SOMEHOW, went 3-2, though one match was a buy because the guy left.
***NOTE: I played this Standard version of this deck, which means no Reassembling Skeletonss. Replacing them was another copy of Tenacious Dead and Typhoid Rats and a Desecration Demon which I am now considering adding another of.
Round 1: Vs. The Five Color 22 Planeswalkers Deck [1-2]
I don't really want to count this, and no one should blame me.
The deck worked the first game, but couldn't finish him off. Second game, I side boarded my discard-hate, but he choked on shock-lands and died. Third game, he just steamrolled.
Round 2: America Control [0-2]
First game, my deck did what it needed to do, but he countered key cards like Corrupt and Sanguine Bond and beat/burn me to death. Second round, I drew no life gain and he outlasted me.
Round 3: Buy [2-0]
The best sort of win.
Round 4: Esper Mill [2-0]
I finally hit my stride from here on. First game, I built up my field with one drops and 2 Blood Artist while he milled/played Wall of Frost. Won by Mutilate -ing the field. Second game, ended with me playing one-drops to fend off a 15/15 Consuming Aberration, praying to God for a Swamp to cast Corrupt with two Sanguine Bond on the field, which by the grace of God happened.
Round 5: Budget Boros [2-1]
Not the optimal Boros deck, but it worked well enough. First game, I drew all 3 of my Mutilates, and won with a Corrupt and Blood Artist damage. Second game, got blitzed. Third game, he drew only red mana, and couldn't go fast enough to overwhelm me. Won via Corrupt + Sanguine Bond.
The overall idea of the deck works: Damage/disrupt the opponent with annoying one-drops/discard, and win via:
Bubbling Cauldron and/or Corrupt + Sanguine Bond
Blood Artist Damage.
Regardless of the sheer jankyness, I enjoy playing this deck a lot, very fun flavor. Going to run it at FNM until Theros destroys most of it. Mainly Mutilate.