Bad Bogles 2: Back in Black -- $8 Hexproof (M19)
Thank you for the tips Blaine. New to MTG and just liked the cheap pricetag and use of cartouches+ambition is pretty satisfying to use. I will use this as a starting point and sub in cheaper/better creatures going forward. I didn't know Invisible Stalker existed I will look to get him soon. I like Thrun's regenerate as he keeps all his auras. His can't be countered ability is fun to use against blue decks with a lot of counters
December 5, 2017 6:38 p.m.
Hey I made some adjustments for my meta, and based on my collection.
I have a copy of carnage tyrant. I keep all the trials. I down 3 copies of behemoth and add in an additional negate + fatal pushes depending on the matchup. Ill be trying out apetite for unnatural, - just got my copies. I am playing against a favorable fliers deck that ixalan binding my cartouches.
The black cartouche is what they usually target as the life gain is bannanas.
December 5, 2017 10:52 p.m.
amurphy1893 says... #4
Has anyone considered running 2 Carnage Tyrants and 2 Striped Riverwinders? Does this still fit the theme? :)
December 5, 2017 11:13 p.m.
I tried Striped Riverwinder in an earlier build but I found I was basically always cycling it. Seven mana for a 5/5 Bogle is really, really bad, and getting there takes forever. If I'm going to have to pay significantly more mana than a Jade Guardian, I want to at least get on-curve stats.
I haven't actually tried Carnage Tyrant since I don't own any on MTGO, but I can't imagine it would be anything less than a strict upgrade to Scaled Behemoth.
December 7, 2017 9:33 a.m.
amurphy1893 says... #6
Gotcha. I tried it and found the cycling was nice... I just never actually played it so... lol
December 7, 2017 9:37 a.m.
Yeah, that's the thing about including Cycling cards: unless you're going to actually cast the card at least 50% of the time or you have a bunch if discard synergies to trigger, all it does is slow you down. If you're never going to cast Riverwinder, then Hieroglyphic Illumination or even Curator of Mysteries would be strictly better since you might draw two cards off the former sometimes or get an efficient flyer off the second, if that's what you need.
December 7, 2017 9:44 a.m.
I am planning to take this to my local fnm. Sideboard considerations for me (based on my meta): Gifted Aetherborn for vs agro (will not be cartouche targets... or maybe?) Fatal pushes.
December 22, 2017 8:53 a.m.
Good luck! Gifted Aetherborn is a great card, though you may have trouble casting it on time unless you also upgrade the Mana base.
December 22, 2017 10:18 a.m.
MrFluffyWaffles says... #10
I've tried this deck against my friend's mostly-finished Standard decks and done pretty well. However, I've had more luck by adding a certain card:
I've loved playing Curious Obsession in this deck! It's excellently cheap at just one blue mana, gives +1/+1, and helps fix the card draw problems of the deck because of how cheap every spell is.
Overall, fun deck. A little slow at first, but if you don't miss a mana drop for the first 4 turns, there are enough spells to keep you safely above 10-15HP. Then once that beautiful black Cartouche is on, woah baby.
February 5, 2018 1:07 p.m.
I was thinking a bit and maybe it could be better but I'm not sure. If you took our Essence Scatters and Negatesand put in 4x Cancels and 3x Curious Obsessions or 3x Unsummons :)
February 19, 2018 1:09 p.m.
Why not make this deck with a Bant or Abzan build with Sram, Senior Edificer? He's a great card draw mechanic since you are running 12 auras
March 8, 2018 10:55 a.m.
Abzan is not the way to go, I think. We really need access to counterspells to deal with sweepers.
I could see a case for Bant, using Squire's Devotion as our lifelink aura. This also gives us access to Adanto Vanguard as a virtual 2-mana Bogle; we're way worse against Moment of Craving, Unsummon, and Vraska's Contempt but that may be a worthwhile risk for getting on board so much faster. I'm not even sure if we'd want to bother with Sram, to be honest; it dies to virtually any removal in the game and our opponent will be happy to find targets for their Fatal Pushes and Magma Sprays.
The main downside of Bant is that it loses Trial of Ambition, which is a seriously fantastic card. Getting to cast and re-cast Trials is a huge advantage to Black, plus you have access to better removal if you decide to raise the budget.
Still, it might be worth testing this other build. Any Simic-base color combination could reasonably run Bogles at the moment.
March 8, 2018 11:45 a.m.
Awesome budget deck, my only suggestion would be to sideboard all Negate, I would only use these against decks that also use counter spells or with card advantage spells. And then add The Eldest Reborn for more control and getting your hexproof creatures back after forced discard or counter spell. Gonna try this one MTG Arena :) And maybe some Trial of Knowledge to deal with mana flooding and not drawing hexproof creatures.
July 19, 2018 3:30 p.m. Edited.
Yep, I've been playing this on MTGO ("Just for Fun" room) for a few months now with various tweaks. It's not going to be Tier 1 or anything but it does pretty well and is awfully fun. I can't stress how big of an upgrade Vine Mare was, though. The deck is so much better with it as our centerpiece.
Glad you like the deck!
I've found there to be enough targets that I'm never unhappy with Negate. Virtually every deck runs some number of important noncreature spells and I like to be ready for them. It's possible that Syncopate is a better option in this slot but we're not a true Control deck so I don't want to have to leave too much mana open.
The Eldest Reborn is an interesting thought. Rise from the Grave would likely be better for us (Liliana, Death's Majesty does this effect best, she'd just explode the budget). We already have Trial of Ambition as our edict effect and we really can't afford to wait 2 turns to get a Bogle back, if that's what we're doing with 5 mana. With 12 cards in our deck that do literally nothing until we get a Bogle down, speed is our priority. That said, I'd rather just double-down on the counterspells to force a Bogle through since we're already in Blue.
I tried Trial of Knowledge way back when I was first putting this deck together and I really didn't have much success with it. It's just too darn clunky, plus it's hard to make room for card advantage without going down something important like our control suite or auras. Opt is unassuming but it's felt like the right balance between card filtering and efficiency for our purposes. That said, Anticipate is back in the format and I haven't given it a try yet so maybe that would be better. Either way, it's very important to filter at instant speed so we can keep up our countermagic.
In any case, good luck with your brewing! Let me know if you find a recombination that hums.
July 19, 2018 4:18 p.m.
I use Trial of Knowledge to draw Cartouche's for Trial of Ambition and Hexproof creatures and remove any lands when I have 4-5 in play for card advantage. It works like a charm! I just used it to discard a Vine Mare after playing The Eldest Reborn earlier to revive it haha
My only issue is getting the right colors as it uses 3 different ones... I tried to make it 2 color but that just doesn't work :O
July 19, 2018 4:33 p.m. Edited.
EvilArcher85 says... #18
This deck Makes it really fun to watch the person sitting across from you have a complete meltdown because they can’t deal with your creatures... saving the Essence Scatters for potential creature threats and mowing over the smaller ones is more than satisfying. Opponent has hexproof or indestructible? GTFO, Trial of Ambition handles it with the amount of car touches constantly in your hand. I’ve been playing this for a minute and I made one slight change, I dropped to 24 lands, cutting one Hashep Oasis and also cut one Cartouche of Ambition to the sideboard and removed a Crook of Condemnation, and added a Jade Guardian and a single Scaled Behemoth simply because I wasn’t hitting creatures as consistently as I wanted to. I also cut one Unsummon and the fourth Negate from the sideboard and added two Yahenni's Expertise to deal with go wide strategies like vampires, Merfolk, tokens, etc.Thumbs up on the build!
July 19, 2018 9:12 p.m.
Yeah, nobody's really prepared for Bogles in Standard so even though Wizards just printed a low-cost hate land for us, there's approximately a 0% chance of ever running into it.
I would strongly caution you against dropping down to 24 lands, especially while adding a 6-drop. I know shaving lands is tempting but we really need to run land-heavy to make sure we can cast a 4-drop on turn 4. That said, I could definitely see dropping maybe a Negate and Cartouche of Ambition for two more Bogles. As for Yahenni's Expertise I'm really nervous about including a double-black spell given our weak mana situation. It can be tricky even getting double-Green sometimes and we're much more heavily invested in Green. Still, if you aren't running into problems, mazel tov!
July 19, 2018 11:37 p.m. Edited.
Run Trial of Knowledge and you can go 22-23 lands especially with Opt.
And after a few more playtests with Negate I went with 2 of them. You really don't want to draw them mid to endgame when opponent has no cards in hand and they are useless vs creature heavy and control spell heavy decks.
I also did some runs with Helm of the Host, Sigiled Sword of Valeron and Forebear's Blade: The 3 drops are great to play 1 turn before a Bogle enters and the Helmet just wins stalemates. I would run those over Cartouche of Ambition any day as the cartouche sucks... I always end up playing the other 2 cartouches first. Also drawing 3-4 Cartouche's is instant loss.
And I sideboarded Knight of Malice for free wins against white. ( Seeing many cat / lifegain / angel decks )
And finally I added 4x Evolving Wilds for obvious reasons.
July 20, 2018 8:14 a.m. Edited.
I'm thinking you must be playing in a much, much slower meta than I am because I've found equipment to be painfully slow and Cartouche of Ambition to be absolutely essential for stabilizing. That said, I'm glad you've found a formulation that works for you! We all need more Bogles in our lives.
July 20, 2018 9:19 a.m.
Deck inspired me to make this beauty :)
Gonna order the cards tomorrow!
July 29, 2018 8:13 p.m.
whiterockletty says... #23
Everyone's caught on to Vine Mare and jacked up the price, but it's well worth it still :p
August 2, 2018 7:45 p.m.
whiterockletty says... #24
Scratch last, our bogle is only a buck. What happened?
amurphy1893 says... #1
Ill try out Treasure Map Flip and get back to you!
December 5, 2017 10:42 a.m.