Baby I'm Preying On You Tonight [EMN]
SCORE: 104 | 223 COMMENTS | 30199 VIEWS | IN 87 FOLDERS
AlCelestino says... #3
What about Pack Guardian ? Flash allows you to transform your creatures on turn 4, and you have a 4/3 wolf and a 2/2 token for 4.
April 26, 2016 8:52 a.m.
bluechandra says... #7
also, pls don't add coco, i might build a budget deck like this. Coco is NOT BUDGET! lol
April 26, 2016 5:31 p.m.
bluechandra says... #8
If you run another kord, you could add a few Second Harvest to copy dem wolves
April 26, 2016 5:34 p.m.
bluechandra: Don't worry, I am not adding CoCo. As stated in previous comments, this started as CoCo and quickly diverged away from it. :P
April 26, 2016 8:40 p.m.
Bizarro_Stormy says... #10
Going to trade in my CoCos so I can build this for Game Day. Thanks really wanted to build a werewolf deck after seeing it do so well in draft.
April 27, 2016 3:24 p.m.
AndyReveler says... #11
How necessary is Arlinn Kord Flip in this deck? I'm curious.
April 27, 2016 3:53 p.m.
AndyReveler says... #12
Also how efficient is Silverfur Partisan with just Dual Shot as your own trigger?
Is Atarka's Command necessary as well?
I wanna go the partisan route too for game day, but I'm just skeptical.
April 27, 2016 3:57 p.m.
Bizarro_Stormy: I don't recommend trading away such a good card T_T.
AndyReveler: You don't have to run Arlinn Kord Flip, but the Silverfur Partisan with Dual Shot is a personal choice I made. I have Dual Shot mainboarded because of the increase in Token decks, mono-white aggro, etc etc. Its mostly a two for one. When it comes to late game, 4 power for 1 mana isn't necessarily bad.As for Atarka's Command I notice my self slowly siding them out against control-ish match ups, but putting back up to 4 versus people with flyers or hypo aggressive standings. It all comes down to preference.
April 27, 2016 11:12 p.m.
Bizarro_Stormy says... #14
Had enough trades to build the deck and keep Coco. Can't wait for game day.
April 28, 2016 1:47 a.m.
Bizarro_Stormy: I wish you the best of luck, this deck requires a lot more thinking for you and the opponent than meets the eye. Play it more like a human deck, the werewolf thing is more of a trigger trick. If you have instant speed reactions then go for the pass, if not play proactively.
Also be warned, this is not a teir 1 deck. If draws are awesome then it can play against one with ease and win, however until Eldritch Moon, I personally feel this will remain teir 2 with a good teir 1 feel.
April 28, 2016 2:23 a.m. Edited.
Hey ! I'm interesting about this deck but there are way to improve it. You seems to focus only against humans deck but it is far away powerfull deck of the meta. PPTQ, pro tour .. show us that meta tend to play with no creature on play strategy.
So yes you have answer to humans with Dual Shot until ETB effect resolves but this card serves only to that and should be on sideboard. Why not include Kessig Forgemaster Flip ? This card is very great against all decks using creatures on board strategy like humans and bant decks.
How is your plan against controle deck ? I think Lambholt Pacifist Flip is pretty useless but Evolutionary Leap is fantastic ! This card is a awesome answer to million of sweeper on format and is usefull against any decks !
Atarka's Command I don't see really his utility. There are few sources or gain life that can penalize you ; blast 3 to opponent is ok but you are not hyper-aggro deck, it would be strong if it can deals 3 damage to planewalker or a creature ; +1/+1 reach is situational - Vines of the Recluse. There are better spells I think who can play main deck.
Act of Treason on sideboard against ramp decks. Attack with his Ulamog lel
Tormenting Voice for draw can be nice card no? or maybe Abbot of Keral Keep or Sin Prodder
Why not include Lightning Berserker even it is not a werewolf ? I think you have not enough drop-1 and this guy can instantly deals huge damages ! Win-condition card, one more Wolf of Devil's Breach as you have lot of cards 2-3-drop. Playing this wolf + atarka is ok. You can even go to Burn from Within to finish opponent or exile a creature, as some decks are playing with graveyard.
Sage of Ancient Lore Flip If you play some cards to draw, you can consider this guy. His turn up makes him also usefull vs slower decks. Maybe be on sideboard ?
What do you think about these suggestions ? I would see a werewolf deck being competitive until next expansion.
April 28, 2016 8:21 a.m.
Bizarro_Stormy says... #17
BlueEyes That was my take on it. One of my favorite things about this deck is that it doesn't rely on the cards flipping, and therefore your tempo can't really be screwed if the other player casts two or more spells during their turn, and you're not limited in the number of spells you can cast either. Reason two for liking this is that, while not currently a tier 1 deck as you said, it has huge potential when Eldritch Moon drops, and no big impact to the deck when Dragons rotates (I've had issues with this in the past). Thirdly it's just cool flavor and synergy. I mean come on, Arlinn Kord Flip leading a pack of werewolves!
April 28, 2016 11:11 a.m.
Ragham: Dual Shot has more purpose than just reaction to humans and token, in many many cases I have receive 4 power for 1 mana off Dual Shot and with Howlpack Resurgence 6 power trample for 1 mana. Its a card at first I also thought was useless, but has come up on top a lot, even just for the extra 2 trample damage it lets through. All this game is, is stack/trigger manipulation.
Kessig Forgemaster Flip: I have considered, I just haven't tested it as much as I wanted too, the only issue for me is its low toughness, so it would be sided out a lot versus even token decks because of Kozilek's Return. The effect on it is great, just probably gotta find room for it to shine.
Lambholt Pacifist Flip: I do have to disagree with, its not as useless as people think. In fact It has won games on its own plenty, even against mono-white humans, bant coco, b/g tokens, gw tokens, etc. Forcing opponents to dump their hand is actually one of the purposes I enjoy this card, it helps force them to react, paired with Howlpack Resurgence,Arlinn Kord Flip, etc etc. It's actually quite a force to be faced with, with a nice clock.
Lightning Berserker: I do agree this deck needs more 1 drops, but lately I have noticed with this mana base, more times that none (probably just bad luck on my part) i have had turn 1 tapped land unless I hold Village Messenger Flip.
Atarka's Command: Its better than Vines of the Recluse in all situations. It has double block potential, in most if not all attack situations, it deals 5+ damage for 2 mana, which is quite relevant in closing out a game and has double block air contron instead of just a single creature like Vines of the Recluse.
For card craw: I would personally go for Sin Prodder, since it deals damage if I dont get the card which actually could also help me indicate if they let me have it, then they have a reaction to the card they gave me. Gives good info, I will consider it.
Wolf of Devil's Breach: Seems like maybe a 1 of, maybe 2 in the right set up.
Sage of Ancient Lore Flip: Not gonna lie, not a fan of this werewolf in standard currently, except in my mono-green EDH deck.
I can see werewolf being competitive soon, but for now its many, many different combinations of cards that all need testings and refining...Pray to the Moon.
I do like the suggestions and I will test them out, if I do add Lightning Berserker, Kessig Forgemaster Flip and Sin Prodder. I would remove Atarka's Command, Lambholt Pacifist Flip and Howlpack Resurgence.
April 28, 2016 3:45 p.m.
CapitonMurfish says... #20
Hey there guys. Been looking at the deck and had some suggestions I wanted to see what you thought blue eyes.I played at my local shop last week and, found that everyone was pretty much netdecking the top 8 and trending meta. So I jumped in with a heavier version of red deck wins. All the creatures were 3 drops and had haste with the exception village messenger and Thunderbreak and some slight burn to bring the opponent to the whim of my top deck. The deck I played was borrowed, and I went through most the meta such as G/W, B/W,B/G, U/R and even some spirit and zombie brews I've seen trending on the internet. I got third, but thing was that I didn't have anything special, just played close to the ground and to the tempo of haste and burn.
So I later saw this list and wanted to ask what you would think adding Surrak, the Hunt Caller over kessig. Even though he's not a werewolf, jumps away from the theme and cmc, he still synergizes with up to 8 of your human werewolves not including running the deck like regular with the partisans, and also leaving you not to play into spells for haste. I kinda feel this would build a clocking mechanic into the midgame nicely as you could keep up the pressure with pause for you werewolves to change and keep them as heavy threat with your pumps.
The hardest time I think I had was with b/w. Mainly due to lifelink, but atarka takes care of that in your deck.The Another point is more burn. I'm not entirely sure where to put them in this deck, but burn makes could wincon when creatures can't get through. I personally was a fan of crater claw, but now when have Burn from Within. I feel that coupled with impulses, and etc.. would make good additions, I just wouldn't know where to put them in a deck this tight.
April 29, 2016 1:42 a.m.
CapitonMurfish: More burn wouldn't go into this deck in its current state, Surrak, the Hunt Caller however giving haste alongside Arlinn Kord Flip's +1 (nonwolf side) could be entertaining, but I actually already use Arlinn Kord Flip more for her hasty tactics and then flipping once they are in burn range for -1 on wolf side or need to get bigger trample damage.
April 29, 2016 11:19 a.m.
AlCelestino says... #22
Hi !
Why did you put Nissa over Atarka's command ? i know her -2 is permanent but i feel like it's too slow because you can use it only one time before turn 5 and i don't really like her +1 in the deck and you have nothing against lifelink and flying in mainboard now. To make her +1 interesting, i would put a few Cryptolith Rite as you have a lot of creatures, but i dk what to replace for itI would've kept the 4th Moonlight Hunt too, as you don't have any removal except transformed Arlinn.
I feel like the deck would just lose in 4/5 turn against izzet or anything faster than it. However, Nissa seems better than atarka's command against blue control.
April 30, 2016 6:25 a.m.
Hey, first of all very nice deck. So i played both this version and the zada version clayperce made at FNM. I like this version more it feels more flexible and solid, with Zada i feel to much reliable on that combo. So last night i played this version the old One without the kessig and nissa etc. I went 3-1 the only thing i had al struggle with was r/g eldrazi ramp. Ended up 1-2 Against this deck, my biggest problem was the board clears kozilek and chandra flamecaller. I had no answer for this, even with evolutionary leap. Mayby a to slow start or better choices on mulligans. I would love some info about that, and also then New changes uve made. I see dual shot sideboard that won me many games, and about kessig i dont know she seems to squishy. Nissa defently an upgrade thumbs up for that. I see that u added another evolving wilds, i really dont see the point of having 3 of these but i would love to hear your ideas behind all of this. I defently keep playing this deck after yesterday im sold :) thanks in advance
April 30, 2016 10:34 a.m.
AlCelestino: Atarka's Command is one of my favorite cards, but I noticed it was sub par in this deck, if I side it in more, then I will put it back. I took out 1 Moonlight Hunt because for some reason I always had too many in hand (weird to say right?) probably gonna have 4th in sideboard. I personally just keep hoping Eldritch Moon has more wolf 1 drops to speed up this deck and make it better than just a tier 2 deck.
Mjs: Thanks, I try to go for consistency over reliability. Dual Shot back into the side personal choice I hate to put back, but my meta is moving away from 1 toughness, but when I do face it, I can side it. Nissa, Voice of Zendikar was because of Kozilek's Return and other things such as Languish. Last night I got all my creatures to 5/5 fairly quick, well the Lambholt Pacifist Flip was the quickest, and wot on a very quick clock. The third Evolving Wilds is just there because I couldn't decide between Mountain or Forest and 4am in the morning and wanted to sleep, it wont stick around.
April 30, 2016 11:19 a.m.
Hi again, im about to send a New order out for some missing cards. Any update? Card changes, and Mayby a dumb question but how does westvale abbey perform in this deck instead the 2 evolve. Sac some tokens Mayby low cost creature for big threat. Thanks in advance
hamiam says... #1
Well done +1
April 25, 2016 11:26 p.m.