Azusa, Seeking Lost Butts

Commander / EDH Dominator42


Mewgle says... #1

For a green deck there seems to be a huge lack of ramp. Consider adding cards like Cultivate , Kodama's Reach , and Boundless Realms at the very least for a ramp package. What good are mana doublers if all of those Forests are stuck in your library?

Thousand-Year Elixir doesn't do enough for you and there's no way to effectively abuse it in this deck.

Taunting Elf isn't too great. Early on in the game it doesn't help you and later on in the game it's kinda meh. Consider dropping it for Ulvenwald Tracker. At least that can allow you to take advantage of the size of your creatures.

Primal Bellow is one shot. Making it less good.

Remove Allosaurus Rider , Drove of Elves , Dungrove Elder , Molimo, Maro-Sorcerer , and Dauntless Dourbark . They're all just dumb beats that don't have any utility. You want your creatures to do more than just turn sideways.

Remove Whirlwind in favor of Silklash Spider . Sure it's damage based, but it's fetchable, repeatable and keeps the skies clear, and has a big butt for the namesake of the deck.

Drop Arbor Elf . It's no better than Llanowar Elves and that in mono green where non-creature ramp is far more efficient.

Elvish Visionary is not worth it in EDH. Small one shot ETB card draw is outclassed by repeatable card draw you get from Primordial Sage and Soul of the Harvest.

Consider removing all one shot spells that untap things. Seedborn Muse does the job just fine and you can actually fetch it out consistently with Primal Command and Worldly Tutor . The ladder you should consider using.

If you're using Extraplanar Lens you should swap the Forests with Snow-Covered Forest s. That way others at the table running green don't bank off of your lens.

Sylvan Primordial you should be using. Destroys and ramps.

Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger is a great card. If it sticks it'll slow your opponents and double your own mana.

Worldspine Wurm . Emrakul-sized fat that survives a board wipe and shuffles back just so you can get it back out again.

Fauna Shaman . Ditch a creature you don't need for one that you do.

March 29, 2013 7:42 p.m.

Dominator42 says... #2

Thanks for all the feedback.

I've added Cultivate and Boundless Realms , I am still looking for a Kodama's Reach

Thousand-Year Elixir is probably the next thing I cut when I add something new.

I actually did follow most of your suggestions. In my most recent updates, I cut almost everything you suggested to except Dungrove Elder and Molimo, Maro-Sorcerer because those cards can win on their own.

The goal with Azusa was to be flashy and have a huge turn to produce hundreds of mana, and then use it on a mana sink. All of the untap lands effects are to add to the flashiness, which is something I like having in my EDH decks.

I'll add Worldly Tutor if I can get my hands on one (as I would with any of the cards on the Maybe list).

April 23, 2013 6:08 p.m.

When you play Azusa, Lost but Seeking as your general you can have some fun shenanigans. One thing to try is Glacial Chasm and Crucible of Worlds . You Glacial Chasm die every turn and bring it back and the land you sacrificed to the battlefield. This will provide a continuous fog effect which your opponents would only be able to break with land destruction, then you play it again next turn. This also allows you to crucible lock your opponents. AKA Crucible of Worlds + Azusa, Lost but Seeking + Strip Mine will leave your opponents without mana.

June 13, 2013 11:57 a.m.

Didgeridooda says... #4

Recycle is great. It will turn all your lands in to draw spells like the horn does.

Tooth and Nail is a must for any EDH deck that runs green.

Woodfall Primus is a great beater that comes with removal.

What is your budget? I have a rampy, big creature deck Omnastic if you would like to check it out.

July 28, 2014 2:02 a.m.

K34 says... #5

Have you tried Time of Need ? Or do you feel like you don't have enough legendaries to make it worth it?

August 13, 2014 8:25 p.m.

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