Village Messenger: Great early game, can actually win games fairly easy once flipped.
Neglected Heirloom
: Can get creatures out of Languish range, causes real problems for people. No seriously it does... Ever have a turn 1
Neglected Heirloom
, turn two Village Messenger, equip swing 2 and then they play a second tap land and you have a 5/5 menace first strike to attack turn 3??? I have.
Moonlight Hunt
: Why dont you play 4!?..Because I dont want too and it opens up more possibility, considering with no creatures on board its a dead card.
slyvan advocate: Not a wolf? This big dude don't care, late game fix. Facing aggro? Stops it with
Lambholt Pacifist
by his side. Late game? 6 lands?
Neglected Heirloom
flipped? Why not make a 7/8 vigilance first strike?
3 Drops:
Breakneck Rider: Flips into another trample buffing mechanic.. Yeah sure.
Geier Reach Bandit: Hastey moonmist when flipped. No menace on moonmist side!? We need to talk to Wizards of the Coast.
Tireless Tracker: WAIT A MINUTE...HE is...HUMAN!?? But he is a tracker, wolves track, he tracks, he is welcome to help hunt for food (aka cards).
4 drop:
Collected Company: The true power of turn 5 wins! AND MANY MANY WOLFS!...Heck even responding to removal and the wolf RNG gods grant you 2xSilverfur Partisan aren't bad either.
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