Glint-Eye Nephilim <=Banana Wurm; smiles upon 4 color control
Ok so my idea here was to pick my favorite removal cards and snapcaster to make a deck. This deck can deal with anything by way of removal and counter magic or at least that was the idea.
Ok so to play this deck you must first understand what does what in this deck, the biggest hurdle when looking at a hand is not if you have good enough cards in your hand to keep but if you have the right cards in your hand to stay alive. there is so much value in this deck it can be boggling at first.
To start off let me break down the 60 card line up:
Spot removal:
Lightning Bolt - deals with small creatures
Terminate - deals with large creatures
Abrupt Decay - deals with anything under 4 mana
Maelstrom Pulse - deals with everything and multiples when your opponent gets sly
Counter magic:
Cryptic Command - bread and butter, by far the most useful card in the deck
Mana Leak - best early/mid game counterspell
Remand - gives draw, and is a time walk late in the game
Spell Snare - deals with their turn 2 play and is a nice counter to a counter spell like Mana Leak
Dispel - costs 1 mana and deals with alot of stuff your opponent wants to do
Mass Removal:
Anger of the Gods - hits everything low and Tarmogoyf normally lives
Damnation - hits everything
Compulsive Research - best draw card for this deck hands down
Keranos, God of Storms - filtering and a wincon
Tarmogoyf - this guy will win you games, he has to be answered
Vendilion Clique - 3/1 flyer that also gives us access to discard, the value is real
Snapcaster Mage - all your spells can now be cast again. this deck is based around using snappy for extra value
Kolaghan's Command - when some one kills a creature just bring it back to your hand, instant speed discard, little bit of removal, good in my eyes
Creeping Tar Pit - gives us the mana we need and is the best all around man land for control
Another way to break up this decks spells, is by what mana cost you can Snapcaster Mage things back for
1 CMC: Lightning Bolt, Dispel, Spell Snare
2 CMC: Abrupt Decay, Terminate, Remand, Mana Leak
3 CMC: Maelstrom Pulse, Kolaghan's Command, Compulsive Research, Anger of the Gods
4 CMC: Cryptic Command, Damnation
Ok so now you know what everything is used for in the deck, now your asking how does the mana base work. The mana base is broken into 2 halves B/U and R/G if you have these 2 mana color combinations then you can play almost anything in the deck, we are playing a R and U focused deck though so if you have 3 fetches in your hand, i almost always pull B/U then R/G then U/R. it gets a little trickier when you need the UUU, BB and RR that you need to play some of our cards but i promise the mana base holds its own.
Now on to the sideboard, the things we are really weak to is land destruction and graveyard decks because they simply don't care if you counter there spells they will just get them back again later
Sideboards 15:
Crucible of Worlds - protects against land hate
Dispel - helps against control and burn
Golgari Charm - helps with tokens deck
Grafdigger's Cage - graveyard and CoCo
Inquisition of Kozilek - combo decks
Krosan Grip - just good enchantment/artifact removal
Shatterstorm - affinity no more
Spellskite - burn and some combo
Surgical Extraction - combo and if a deck has a linchpin
Thoughtseize - combo killer
Tormod's Crypt - graveyard hate
"Now that you understand BANANARAMA, go my son and do the Banana Wurm's will"