

Nope, BALL - G doesn't stand for "ball gag". It's just Black Aggro LifeLink "Gary" (Gray Merchant of Asphodel).

This extremely budget pauper deck is designed for casual play mainly but even when matched up against some top tier decks it's still fun to play. So... gather the cards and go vampiric against yor opponent! Suck his blood with lifelink and extort! Live forever thanks to Gary and leave your opponent creatures bleed out ( Stab Wound ).

Land base - pretty simple 18x basic Swamp and 4x Barren Moor because it's always nice to have cycling lands. But hey! If you don't want them - just play with 20 basics. //UPDATE// Barren Moor is great in black control deck but after some playtesting I can say that this land doesn't belong here. Sure in mid-late game ability to cycle them is great but if we draw them at the beginning of a game they will slow us down and in this kind of deck we don't want to be slowed down - so I've just moved Barren Moor to maybeboard.

Removal - Viper's Kiss and Stab Wound can be used as a removals but it's better to enchant with them creatures with toughness greater than minus on the enchantment. This cards will be counting to our devotion and Stab Wound ... it's just great to change our opponent's creature from 2/3 to 0/1 and just watch how he/she bleeds slowly every turn. There are some better removal in black, but most of them are instant speed - wich is great but not when you have Gary on your hand.

And just in case you want to write a comment about Oubliette - I know it's very good card in black devotion decks but $20 card for a $7 deck? Nope! And Viper's Kiss shutting down creature abilities and giving it -1/-1 is IMO in some cases better.

Boost: Scourgemark - adding to our devotion, +1/+0, and drawing card for just 2 mana? I'll take it. Mark of the Vampire - maybe it isn't cheap but it can help you survive till midgame when you will be able to play Gary.


- Basilica Screecher - evasion + extort = <3

- Child of Night - aggresive lifelink (but I'm thinking about replacing it with something else from maybeboard)

- Daggerdrome Imp - evasion + lifelink = <3

- Deathcult Rogue - pretty good card in this deck - adds to our devotion and can be blocked only by rouges, just enchant it with Mark of the Vampire and you have nice engine pumping 4 life from your opponent and giving it to you

- Shadow Alley Denizen - nice one drop, with her special ability draining your opponent is so much easier

-Gray Merchant of Asphodel - what can I say? MUST HAVE

I have no sideboard so I would be happy to get some feedback. While this deck is for casual play it would be nice to have some cards that could help us in diffrent matchups.

I am also considering other creatures to swap Child of Night - they are all in maybeboard. I know I will lose lifelink but Child of Night is vulnerable. Foul Imp seems good option - yes you lose 2 life but in this deck it doesn't matter - you can have 2/2 flying creature with to divotion!

I'm not really sure but I found sketch of this deck in my notebook. There are some new cards for me, so I think It's not mine deck - I must have wrote dacklist down from some website, video or maybe someone in my LGS told me about it - I can't remember. So If it's your deck - please let me know!


Updates Add

I've moved a little slow enchantments to sideboard:

Viper's Kiss and Stab Wound - They are better in sideboard. I know that they've been adding some devotion for Gary but they were too slow and and too specific. When you know that opponent have some creatures that this cards will shut down then use it in game two.

In remaning place I've added:

Bump in the Night - it's ALMOST like Lightning Bolt but it's black

Disfigure - cheap removal

Also in sideboard you can find now:

Echoing Decay - against tokens

Last Gasp and Grasp of Darkness - removal stronger than Disfigure

Now the deck is two times it's first cost but it's still budget and if you want cheaper version - just unmake changes described in this update.


Date added 8 years
Last updated 7 years

This deck is Pauper legal.

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.30
Folders Budget decks, Pauper, papa, BALL - G ($7 deck)
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