
Balthor the Graveyard Defiler

This is my attempt to build a mono-black EDH focused on Reanimation. For this job I chose Balthor the Defiled as the Commander.

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This is a Tier 3 EDH deck.

Cards actually being tested and which don't have a permanent slot:

Cards currently planned for a test:

  • Yawgmoth's Will

These cards have been tested in the past with Balthor.

  • Ashnod's Altar : I have enough altars and sacrifice outlets. Altar of Dementia is very powerful, but the other I have in my list are slightly better.

  • Butcher of Malakir : Was cut for Vilis.

  • Chainer, Dementia Master : Excellent "plan B" card, but needs more lifegain effects to be efficient. Was cut for more cheaper and faster reanimation cards.

  • Charcoal Diamond : Budget ramp option. This deck is no more budget. Balthor also favorises creature-based ramp (see Basal Sliver , Blood Pet , etc).

  • Contamination : Opponents play too many manarocks or manadorks to see a real advantage with Contamination.

  • Corpse Augur : A great card advantage stick. Despite it needs a sacrifice outlet, I prefer him over Disciple of Bolas as the latter needs another creature you want to sacrifice, which is not always the case. Moreover, Corpse Augur can target any graveyard. If your life total is too low you can choose a low-filled graveyard. Or if your graveyard is empty, you can target a bigger one. Corpse Augur was cut for better card draw options, but he's still a very cheap and effective alternative.

  • Exsanguinate and Torment of Hailfire : Not needed as I can already kill with Kokusho and Gray Merchant repeated reanimation cycles. Still, Exsanguinate can be considered a good back-up plan.

  • Havoc Demon : Not good inside a full Balthor's Reanimation. Could kill our freshly reanimated board if killed by opponent.

  • Liliana, Death's Majesty : Five manas are too slow for a reanimation spell, even if her other mods are also useful to the deck strategy.

  • Massacre Wurm : Definitely uses it if your meta is full of tokens decks. It's a very good creature, but slots are slim in the deck.

  • Mausoleum Secrets : Can't fetch Urborg/Cabal Coffers and is useless if an opponent has a grave-hate card.

  • Mogis's Marauder (tested as haste-enabler): Does nothing without a big board presence. Rarely useful with a big board presence (Gray Merchant usually get the job done instead).

  • Phyrexian Arena : Necropotence already takes its slot. Even then, Dark Prophecy is still better here.

  • Praetor's Grasp : Not enough multicolor sources in the list to actually be polyvalent. Too expensive as a ramp.

  • Rise of the Dark Realms : Great wincon, but cannot outpass what Balthor can already do from the command zone. And what usually stops Rise of the Dark Realms, stops also Balthor (graveyard-hate, counterspells).

  • Sidisi, Undead Vizier : A five-mana-sacrifice-a-creature tutor is bad compared to a 6/6 Demon or other cheap spells.

  • Smothering Abomination : Very very good card advantage source with tokens strategies. But it's colorless (Devoid) and thus can't be reanimated by Balthor. I've removed it from my list because I was always making the mistake to reanimate it with Balthor.

  • Soldevi Adnate : A bit too slow for a sacrifice outlet.

  • Spawning Pit : See Ashnod's Altar above.

  • Victimize : The reanimated creatures enter the battlefield tapped. I don't like that. I would prefer any other cheap reanimation spell over this one.

  • Volrath's Stronghold : Not in this list only because my copy is in another deck. But yes, you should definitively play it.

  • Yawgmoth's Will : Better in eggs decks. Needs lot of mana. Still good if you need more recursion for your destroyed lands and artifacts. Could come back to the list.

Please ask!


  • Do you have any ideas/suggestions?
  • Do you think cards from the maybe list should really be in the main ?

Don't hesitate to give me your feedbacks for improvements!

Note: Foils in the maybeboard denote cards I really want to add into the deck.


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Date added 9 years
Last updated 3 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

7 - 0 Mythic Rares

41 - 0 Rares

26 - 0 Uncommons

9 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.30
Tokens Harpy 1/1 B, Morph 2/2 C, Snake 1/1 B, Treasure
Folders Stefouch EDHs, EDH Ideas, EDH, Hmmm
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