Baby I'm Preying On You Tonight [EMN]
SCORE: 104 | 223 COMMENTS | 30199 VIEWS | IN 87 FOLDERS
@Mvffin The original deck was actually a CoCo wolves deck. I had Breakneck Rider Flip but in match-ups against UW humans, it was lack luster trying to CoCo on turn 4. Keep Atarka's Command, remember it gives reach. Against Archangel Avacyn Flip its a nice trick to opponents who think the air is safe from blockers. Nothing like a jumping pumped Lambholt Butcher Flip to say hi to an angel.
And in turn for a flashed Archangel Avacyn Flip respond to ETB by killing it with Moonlight Hunt. Other creatures still get the trigger, but you don't have to worry about her flipping anymore.
April 12, 2016 12:09 a.m. Edited.
AndyReveler says... #5
I think I like your version of werewolves with Silverfur Partisan with Dual Shot over the pump spells ones, especially since shot does double work giving you wolves as well. I'm not sure about running so many spells, especially Atarka's Command, it's good, just not a lot of synergy in your deck.
Is Evolutionary Leap really that good? It seems okay at best, but I haven't tried it.
April 19, 2016 2:24 p.m.
I may remove Atarka's Command actually since its so situational and needs board presence to be truly effective. Evolutionary Leap was an idea from my friend and ever since play testing it, never looked back. Especially against decks with say Declaration in Stone, since the decks will in most cases have multiple copies of same creature on board, lets say the tokens, instead of losing all 3 or 4 tokens, sac and get a creature versus losing board presence. I am sure you can think of many other things as well, it also helps stop land flooding. Saccing a weak creature that is no longer useful such as a 1/1 Village Messenger Flip that will already put work in, turning into one of the three drops holds more value, while also helping place lands you would have drawn you no longer need, to the bottom. Actually considering upping it to 3, but I dislike dead draws unless I find something else to consider.
April 19, 2016 3:06 p.m.
AndyReveler says... #7
hmmm, I see, I will consider it in my deck as well, I suppose it's good that it replaces the creature, I just felt it was slow cause the creature goes into your hand, but I can't knock it till I try it.
I really like your sideboard as well, I might try out Kozilek's Return as well for mirror matches and vs weenies. I'm a little concerned about collected company because I'd feel more comfortable with 24 creatures. I also really like the idea of Pack Guardian simply because you're assured a 4/3 body and probably a 2/2 as well.
April 19, 2016 4:46 p.m.
Collected Company is a filler until I find something I like honestly, lol. Kozilek's Return is great, just be careful against Bant Company with Dromoka's Command damage turn off ability.
April 19, 2016 5:12 p.m.
AndyReveler says... #9
That's great advice, bant company is probably the deck I'm most worried about. I'm only planning to use my werewolf deck until I can build my Jund menace deck or if werewolves somehow becomes a tier one deck.
April 20, 2016 12:41 a.m.
Tee hee, that's funny. Thanks!
This is a very nice deck ... I had dropped by a little while ago and +1'd and added it to a "look at later" folder.
First, congrats on the 3-1 FNM!
Second, I really like Evolutionary Leap and I'm VERY interested in seeing how it works out for you. I play in in EDH, but have never had occasion to include it in a Standard deck. It's in my maybeboard for now though, as I expect to see a lot of control in my meta soon, and it's just SO nice in response to boardwipes!
I also like the Dual Shot. I've see it in a couple decks now, and at first I was kind of dismissive. But the more I look at it the more I like it. Please keep posting match results! :-)
Are you sure on the Evolving Wilds? I ran a couple for like an hour early in my build, and found the upside (fixing) was WAY not worth the downside (entering tapped). Same with Cinder Glade ... if you haven't already looked at reducing it you may want to. I was kind of surprised to find the "sweet spot" for my deck was as a two-of.
Have you tested Lightning Berserker? I went back and forth vs. Village Messenger Flip for a long time, and finally decided the late-game value of the Berserker (much more useful in Game 2+) was overall better than the the early-game value of the Messenger. I'm curious on your thoughts.
Hope you're getting to play this evening ... I'm stuck in an airport :-(
Draw well!
April 22, 2016 5:43 p.m.
Thanks, I am actually going to change some things around, including the Evolving Wilds being reduced. Going to post my FNM results in a little bit.
Dual Shot was actually placed into early aggro humans, but grown towards it as a nice liking main board, almost every match I put it in..In fact today I pulled 12 power with it in a single mana (two Silverfur Partisan's and Howlpack Resurgence on board.)
Evolutionary Leap is actually why I do not mind playing 4x Village Messenger Flip plus Howlpack Resurgence does not work with Lightning Berserker. I will list the changes I have in mind under the results, which today was actually very good, but I did notice the fault within Evolving Wilds
April 23, 2016 1:02 a.m.
Hidden_Blade says... #14
This is the first Werewolves Deck I've seen that actually looks well put-together. I like pretty much all your choices here. You definitely deserved to go 4-0.
One thing I would consider is Titan's Strength over Atarka's Command. Titans Strength is a fantastic card and I don't run red without it. Not only can it help you make a favourable trade, save a creature, or push through that final bit of damage, but with Silverfur Partisan around it can also give you more board presence. Last but definitely not least is that scry. I cannot count the number of games I have won due to that simple scry. Try it and I promise you won't look back :D
Other than that, awesome deck, +1!
April 23, 2016 9:31 a.m.
Thanks Guys! And Thank you who ever Featured my deck!! Never been featured before!
clayperce: Thank you! :)
Hidden_Blade: Thank you as well! On the Titan's Strength I actually may do that, the Atarka's Command's have been great, however they seem very situational. Only thing that makes me keep them in is all the flyers I am starting to see. I know using it as a defence option is weird, but the Reach on it as killed me a few thopters and double blocks on Avacyn. I do see your point though, even considering Avacyn decks... I generally hold a Moonlight Hunt for her flash in to respond to ETB and they have one less blocker, because then tr trample effects become even more relevant. I Will defiantly test it!
April 23, 2016 1:55 p.m.
Great flavor, love the name too! I'd love to try this deck out against my Esper deck and see how they match up against each other. +1 from me. Hope you win more matches! Best of luck.
April 24, 2016 7:31 p.m.
Jburk777: Thank you! It's very fun! What's funny is my friend plays Esper control. We ended many matches very close in life totals. My advice, keep trying to exile Evolutionary Leap, you do have to use your life as a resource, but when it sticks. Thats when the problems begin against control. :)
Probably shouldn't give advice on how to beat the deck, but I do play many different ones beside this..Just I love werewolves.
April 24, 2016 7:46 p.m.
BlueEyes My friend played this deck on TappedOut against me for fun, it did pretty well, and Evolutionary Leap was a problem for sure. But luckily, like you said, the control tied us down to be even. Thanks for responding!
April 24, 2016 8:41 p.m.
Ksiegrist06 says... #19
i really like the evolutionary leap idea. im gonna check it out in my deck!! :D
one card that helped me win at my FNM was Expedite. i also run 2x Zada, Hedron Grinder tho so the expedite is extra useful. :P
April 24, 2016 10:49 p.m.
Ksiegrist06 says... #20
also now thinking, if u want a Lightning Berserker effect use Ember-Eye Wolf.
Ember-Eye Wolf + Howlpack Resurgence = suuuuch greatness
April 24, 2016 10:51 p.m.
Jburk777: Cant wait till Eldritch Moon, probably gonna be even better wolves...I know that's off topic lol. As for an actual response, I am glad you and a friend played each other. Werewolves takes getting used too, because you do not play the deck for its flips. You play it as a human deck with an extra condition. Very rarely when I play do I force a flip unless I have removal in hand.
Ksiegrist06: Soon probably Ember-Eye Wolf, but I am very iffy on him. Haste is great, but my 2 slots are filled VERY high. I can see him late game being useful with Howlpack Resurgence+mana dumps though. Probably consider sideboard against control or mirror match ups for the extra "kick".
April 24, 2016 11:51 p.m.
BobTheStrong says... #23
Looking at your list I am wondering of collected company would work well here. It would allow you to not cast spells t4 and flip your dudes
April 25, 2016 9:15 a.m.
teamawesome1 says... #24
Also I'd say more Village Messenger Flip. I can understand why you'd only run three but I can tell you from playing against it, it's your best turn 1 play by far, having four main might make more awkward topdecks, but it will also mean more ridiculous starts, and you can always side it out if you're on the draw game two!
April 25, 2016 11:24 a.m.
Helldiver18: This is not a Zada deck. For Zada look at clayperce's deck. :)
BobTheStrong: I first used CoCo in the first variation, it was fun, however when I fizzled 3 times of the 5 times I cast it, I didn't want to chance my luck anymore. The statistics were there, but the luck was not. But feel free to play the original version, just take out Arlinn Kord Flip and Evolutionary Leap and add in some more creatures.
teamawesome1: I might add it back in honestly after some more testing, I do always side him out when playing on draw. He does cause some bonker starts too -
Mvffin says... #3
I have a very similar deck put together,Wolves 'n' Stuff,but I have Collected Company instead of Moonlight Hunt. I feel I should probably drop the Atarka's Command for a couple of those. Instant removal in green is just too good.
As for your list, I'd drop the Timberpack Wolf in favor of Breakneck Rider Flip. +1/+0 and Trample to your pack is great.
April 11, 2016 8:51 p.m.