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Baby I'm Preying On You Tonight [EMN]

Standard Aggro Combo Midrange RG (Gruul) RGW (Naya) Tribal Werewolf



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1 drops:

Village Messenger  : Great early game, can actually win games fairly easy once flipped.

Neglected Heirloom   : Can get creatures out of Languish range, causes real problems for people. No seriously it does... Ever have a turn 1 Neglected Heirloom   , turn two Village Messenger  , equip swing 2 and then they play a second tap land and you have a 5/5 menace first strike to attack turn 3??? I have.

2 drops:

Lambholt Pacifist   : Hopfully one day we get better, but paired with Neglected Heirloom   or flipping or Howlpack Resurgence or Nissa, Voice of Zendikar or....You get the point it hits hard.

Duskwatch Recruiter  : I dig all day, every day for the wolves.

Moonlight Hunt : Why dont you play 4!?..Because I dont want too and it opens up more possibility, considering with no creatures on board its a dead card.

slyvan advocate: Not a wolf? This big dude don't care, late game fix. Facing aggro? Stops it with Lambholt Pacifist   by his side. Late game? 6 lands? Neglected Heirloom   flipped? Why not make a 7/8 vigilance first strike?

3 Drops:

Breakneck Rider  : Flips into another trample buffing mechanic.. Yeah sure.

Geier Reach Bandit  : Hastey moonmist when flipped. No menace on moonmist side!? We need to talk to Wizards of the Coast.

Tireless Tracker: WAIT A MINUTE...HE is...HUMAN!?? But he is a tracker, wolves track, he tracks, he is welcome to help hunt for food (aka cards).

4 drop:

Collected Company: The true power of turn 5 wins! AND MANY MANY WOLFS!...Heck even responding to removal and the wolf RNG gods grant you 2xSilverfur Partisan aren't bad either.

5 drops!!:

........Just kidding.


Natural State:No silk wrap for you.

Kozilek's Return: Thats a nice board of 2 toughness creatures..Be a shame...If someone...Had a bad instant wipe spell.

Clip Wings : I personally like Moonlight Hunt ing Angels, but sometimes demons don't like to be touched.

Roast: Even werewolves have a BBQ.

Rending Volley :I will give you 3 guesses how many creatures in standard this card kills.

Howlpack Resurgence: Instant speed trample +1/+1 that sticks around unlike Atarka's Command but also pairs very well with it.

Scab-Clan Berserker : Facing control? Need help with all their spells? Ever Collected Company after a Languish and wish you can punish them afterwords? Now you can!

Other Decks:

For Zada Version checkout clayperce's deck gruul-wolves-soi

For a well done B/W Removal Control check out Cast a Shadow by Argeaux

28-05-16-the-zoo: My modern zoo list.

Bark at The Moon (Orig Preying Baby deck): Original Version of this deck, to keep track of how much its changed and future changes with Eldritch Moon


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Revision 25 See all

(8 years ago)

+1 Forest main
-1 Waxing Moon main
Top Ranked
  • Achieved #1 position overall 8 years ago
Date added 8 years
Last updated 8 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

0 - 3 Mythic Rares

17 - 2 Rares

20 - 6 Uncommons

6 - 4 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.31
Tokens Eldrazi Horror 3/2 C
Folders SOI standard, Standard, Might Steal, Ideas, Gotta have standards, I Like it :D, Gruul (Modern/Standard), shadows of innistrad standard, Other decks, $100-$150 Standard
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