Frodomouth says... #2
I would suggest taking out evolving wilds, because you can't afford lands that come out tapped in an aggro deck. Also, Blood-Chin Rager works really well with your warriors, especially if you're against another black deck, and you probably only need 18-19 lands. With that extra space you could add Pitiless Horde.
May 1, 2015 2:38 p.m.
Thank you both for the suggestions. Didn't realize how dangerous pain seer + obelisk could be! With Urborg, can I tap the evolving wilds sac and still use the mana? Or just one or the other? I may take them out all together like @Frodomouth says. Pitiless Horde and the Rager are nice and they go well with the.... uh.... theme... of the deck
I'm adding them to the sideboard and will try both next time I play. Thanks!
May 2, 2015 4:38 p.m.
Could you change the deck name to something that's not racist? Based on the comment of "the.... uh.... theme.... of the deck", I can say that racist trolling does not meet community guidelines, and it's definitely not funny.
Aside from that, 12 of your 25 creatures are not 'Warrior' type, which is not awesome with Obelisk of Urd; Hall of Triumph is half the boost for half the cost (and half the risk with Pain Seer) but the Obelisk only boosts half your creatures.
Also, consider Blood-Chin Fanatic. It allows you to throw your warriors for cheap and is synergistic with Obelisk of Urd or Hall of Triumph, not to mention that it is basically a tailor-made combo with Bloodsoaked Champion as you can attack with him, throw him before he dies to drain life, then Raid him back into play with his ability.
May 2, 2015 4:55 p.m.
Changed the deck name. Doesn't Obelisk still work because they are all humans?
May 5, 2015 8:46 p.m.
@aas911 It does, actually, good point! The only one left out is your sad, sad minotaurs. #StopMinotaurHate
Instead of those minotaurs (whose Bestow effect isn't particularly good) you could always drop Blood-Chin Fanatics in; 3/3 for 3 is solid and adds life drain. Whip of Erebos also is an inexpensive cast that adds lifelink to everything you have. If you are going to leave in the 6-drop Obelisks along with Pain Seer, having some more cards besides 2 Foul-Tongue Shriek that allow you to gain life might be a good idea, and both the Whip and Fanatics can give you sustained lifegain.
Srichar3 says... #1
Pain Seer + Obelisk of Urd is risky business, maybe 2 Hall of Triumph and 2 of something else might be safer? Also, an Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth would be nice if you're looking for mana immediately with Evolving Wilds.
+1 for an ill deck with a great name haha
May 1, 2015 2:02 p.m.