MattOroRain says... #2
How is the Full Moon's Rise bad? It's one of the only protections from Day of Judgement and Ratchet Bomb both which set the lycanthropes back way too much considering all transformed cards have a casting cost of 0.
February 7, 2012 10:40 p.m.
Well, just took two . I agree on the mana problem, but my fear is putting too many forest and not being able to draw a quick hitter like .
February 7, 2012 10:42 p.m.
nightfall predator cant attack aftr it uses it ability, since it makes him tap.but it seems like a good deck. ill +1
I went for a more aggro approach you can look at it if you like.RG wolf
February 9, 2012 4:14 p.m.
Yea unfortunately the only real answer to ratchet bomb is to a 2 or 3 and add 1 or 2 Brimstone Volley s to round out the removal. Or better yet, add Beast Within Best green removal your gonna get, at least in standard. It'll take out everything your gonna come up against. And the stuff it won't take out you'll be crushed against anyway.
February 13, 2012 8:12 p.m.
Well, I am kinda expecting a few 's -3 ability. That way if I don't have a to see if I can shift the meta game a bit. As for taking out a couple, I have found it just as helpful for creature removal as anything else. I spend one mountain and Nightfall Predator exchanges 4/4 or better with another creature. And being it is a creature ability, I can activate it anytime I could an Instant. That make sense?
February 13, 2012 8:30 p.m.
I like it. Consider cutting out 2 for 2 Green Sun's Zenith . You can fetch almost every creature you have in the deck with it. +1 from me!
February 13, 2012 11:20 p.m.
kobold_thief says... #9
isn't the best. I've found and drop . Unless your metagame is heavy flyers right now, sideboard at least half of your s. ? Really?
February 14, 2012 9:51 a.m.
is actually a beast. Most creature removals do not effect him, including without depending on , which can easily be removed from the board when playing against any Blue and Black variant decks. The reason for no was I already have and in the mainboard. If I place yet another 4-drop in the deck, it will slow it down. As for , there is actually a lot of B/W Token decks in my metagame, so that is one of the reasons I have kept it around. Another is it acts as a creature removal for a 1 drop when the need calls for it, keeping the other player on edge of what goes on the board. Same with Delver Decks. presents a answer to the B/W decks playing in it's place, but it doesn't resolve the for the kill.
February 14, 2012 3:02 p.m.
Shrodinger says... #11
How does playing into play and those generate tokens at a crazy rate.
If you get the chance, take a look at my deck : Team Pavlov. I managed to get a pretty nice synergy going between the werewolves.
February 14, 2012 8:50 p.m.
Hmm, I misread the card. I thought it brought to your hand. That might actually be work using to litter the field. But the problem is slipping in another spell card. I could replace the Brimstone Volley for those, but I would also have to take two other cards out to make it worth my time.
February 14, 2012 9:14 p.m.
Actually, that might not work like I want. Being my deck is a blend of red and green, the advantage to only the green might work against me for pulling out and such should I have to tap into my sideboard. It is a nice thought though, and should it have been any creature, it would have had me sold. I am going to test this deck with the current build tomorrow and see where this takes me.
February 14, 2012 9:17 p.m.
You know, I actually wasn't thinking about it last night, but I have as a creature draw card if I need it.
February 15, 2012 9:04 a.m.
The Messian says... #15
If your going to run Immerwolf I would cut the Huntmasters. It an awesome card, but fits more in line with Wolf Run at the moment. In a deck like this you don't want your Werewolves to transform back. Stick the Shaman in this deck, even if you don't have an Immerwolf out it will punish them for transforming your wolves back to human. My werewolf deck looks very similar, have a look if you want to look at one that has had a lot of success. It won a game against someone who had a Blightsteel Colossus on the table!
February 15, 2012 6:09 p.m.
The Messian says... #16
Just want add, while werewolves are fun to play, DO NOT expect to win any serious tournaments with them. They are just to slow for compietive play.
February 15, 2012 6:11 p.m.
The Messian says... #17
Here is my deck, this is most likely the deck your trying to make, one of my favorites to play with:
February 15, 2012 6:18 p.m.
This is a deck I am building to take mostly to FNM. Doing well there, I might consider taking it more seriously. Honestly, I think there is a lot more about to come for werewolves to bring about them as a more dominant force. I have noticed most people try to get rid of on the field, it actually gets a card out that you want to keep flipping. If they want to flip your wolves, that is awesome and great. You can flip it back and get two shock spells for it, as well as a werewolf with 4/4 and trample. If they want to flip you back, that is a 2/2 wolf token, and you gain life. I know tonight I am tweeking it again, but that is after a friend of mine that plays a W/U/B Delver Token Deck gave me some points on how to get past spells like Mana Leak and such. He made quite a few good points and showed me there the flaws in this deck are so far. Check out the new list I am about to put up and let me know what you think.
February 15, 2012 10:35 p.m.
Shrodinger says... #19
I like the changes you did and I've been considering Corrosive Gale a lot against spirit U/W for my sideboard. I dont see that many spirits tribal in my FNM thus far, but yet again, I'm the only werewolf deck so Arc Trail is useless in the sideboard as well.
So... Many... Delver... and Wolf Ramp... Deck...
You got my +1 ! Thx for the reference to Team Pavlov
February 20, 2012 3:23 p.m.
I'm biased, but anytime I see I love seeing Batterskull along with it. I'd try to find space for one or two in either the main or sideboards.
February 21, 2012 3:23 p.m.
The Messian says... #21
I still say the Huntmasters are wasted in a deck running 4 Immerwolfs. Instigator Gang would make all those tokens extra nasty.
February 21, 2012 6:36 p.m.
@CJ: The only problem I have with is a very versatile card no matter if it only flips once due to Immerwolf actually staying on the field, or if it keeps flipping and giving your more tokens and life each and every time, and needling at your opponent with knocking off any weenies they have, and doing direct damage. It is also a card they want to stop from flipping over and over. So they either try to place two spells a turn, which only last so long as they have cards in their hand to keep him flipping, or they have to choice between giving you more life and tokens, versus taking damage to a creature and themselves. Correct me please if that doesn't make sense.
February 22, 2012 4:44 p.m.
I would sideboard the Ancient Grudge s and try and fit in Slagstorm and Birds of Paradise for a turn 2 dudes.
choasxx999 says... #1
CCR reference! (high five)
Looks like an OK deck. Full Moon's Rise
is deceptively bad, I'd replace them with Garruk, Primal Hunter
. Also, you need to fix your mana, less mountains.
February 7, 2012 10:29 p.m.