Lastly, I would make a choice between growing tall and going wide. The power matters theme is probably a better match than the going wide one, as your Eldrazi aggro plan is already matching with that (however, landfall supports the going-wide route very well, so you could really go either way). Here are some contenders to consider if you decide to go for power matters:

Hope there are some ideas here that match with your vision for the deck.

GL & HF!

September 19, 2020 8:08 a.m.

Profet93 says... #24


Thank you for your detailed response, it is much apprecaited as always. There are only 2 themes, land and power, Eldrazi used to be a theme. The 2x Kozilek's are to refill my hand once I drop all my lands, the ulamog is there for removal. My main goal in this deck is to get azusa out on T3, T2 if I get some ramp. Then use one of the many land tutors to search for either kozilek to refill my hand.

The sprinkle of going wide I recently tried to add as it fueled cradle but you are right, going wide doesn't work well. Its very hit or miss, 60% miss. I think by taking out going wide, and perhaps maybe Ulamog (I still need 2x Kozilek's for card draw, badly). Yes, I don't run a lot of interaction myself, I use the excuse of being green and hoping my opponents will kill each other. Not the best strategy, but a fun one.

Zendikar Resurgent - It's been helpful, but I can cut it. Its one of those cards I pay 7 mana for and unless I use it the same turn, they blow it up or else things get out of hand too quickly.

Shamanic Revelation - Super hit or miss. When it works, it works, when it doesn't, it draws me one card. I should note its super fun with rude awakening, but yeah, it's my primary cut for sure.

MAYBE Regal Force - Only ever good with Avenger, Baloths and Titania as it does not synergize with field of the dead of even rude awakening sadly. I want your thoughts on this as it is one of my targets for tooth and nail. Tooth and nail usually goes Greenwarden + Ulvenwald --> Cradle/Deserted temple, bringing back T&N. Then next turn cast T&N to bring Avenger + Regal. Outside of that, it draws me maybe 1-3 cards otherwise. Idk if it's worth it or what to replace it with.

MAYBE Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger - I like him because I use him with Sanctum to find either Kozilek. But its 10 mana to exile 2 cards and eat a path to exile. Costs a lot?

Mind's Eye - I'm unsure about cutting this. With all of the wheels and card draw in my meta, this has saved me from many tight spots. If I were to cut it, I might replace it with a Memory Jar, or perhaps just add in memory jar in place of one of the above cards.

Boundless Realms - WAY too good to ignore. Landfall triggers with baloths, field of the dead triggers, thinning the deck and ramping. This card has been an allstar and even with my relatively low basic count, it still puts in work.

Lightning Greaves - So simple.....idk why I haven't thought of it? Let me give that some serious consideration. I'm pretty sure you're right. Plus its nice to have an additional haste outlet, whether its to swing with only 1 creature after G-waving my entire deck onto the field and they remove akromas, or to give whatever land came onto the battlefield haste from rude awakening.

Crashing Drawbridge - I would add concordant crossroads before I add this. I don't need too much haste, it's not so much aggro as is value.

Green Sun's Zenith - EVERYONE recommends this card to me, I feel like I should add it just for that reason. Finding only green creatures is what bothers me, but I can definitely see it's potential. I'm going to seriously consider this as I think you are right, similar to lightning greaves.

Dryad Arbor - The potential T1 ramp with GSZ does not outweight the fragility of the land as a creature and it's lack of haste. I've often found decks that use GSZ to get Arbor T1 often just boardwiped quickly in my experience, it has happened time and time again in my meta.

Finale of Devastation - The concept of more creature tutors is intriguing for sure. It also acts as a late game haste outlet/finisher which is nice to have. I like the flexibility of it. Again, needs serious consideration. Thank you for bringing this (and others) to my attention.

Ancient Greenwarden - With life from the loam, CoW, Ramunap, I wasn't sure if I needed more redundancy. However, I think you're right. It's second ability is nice with baloths, field, avenger so I'm excited to see how that works. I'm most probably adding this.

Nissa, Vastwood Seer - Already in the deck, a pet card of mine. Not that impactful, but lowkey and helpful enough to give you value without being a target :)

For the distinction of going tall vs wide, I agree, taller is better. I've considered Return of the Wildspeaker, still not sure. Let me think about it. Prowling serpopod is nice, but I try not to put in too many slots just to deal with one of the many colors which I may or may not deal with. I have boseju and cavern for anti blue, I feel it is usually enough. Azusa fills the spot of wayward, hence me not running exploration/burgeoning despite my relatively high land count. I already put most of my lands on the field, so I don't need more land drops, I just need more card draw, desperately. Kogla is cool, nice synergy with Azusa too. Seems like more of a beater that doesn't have synergy with the deck unlike Multani/Ulvenwald, so it doesn't seem right at the moment. Then again, I should add more interaction in the deck so I will see...

Your comments have been very thought provoking, I need time to process it.

September 19, 2020 2 p.m.

Spells says... #25

Awesome stuff here, man. If my Azusa deck was a small child, this would undoubtedly be it's angrier, bigger brother. What I like most is the confidence this build exudes, you're very clearly stating "I am going to ramp, you won't be able to stop me, and then I'm going to cast massive spells." Green is my favorite color in Magic, and this list is Green to a T.

Personally, I'd like to see a little more interaction here, but it's worth noting that I was scarred by Winter Orb and Static Orb early on in my EDH tenure, so I'm usually over-prepared to blow one up. That said, Nature's Claim is (in my humble opinion) one of Green's best spells, and worth consideration here.

Creature Recommendations:

  • Scute Swarm. We already talked about this little guy, and if you're adamant on the number of lands you run, I'd recommend cutting Seek the Horizon or Thaumatic Compass  Flip (otherwise I'd say cut a Forest).
  • Allosaurus Shepherd. It makes 90% of your spells uncounterable, and that effect is impactful at nearly any stage of the game. It allows you to play greedily and sink a ton of mana into your spells, which seem important in this build. I'd think about it and consider cutting my above suggestions, or Nissa, Vastwood Seer  Flip.

Spell Recommendations:

  • You can't go wrong with Worldly Tutor. Tutors = consistency.
  • Scapeshift is a wonderful spell that will make your friends hate you. It's dangerous in my deck, and I think it'd be even more dangerous here given the number of lands you're running. Sacrifice any number of lands, go pull the best lands out of your deck, and make sure one of them is Field of the Dead. Suddenly, you've got an army of zombies, Gaea's Cradle, Strip Mine, Deserted Temple, Eye of Ugin, etc. I think you'd be fine to cut Life from the Loam, as you've already got plenty ability to play lands from the grave.

Land Recommendations:

  • Castle Garenbrig is a strictly better Forest in a mono-Green list.
  • Dryad Arbor is surprisingly diverse. You can GSZ where X = 0 and go get Dryad Arbor, it taps for mana, it counts towards Gaea's Cradle, and it gets beefed by Finale of Devastation.
  • Temple of the False God is actually pretty good in Azusa. I know, I know, it's a grossly overplayed card in our format, but as you already know, Azusa has no problem getting to 5 lands, and from that point on, it's a better Ancient Tomb.
  • Petrified Field is neat with Realms Uncharted (if you don't already have the ability to play from the grave) and offers the ability to instant-speed get a land out of your yard. I find it to be pretty versatile.
  • Wasteland isn't as good as Strip Mine, but it punishes multi-color decks. If you're like me and play in a tri-color meta, I think you'll find that it treats you well.

Hopefully I provided some decent food for thought. Either way, I think you have a great build here; I'm sure it's a blast to play!

October 18, 2020 1:45 p.m.

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